When Jiang Dazhou heard that those people couldn't find ye Wuque, he couldn't help scolding him. He kicked one of the leaders among them and was very angry. Seeing Jiang Dazhou so angry, the others trembled with fear.

Jiang Dazhou finally sighed in anger. Because he knows that ye Wuque is not a good character, he is very ambitious. If he is allowed to escape, the consequences will be disastrous. Jiang turned his head to the small ones: "now, you must find Ye Wuqian for me. You must find him as soon as possible. If you find him, you will kill him by the way. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles in the future. Do you know that?"

Those little guys listened to Jiang Dazhou's words and said in unison "I know", and then a team separated to look for ye Wuqi. These people are constantly looking for leaves, every place is looking carefully, but still can not find.

See really can't find ye Wuque, those then go back to find Jiang Dazhou. Jiang Dazhou was sitting there waiting for them to come back. Seeing the appearance of Jiang Dazhou, some of them didn't dare to go up. Finally, they decided to go up. Seeing their return, Jiang Dazhou asked with a smile, "have you found Ye Wuwei?" The little ones trembled and said, "Jiang Er is in charge. We still can't find ye Wuwu."

"What, you still can't find it. What do you eat?" Finish saying want to hit them, think also forget, a face of irritability. Seeing that Jiang Dazhou was so agitated, he asked, "second in charge, why do we want to catch ye Wuwu? Didn't Ye Wuqian 1 help us defeat the lightning Gang? Since he helped us, shouldn't he be a meritorious official? Besides, it's not him this time, and we can't be so smooth. Listen, so why should we arrest him and bring him here? " Then he looked curiously at Jiang Dazhou.

Hearing this, Jiang Dazhou immediately slapped the little guy and said angrily, "you bastard, you have to take care of me! I don't know who I am. "

Hearing Jiang Dazhou's angry words, the little guy immediately knelt down on the ground with a loud cry. His face was full of tears and snivels. He cried out: "Jiang Er is in charge of the family. Please forgive me. I'm eager to help the black dragon gang. Jiang Er is in charge of the house. Please forgive me. Please."

Jiang Dazhou was very angry, see him so, so a kick in the past, kick the small guy, spit a mouthful of blood to fly forward. After being kicked to vomit blood, he slowly lay up from the ground, covered his chest which was kicked by Jiang Dazhou, and coughed up. Even so, the little guy slowly climbed up to Jiang Dazhou's side and prayed for his forgiveness. He was still crying and saying, "Chiang Kai Shek is in charge. Forgive me. Please, Jiang Er is in charge. Please."

A few of his subordinates saw the little one, so he said to Jiang Dazhou, "second leader, do you want to kill him?" Seeing that he wanted to kill himself, the little one cried even more. Jiang Dazhou saw her like this, also did not have the mood, then said to the person: "OK, OK, forget it, let him go, look at his appearance, really!"

Jiang Dazhou looked at the small ones below, and those small ones bowed their heads in fear. Jiang Dazhou said to them, "in fact, I know you have doubts about this. Today I will tell you why you want to find ye Wuke and kill him. Ye Wumian did help our black dragon gang and help us to wipe out the lightning gang. This is his credit. Yes, we should also thank him. But this leaf is not a simple person? "

"Why?" "Ye Wuque is not a simple man. Why is that?" The people below heard Jiang Dazhou's words, and they all talked about it one after another. Jiang Dazhou saw this and called out, "be quiet, everyone listen to me." Hearing Jiang Dazhou's words, everyone immediately quieted down.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Jiang Dazhou then said, "Ye Wuqian is a very ambitious man. He helped us solve the problem of the black dragon gang. Maybe the lightning Gang didn't want to help us. Maybe he had his own reasons. Maybe he wants our black dragon gang and lightning Gang to fight with each other. Then when the lightning Gang is destroyed, our black dragon Gang's strength will be greatly reduced. Then he can take the opportunity to attack us and destroy us together. So now we have to find him first, catch him, kill him, then we can solve this hidden danger, you know? "

After listening to Jiang Dazhou's words, the lower ones became excited and cried out: "we will surely catch Ye Wuqian and kill him." Jiang Dazhou was very happy to see xiaoluomen so passionate. He said happily, "OK, let's go to find Ye Wuqian and kill him after finding him. Do you know?"

Just as Chiang had just finished speaking, there was a loud noise outside. It seemed that someone was coming. Hearing this sound, Jiang Dazhou thought it was ye Wuque and Liu Yue who were walking outside, so he went out from the original passage in the basement, trying to catch ye Wuque and them.

As a result, just as Jiang Dazhou was about to come out, he saw ye Wuque standing outside. See ye Wuque in the outside, Jiang Dazhou with people immediately chase up, want to catch ye Wuque.

When Jiang Dazhou came out with people, he saw many guns pointing at them. Those outside the door saw Jiang Dazhou come out and said to him, "put down your weapons, raise your hands, don't move." Seeing the guns and hearing the words, Jiang Dazhou put down his pistol, raised his hand, and faithfully did what he said.Jiang Dazhou looked in front of him and found that ye Wuque was standing there. Beside him was a group of policemen, who pointed guns at them. Seeing this situation, Jiang's face was shocked and gave up on Monday. He didn't expect to have come to this point, but it turned out to be like this.

It turned out that ye Wuqian and Xuelong would not drink after meeting, so they gave Liu Yue and Yang Ying to Xuelong, and they went back there. There, ye Wuqian immediately went to find the police in ambush there. Seeing those policemen, ye Wuqian said to the director: "the lightning gang of S has been destroyed, and the black dragon gang has lost more than half of its strength. Now we go over and take down the black dragon gang and seize Jiang Dazhou." Hearing this, the director ordered to follow Ye Wuqian to catch the black dragon gang.

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