Not only his head was smashed to pieces, but even his whole upper body was smashed to pieces by this stick, blood splashed out in all directions, and the shredded meat was sprayed everywhere. Even though the people in black were all selected, they were shocked to see such a cruel scene!

This is a living man. After one stick, it turns into a pair of meat and mud Is that terrible?

However, as if he didn't feel the same, he saw the broken meat all over the ground, which added to his cruelty. He even grabbed the iron bar and rushed to Chen Yufan again!

Several men in black ran over, and Kanu swept with a stick. What's more, all those who were in front of them were smashed by a stick. They were either broken tendons or broken heads. The whole person was just like a prison blood demon, which was unstoppable!

Just a few breathing time, card Nu has rushed to Chen Yufan's body, holding up the iron bar, smashing down fiercely!

Facing the iron bar which is thicker than his own arm, Chen Yufan's head turned to the left, and the hat on his head fell down, but showed a young face!

Seeing this young face, Kanu's face changed greatly. Isn't this Chen Yufan in the information? Can't Chen Yufan be so young?

"Bang!" The iron bar smashed on the shoulder of the word, and a click was heard immediately. The shoulder bone of the man was smashed to pieces in an instant, and the whole half of his body was sunken. A sad cry came from his mouth!

At this time, several men in black had already rushed to karnu's body, with their swords in their hands, and stabbed him directly into his back!

"Hiss!" There's a long scratch on the body!

The huge pain made Kanu grin. He grabbed the iron bar and swept back. He forced the man in black back. Then he turned to escape!

At this time, those who went to the purple house have returned one by one, more than a thousand people are running towards this side!

"Don't let him go, catch him alive!" At this time, in the back of the crowd, a man in black also said!

Hearing such a sound, everyone was stunned, but there was a flash of light in Kanu's eyes. This guy was Chen Yufan. However, there was no sign of depression on his face. Instead, he grinned at Chen Yufan. The smile was strange, and then his tall body turned to escape!

Seeing Kanu's strange smile, Chen Yufan's heart leaped. At this time, he suddenly found that he had not seen Ye Xiao's figure!

At that moment, a cold chill came to his bones, and his back was suddenly shocked with cold sweat. The instinct that once hovered between life and death made his body rush forward at full speed!

"Hiss!" Chen Yufan's back was almost wiped by his back. If Chen didn't rush forward at last, the knife would have split his head in two. Even so, the knife still made a long blood mark on Chen Yufan's back. The blood flowed quickly and dyed his clothes red, but Chen didn't care Get these, the body a roll, jump to the front!

Ye Xiao, who is holding a throat sealing knife in his hand, doesn't know when he appears behind Chen Yufan, so he has to rush to make up for it. However, a man in black who has been staying beside Chen Yufan has already responded!

Instead of rushing at Chen Yufan, he drew a knife directly from his waist. The short knife, which was only one foot long, turned into two feet in his hand, and then he chopped it directly towards Ye Xiao!

There is no blade, no light, and no breath of the sword. This knife is just like the delicate hand of a 28 year old girl. However, ye Xiao, who originally jumped at Chen Yufan, felt a tremendous pressure. This is not a knife that ordinary bodyguards can wield!

As soon as his wrist turned, the knife that had been cut at Chen Yufan was directly protected in front of him. Then, he heard a clang. The knife of the other party had been cut on the back of his knife. A terrible force broke out in an instant, and even the bright blade was completely blooming at this time!

Just as if the repression just for this moment in full bloom!

Yes, it's in full bloom!

Originally, it was just a knife, but in this moment, the tip of the knife broke out like a lotus flower. It turned into countless petals and shot out towards Ye Xiao. Facing such a strange knife, ye Xiao's body quickly retreated. But even so, his arm and abdomen had been hit by the knife, and his arm was a little better, only a blood was drawn Mark, but the belly was stabbed by the petals or the fragments of the blade, and the whole was gone!

"Liu Yidao, if you kill him, you must kill him!" Chen Yufan has already got up from the ground, and quickly retreated back, while facing the pair of Ye Xiao's hands, he said!

Liu Yidao? When ye Xiao heard the name, his face changed slightly, and his pupils shrank suddenly!

There has been a saying of "South fist and North leg" in Chinese martial arts since ancient times, and the Liu family is one of the martial arts families representing the North leg. Ten years ago, a martial arts genius appeared in the Liu family, but that genius was extremely cruel. Finally, relying on his own skills, he killed dozens of people, which became the biggest disgrace of the Liu family. The contemporary leader of the Liu family personally went out to clean up the door, But who knows how to be killed by that genius!However, the genius did not use legs, but used knives. He even integrated the movements of Liu family's leg techniques into Sabre techniques. He practiced a good Sabre technique, which was called Liu Yidao!

Over the years, he committed countless crimes, but no one wanted him. However, he was accepted by Chen Yufan and became a gold medal fighter under Chen Yufan!

In fact, there is no need for Chen Yufan to speak at all. Liu Yidao has already rushed to Ye Xiao like lightning. For the man who suddenly appears, his heart is also full of horror. In the face of such a strange knife, this guy can avoid most of the blades. This strength is enough to frighten. The most important point is that if Chen Yufan didn't react in time, he would have After being killed by him, and at that moment, even I didn't feel alert!

Over the years, he can lead such a comfortable life, but all depends on Chen Yufan's adoption. If Chen Yufan dies, his life will not be so easy!

Therefore, ye Xiao must die!

Seeing Liu Yidao rushing towards him, and then looking at Chen Yufan who is running away from the crowd, ye Xiao's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together. Just now, it was the best chance to kill Chen Yufan, but he even let him avoid the knife. Now there is an expert like Liu Yidao in front of him!

If only Liu Yidao is alone, ye Xiao has full confidence to kill him, but the problem is, once that happens, it will delay time. At that time, he will face the siege of dozens of people. Whether he can break through is one thing, let alone kill Chen Yufan!

Seeing Chen Yufan's proud smile and Liu Yidao's grim smile, ye Xiao's eyes are red in the twinkling of an eye. If he fails, Cheng Ren will never let him escape!

"Shua!" Ye Xiao didn't retreat, but ran to Chen Yufan's direction at full speed

Seeing ye Xiao, who did not take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but rushed towards himself, Chen Yufan's eyes were startled at first, then with a smile. All around him were his own people. After losing the best opportunity, did he still want to kill himself? It's just looking for death!

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