After dinner, Liu Yue and ye Wuqian ask to wash the dishes.

After ye Wuqian washed the dishes, they sat on the sofa in the living room, took a disc, and put them together. Just at the end of the film, Liu Yue slowly began to doze off, and she was very sleepy.

Finally, Liu Yue couldn't stand the sleepiness and fell on the shoulder of Ye Wuwei. Ye Wuqi felt his shoulder sink, and Liu Yue fell asleep. So she gently picked up Liu Yue, went to the house, put Liu Yue on the bed, pulled the quilt for her, and quietly closed the door and left.

Then, ye Wuqian returns to the living room, turns off the TV, and takes a bath in his room and sleeps in the past.

Time passed quickly, and it was three days later. Three days later in the morning, after ye Wuqian sent Liu Yue to the bar, he was about to follow Liu Yue into the bar when suddenly a telephone ring rang.

Ye Wuque answered the phone and said, "Hello, who is it?"

The phone said, "Hello, is this Mr. Ye Wuque ye?"

After hearing this, ye Wuque said, "yes, I am ye Wuque. Who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Ye Wuque, I'm from the Kyoto police station. This time I'm calling because of the last rape case."

Ye Wuqi heard that it was because of the rape case last time. He was shocked and said with a cold smile, "what's the matter? You want to slander me as a rapist again. Do you want to arrest me back?"

Liu Yue, hearing the words of rape, immediately became nervous and asked with concern, "what's the matter? Why do you still talk about rape? Isn't it over? Who's calling. "

Ye Wuqi heard Liu Yue's many questions and said, "it's the police who came to me." Hearing that it was the police station, Liu Yue immediately became afraid and nervous. She was afraid that the people from the police station called to catch ye Wumian.

"How about it? What's the police calling for? Are they trying to get you back? " Liu Yue asked anxiously. After hearing Liu Yue's question, ye Wuqian feels that Liu Yue's voice is too much, so he hisses and makes gestures to ask Liu Yue later.

Hearing Ye Wuqian say this, he said, "Mr. Ye, we were wrong in the past. I'm really sorry that our mistakes have caused the present situation. I'm really sorry. The previous judgment on your rape case was wrong. Ye Wuqian, you are not guilty. Now we have cancelled all the relevant case records of you in this police station. '"

"I called for this, but now you know where you went when you were wrong." "Ye Wuwei said sarcastically. The people in the police station there are also blushing because of these words.

"I want to ask you one thing, can I?" Ye asked.

"As long as Mr. Ye says something, we will try our best to answer it. Mr. Ye, please tell me." The police officer over there heard Ye Wuqian ask so, so he said.

Ye Wuque listened to the words, his eyes obscure, he said with a smile: "then I want to ask the police station will be because of this matter what punishment?" In fact, ye Wuqian asked this question to see if there was any royal law in Kyoto and whether there was justice.

The police officer on the other side of the phone heard ye Wuque asking about the punishment and was silent. In fact, according to the regulations of the police station, it is impossible for them to tell others so casually. However, ye Wuqian was arrested here because of his misjudgment. Moreover, he was the initiator of the matter. He told him just now that he could ask anything, so do you want to tell him now?

Ye Wuqi waited for so long, but the police officer on the other side of the phone still didn't answer, so he said, "if not, then forget it."

The police officer had been hesitating. Hearing this, he finally made up his mind and said to the phone: "the police sentence, because of this misjudgment, secretly made the director Sun Yi removed from office, and his son SUN Hao, deputy chief of criminal investigation, was removed from his post. The director general will be replaced by Han chuhua, the new comer, and Liu Shicheng, his subordinate, will take over the post of deputy criminal investigation. "

"I see. Thank you." After hearing this, ye Wuqian was very happy. Seeing that the decadent police station is expected to be revived, ye Wuxiang is sincerely happy.

"You're welcome. That's how it is now. Mr. Ye, I'll hang up first. " Said the other end of the phone. After saying that, in the leaves of the absence of a sound, hang up the phone. Ye also hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket.

And Liu Yue stood aside, see ye Wuque hung up the phone, is very nervous to ask him how. Just because ye Wuque called, she had to stop, but she had been thinking about the rape case. She was afraid that ye Wuque would be punished, so she waited anxiously.

See ye Wuque hang up the phone, Liu Yue quickly asked him, "what is the matter, why the people of the police station want to call you about this rape case, do they want to arrest you back?"

Seeing that Liu Yue was so anxious, ye Wuque wanted to tease her, so she put on her sad face, lowered her head, and said in a low voice: "they, they came to me because of the rape case. I, I..."Liu Yue saw ye Wuque in this way and thought ye Wuque was really like what she said. She couldn't help but say in a flustered way: "is it really like this? It's over."

Liu Yue rubbed her hair impatiently and kept walking around. Liu Yue suddenly thought of what was the same, turned to the leaf without lack and said: "ye Wuque, you'd better run away, or it will be too late at that time." Finish saying, want to pull leaf to go home.

But at this time, the leaf does not lack a to hold Liu Yue's hand, does not let her go. Liu Yue turns her head in doubt and looks at ye Wuque, and looks at him suspiciously. In the next moment, ye Wuqi actually had a strange smile on his face and said triumphantly: "they came to me to tell me that the previous case was wrong and I was acquitted."

After hearing the news, Liu Yue couldn't believe it. She looked at the leaf without missing one eye, some wonder son asked: "is it true?"

Ye no fault nods.

Liu Yue nods when she sees ye Wuque, and embraces ye Wuque happily. Just like this, on the contrary, the leaves are not missing, but they are also happy to hold Liu Yue and smile.

Liu Yue said happily, "it's so good. I knew you were wronged. It's really great to be released without any guilt. Now, you don't have to worry about anything. It's really good. Ye Wuqian."

Ye Wuqi also said with a smile, "yes, it's really great."

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