It was good, but at this time, ye Wuqian found that several cars in front of him were slowly stopping, and gradually approached his own car. He knew that they had come. He saw the other side's car stop, and more than a dozen young men in black suits came down from above. Each temperament turbulent, one of the leading young men, slowly into their own.

Ye Wumian knew that there was bound to be a battle, so he told Li Xinyi sitting next to him, "no matter what happens later, don't get off the bus. Sit in the car and don't care about anything." Then he opened the door and got off.

All of a sudden, Li Xinyi held out his hand and looked at him with a worried look on his face. Ye Wuqian turned his head and said with a smile, "don't worry, it's OK. These guys are not enough for me to practice. You forget, I'm the most reliable bodyguard of Xiangyuan group. How can you trust me?" Hearing him say so, Li Xinyi slowly released her hand, "then you must be careful." But I was still anxious.

The other party slowly approached the car and saw Li Xinyi sitting in the car. One of them was a young man with a handsome black suit and a pair of black sunglasses. He took off the sunglasses slowly and knocked on their windows.

"I said," if you have the ability to come down and have fun, why don't you stay in the car all the time? Are you afraid? " The young man said provocatively.

Ye Wuqian looked at Li Xinyi beside him and nodded firmly, "remember what I said just now. Don't move here." Then he wheeled the car out. The sudden opening of the door pushed the young man back.

"Why, finally willing to come out, Li Xinyi," said and walked to the front of the car. He had no choice but to stop laughing. "As long as you are willing to hand her over, as for you, I can ask my brothers to let you go

Ye Wuque smiles unconsciously. With ye Wuque's skill, how can you put them in their eyes? He couldn't help joking: "if you want me to hand over Li Xinyi, of course you can. As long as you can beat me, I promise to give them to you." Ye Wuqi, however, laughs at the young man and some suit men behind him.

The young man was even more smiling. "You are sure you beat us more than a dozen. This courage is good, but young man, you can't say too much. Don't cry at that time." The young man stammered with laughter. Said and looked at some people behind him, "you say it is." They laughed along.

And at the moment, the corner of the mouth on one side of the leaf is slightly up.

"Well, I fight with you. I'm afraid to bully you with so many people. I'm a rule-abiding person. I don't want you to lose too ugly, do I?" Then he was ready to attack.

Leaves without lack of nature seems indifferent, anyway, all the same, solve one is one. He also raised his hands, ready to fight.

The young man stepped forward with one foot, but he was turned around by Ye Wuque, who was very easy to hide. Then he attacked fiercely with his fists and feet. However, ye Wuque escaped without any pressure. This is why the young man seems a little flustered and thinks that he really underestimates the boy.

The suit man behind him wanted to help, but was stopped by the young man Zhao Yangming. "If you say I'm on my own, I'll be on my own. You'll all step down." Although Zhao Yangming is a man of yangqiong, his ambition is still appreciated. It is interesting to see him.

"Well, you've had a good time. It's time for me," he turned and gave a backward spin kick. Zhao Yangming was severely kicked in the face before he could hide. Then he fell down and was lying on the ground in confusion. Zhao Yangming, however, was not willing to be outdone. He immediately stood up and prepared to fight again.

However, ye Wuqi feels more and more interesting. He thinks that he is not a problem for dozens of problems, and often solves them quickly. Now he is interested in meeting him well.

Then, of course, ye Wuque beat Zhao Yangming to the ground. The suit man behind him looked really bad. Of course, they all came up and surrounded Ye Wuwei. Zhao Yangming fell to the ground, but he had no strength.

At the moment, Li Xinyi in the car looked at the situation, immediately flustered up, hands unconsciously clenched together, looking at Ye Wuwei with a worried face.

"OK, let's go. It's just for me to relax and relax." He stretched out his arm and rushed up to the ground with one punch from his left hand, one punch from his right hand, another handsome kick, and all of them fell to the ground in an instant.

Li Xinyi saw that there was no lack of leaves, and the heart hanging in her heart finally fell down.

At this time, the young man who took the lead said angrily: "you are finished. Do you know where we are? We are from yangqiong. If you don't want to offend us, you should hand over Li Xinyi and get away as soon as possible."

Of course, ye Wumian had already guessed their identity, but he didn't expect that they would come to the door so soon. This is not the way, "Oh? Yes, I'm really scared to death. Then I'll see who's finished. "Ye Wuque, with an evil smile, quickly stepped forward. Before Zhao Yangming reflected, he grabbed him. Then he strangled his neck from the back, pulled out a gun from his waist and pointed it at his head. Suddenly, he was too scared to move, and some people behind him also stepped back."Don't come here. I don't have eyes for this gun. If it goes wrong, I don't dare to be responsible. How can I be a bodyguard without a gun?" Then he slowly dragged Zhao Yang Ming to his car.

Li Xinyi couldn't sit in the car for a long time. Ye Wumian reached out to open the rear door and pushed Zhao Yangming in. He followed him in. The door was closed and the gun was still against Zhao Yangming's head. Of course, he did not dare to move around and had to sit quietly.

Li Xinyi was also frightened and sat there watching them motionless. Ye Wuqian looks at her. "What are you in a daze? Drive away quickly," yelled Ye Wuwei. At this time, Li Xinyi suddenly responded. She rushed to the driving position and started the car. At this time, her whole body was shaking.

But the front was blocked by the cars of men in suits, so Li Xinyi couldn't drive the car.

Ye Wuqi yelled: "if you still want your boss to live, you can get out of my way. Otherwise, I will do what I say." Then he really opened a shot in the sky. This shot scared Li Xinyi. There was a cry.

These men in suits, of course, did not dare to act rashly, so they all had to drive to make way for them to leave.

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