Ye Wuque raised a pistol to the outside and rushed out, killing a black dragon gang. Luo Qi followed ye Wuque, and then came out to fight the black dragon gang.

With the passage of time, the two sides slowly from the fierce battle to the last side, most of the black dragon gang were killed and wounded. After all, the police are all elites, all of whom have been trained. One by one, one by one, hit a hundred times without missing a bullet. Therefore, the black dragon gang was killed and wounded in a short time. Moreover, the black dragon Gang also consumed a lot of combat power against the lightning Gang, and the strength of the epigram itself was very strong, so it was totally vulnerable under the efforts of the police station.

Later, there were fewer and fewer black dragon gang members. In the end, only Jiang Dazhou and some of his subordinates were left. Jiang Dazhou looked at the death of his little men one by one. He was very sad. At the end of the day, he thought for a long time and said to the police officer on the opposite side, "let's surrender and stop fighting." He then turned around and had to. At the end of the day, he said heavily to the rest of his men: "let's all lay down their weapons and surrender. Don't resist any more. Surrender directly."

"What, why surrender? Why do you want to do this?"

"Second in charge, we will die together if we don't surrender. What's the matter now?"

"Yes, yes, we are all in charge now. How can we surrender now? In this case, what can the dead team-mates do?"

After listening to these people's words, Jiang Dazhou was also very upset. He said to them in a loud voice: "enough, stop talking about it. I will surrender when I say surrender. Now all weapons will be put down. If you don't put the gun down now, I'll kill them first. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you die with me today When those subordinates heard Jiang Dazhou say this, they all called the second leader and looked at him.

Jiang Dazhou then turned his head and said to the director Han chuhua, "director, we surrender, we surrender." Jiang Dazhou said that he first raised his hand, put down his weapons, and called to the back: "you also put down your weapons, hurry up." Although the subordinates of the black dragon gang at the back were reluctant, since Jiang Dazhou had said so, they had no choice but to surrender with him and put their weapons on the ground.

Seeing Jiang Dazhou surrender, the police immediately went up and handcuffed him. When Jiang Dazhou saw those people coming up, y let them torture himself. Seeing that he had been tortured, Z said to Han chuhua, "since I have voluntarily surrendered, I hope you can let go of my subordinates. They are just because they listened to me. Just let them go. It's all because of my fault. I asked for it. If you want to blame, it's on me. You can kill my men. "

Han chuhua was very happy to see Jiang Dazhou surrender. You know, these years they have paid so much effort to catch these two lightning gang and black dragon gang. Can Han chuhua not be happy to catch them now. Hearing this, he said, "Jiang Dazhou, since you are like this, I will not do anything to them. Don't worry. I will save their lives for them, Jiang Dazhou." Hearing Han chuhua say so, Jiang Dazhou put his heart down and let those police officers arrest him and take him away.

The police officers saw that he didn't say anything, so they took him away. When Jiang Dazhou was brought to ye Wuque and Han chuhua, Jiang Dazhou saw ye Wuque, and his resentment was very serious. If ye Wuqian had not been, the black dragon gang would have been eradicating the lightning Gang, enjoying the feeling of becoming the largest gang in Kyoto. But now because ye Wuqian, their black dragon gang has been killed so many people, and even they have been arrested in this way. It seems that the black dragon gang will be finished. But all of these are the harm of Ye Wuwu, who makes himself become this way.

Thinking of this, Jiang Da looked angrily at Ye Wuwei on Monday. In passing by Ye Wuque, Jiang Dazhou stares at ye Wuque and scolds ye Wuque with a strong force. Jiang Dazhou scolded: "Ye Wuqian, you are a heartless person who betrays us. Even if the big black dragon gang has finished the task of the big black dragon gang in Kyoto, it's not because I will finish the task. Ye Wuque is all you. You shameless man, I hate you. Even if you are a ghost, I will not let you go. Ye Wuque, you wait for me

Ye Wuque listened to Jiang Dazhou's words, turned to the police officer and said, "you wait a moment, I have something to say to him." Then he said to Jiang Dazhou with a calm face: "Jiang Dazhou, have you forgotten? If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to eradicate the lightning Gang so easily. How could there be such a situation as you said? So it's because of the current situation. "

This sentence made Jiang Dazhou speechless. When he heard the words of Ye Wuque, he looked shocked. Yes, if it was not for ye Wuqian, they would not have defeated the lightning gang and would not have become the first group. But if he had not called the police, he would not have been caught by the police, and now the black dragon gang would not have killed so many people. Therefore, it is true that there is no lack of leaves for success and there is no lack of leaves for failure. Oh!

It occurred to him that he had not been here for a long time. Do not know how long after, he finally woke up, and then indifferent smile."Yes, ye Wuqian. Without you, we would not have defeated the lightning gang. But if you don't complain to the police, will we be like this. Ye Wuqian, why did you betray us? What did we do to apologize to you? Why are you doing this? "

Seeing Jiang Dazhou like this, ye Wuqi continued with a sneer in his eyes. "Why should I become this way? Why should I report to the police? It's because of your black dragon gang. Jiang Dazhou, I tell you, in fact, I've been in Kyoto for such a long time. I've known the character of the black dragon gang. Do you think you're not guilty? The people of the black dragon gang are more violent and cruel than those of the lightning Gang one by one. If such a gang can not be eradicated, then it is totally harmful to the citizens. What should you do if you hurt the citizens. That's why I'm going to arrest you so that you can't go on like this. "

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