He kept shaking his head.

"No, no!" In a word, when he said this, he did not forget to show a look of panic on his face, and at the same time, he was constantly retreating to the back.

But ye Wuxiang still reached for his wrist.

"No, ah!" Only heard a burst of scream, accompanied by the "click" sound sounded, the whole person directly half knelt on the ground, completely unable to struggle.

Leaf does not lack squat down the body, knead his face gently with the hand.

"Little brother, you are still a little tender. If you want to get a girl, you still have to find me!" While saying that, ye Wuwei directly turns around and walks to Ye Yiqin, who is also stunned.

"Are you all right?" Ye Wuqian asked her.

She shook her head and clenched her bag tightly.

"No, I'm fine!" At the same time, ye Yiqin immediately said to ye Wuque sincerely: "ye Wuque, thank you very much this time, thank you!"

While saying, she handed Ye Wu a thing. Ye Wuque took it and found it was a pink amulet!

"It's good. I didn't expect you were so young to carry this kind of thing?" Ye Wuqi just took a casual look at the amulet and did not take a close look at it. Instead, he gave her a thumbs up: "you are indeed a very distinctive girl I have seen!"

"Thank you. Let's go." Looking at a group of covetous little minions behind him, ye Yiqin is obviously afraid, and quickly pushes Ye wubu to signal them to go.

Ye Wuzhi nods and takes her forward.

But in the leaves and she just walked out a few steps, suddenly heard the black man behind the roar of discontent.

"Damn it, boy, you're so talented. Do you know who we are? I'll tell you, if you offend us, you'll soon have a lot to eat! "

Ye Wuqi suddenly stood up.

"There is no lack of leaves..." Looking at Ye Wuwei's face, a face of Seng Qi was revealed. Ye Yiqin, next to her, said with fear: "you can't be..."

Ye Wuhua nods and walks back again.

Only to hear a terrible "click" sound, the man in black immediately fell on the ground in pain, the whole body began to shake up.

It seems that he can't move any more this time.

"Ha ha, remember my name, my name is ye Wuque!" In the face of their group of people almost paralyzed body, ye Wuqi was totally disdainful and said: "if you still want to find me in the future, please accompany me at any time!"

At the next moment, ye Wuqian and ye Yiqin spent an hour on the street.

I can see that she is still a very kind girl. After all, it had just rained, and the weather was still a little cold, and ye Wumian's coat was given to her, which made her very embarrassed.

"Well, ye Wuqian, it's really cold today. Why don't we go home and have a chat when we have time?" Having a look at her coat, she said with some embarrassment: "you are living in our general manager Li's house, right? Your clothes, I'll mail them to you tomorrow!"

"No, it's for you!" I didn't expect that the leaf at this time seemed quite magnanimous. At that time, he waved to her very magnanimous, completely indifferent.

But ye Yiqin shook his head.

"No, I didn't thank you very much for helping me so much today. How could I take your clothes away?" She looks gentle, Leng is called Ye Wuqi, some difficult to refuse.

See her far away, I don't know why, ye Wuque is really quite nostalgic. Is this the so-called love at first sight? However, ye Wuque didn't believe it, even though he thought so at that time.

By the time I got back to the company, it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

Think about waiting to pick up Li Xinyi from work. Now ye Wuxiang is always sleepy. Many of them are dead on the sofa.

He started snoring directly.

This huge snore made the small drivers around him cast a strange look at him. But there is no way, ye Wuwei can't see it at all, because he is already asleep now.

"Damn it!" Looking at Ye Wuwei, he didn't put himself in his eyes at all. Ren Zhengping was obviously upset at this time.

Nima, a driver's class of Haoer, everyone is afraid of his existence, but since Ye Wuqian came, he has completely ignored his existence, and has repeatedly done some things that do not pay attention to him. It seems that he really should take good care of this boy.

Sure enough, Zhou Zhiwen looked back and saw that Ren Zhengping and a group of small drivers were still talking about something in succession. When I saw him coming, I stopped talking.

After a while, Zhou Zhiwen watched Ren Zhengping make a phone call.

In the next moment, he immediately a few steps to the leaf without missing, Leng is to push him to wake up."Cough, cough..." After a deliberate dry cough, Ren Zhengping stood directly in front of Ye Wuqian. His tone of voice was pretending to be very spiritual and said: "Ye Wuqian, this time you have succeeded in taking the bulk cargo that our company has been stagnating for so long. You have made great contributions. The manager of our transportation Department will meet you."

Ye Wuqian, the manager of the transportation department, is too lazy to see him.

"I'm not in that mood. I'm so tired to sleep first." A word finish saying, leaf does not lack at that time to continue to come down, good son sleep up his big head to sleep.

Let the moment be silent.

"Ye Wuwei, what do you mean?" In fact, the fool can now imagine, now Ren Zhengping must have an impulse to devour Ye Wuqi alive. Especially when staring at Ye Wuqian, ye Wuque can feel the huge hatred projected from his eyes.

But he didn't take it seriously at all. But at this time, the other party actually came to the door by himself.

After about ten minutes, someone came to the door of their driver's class.

"There is no lack of leaves. Who is it?" A middle-aged man with a suit, trousers and shiny hair stood at the door, staring at the office.

At this time, the leaf has been awake, but heard what the other side said, he did not lift his head.

"It's me!"

Following the voice, he looked at ye Wuque and found that it was this decadent guy. Yu Zhenghao was obviously angry.

"You are the leaf without defect? What a spectacle As he spoke, Yu happened to take a few steps to ye Wuque, staring at ye Wuque with a displeased face.

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