Li Xinyi watched Zhao Mingyang leave with his brothers. Her face was dignified and her heart was full of doubts. These people were only small forces. They were obviously entrusted by others to do things for others, and they were obviously aiming at themselves. So, who was responsible for such a murderous heart?

Seeing them leave, ye Wuqian turns to Li Xinyi. Seeing her frown and her heavy face, he knows what she is thinking. Don't want to see his beloved woman unhappy, leaf want to find a way to make her happy.

"Ouch, my dear beautiful boss, who are you thinking about? I just fought against the heroes and saved the beauty. You shouldn't reward me." Ye Wuqi deliberately squeezed out a bad smile all over his face and tilted his head to look at Li Xinyi.

The voice of Ye Wuwu comes from my ear, and I can feel back in an instant. She turns her head and looks at the enlarged Junyi's face. Li Xinyi knows that ye Wuqian's intention is to amuse herself, so she decides to cooperate with him. After all, he really considers himself.

Therefore, Li Xinyi joked: "good, this palace certainly has the reward, but now, go back home first." Then he turned to the car.

"Well, let's walk."

See Li Xinyi's face showed a smile, also happy slightly raised the lip corner. Trot after Lin Xinyi.

"That lady, do you want the villain to take you for a ride?" At this time, the leaf does not lack a face of dogleg like, completely without the original cold arrogant Jiao posture.

Perhaps, this is fate, really met, will overturn everything for it, willing to make changes for it.

Although there is no lack of leaves today, there is no danger, Li Xinyi has not been hurt, but after all, she is only a woman, today is also a shock, now she is naturally not in the mood to play.

"No, I'm a little tired. You can take me back. I want to go home and have a rest." And by the way, I'll sort out everything. Li Xinyi didn't say what she said later.

Although Ye Wuqian saved herself today, she can't tell others casually if it concerns some important people or things. As the daughter of Xiangyuan group, she has experienced a variety of things since she was a child. Therefore, people can say that she can't fully trust ye Wuwei.


On the way home, both of them were thinking about things in their hearts. For a while, the quiet atmosphere in the car was a little cold.

"Do you know who sent these men to arrest me Suddenly, Li Xinyi asked.

When ye Wuqian heard Li Xinyi's question, he knew that she must have doubts in her heart. After all, Li Xinyi, a woman with children, can occupy a high position, which definitely depends on her noble status as the daughter of the president of Xiangyuan group. We have to admit that the woman in front of her is a wise woman with beauty and wisdom.

Since she had guessed it, she didn't have to hide it. Besides, there was no harm in knowing it. She could guard against Lin Hui.

"It's Lin Hui. He wants to get you, and he wants to take your Xiangyuan group as his own."

"Damn it, this white eyed scum is so greedy. My father has given him the present high position. He is not satisfied. I will definitely stop his conspiracy."

Soon, Li Xinyi returned home, immediately drank a glass of water, still felt unable to suppress the anger in her heart.

After thinking about it over and over, he felt that the first priority was to let Lin Hui leave the company. Lin Hui was in the company, occupying a high position, second only to his father and himself. If he continued to let him stay in the company, if he did something bad to the company, the consequences would be unimaginable.

With this in mind, Li Xinyi immediately picked up her mobile phone and called her father.


"Father, it's me. You need to fire Lin Hui immediately, and you can't let him stay in the company any more." As soon as the phone was connected, Li Xinyi said in a hurry the purpose of calling.

"Xinyi, why did you say that all of a sudden? What happened to Lin Hui? Why did you suddenly let me quit him?"

"Father, Lin Hui, he..." Li Xinyi suddenly thought that she had no evidence to prove what Lin Hui had done today. She did not want to tell her father what she had been arrested by Lin Hui today, because she knew that her original marriage had brought her father a lot of troubles and troubles.

As a child, the most important thing to do is not to add less worry to your parents.

"What's wrong with Lin Hui?"

After thinking about it for a while, Li Xinyi still decided not to tell her father about today's affairs and try to solve them by herself.

"Nothing, father."

"Xinyi, you have to remember that whatever you do, you have to have a good reason. You are no longer a willful, ignorant, willful little girl. You are in the top of the group and in charge of the company's affairs. Don't you know that you should be responsible for what you say? " Li Xinyi's father was very angry in the phone lesson.

"Yes, father, I see. I will remember what you said. If it's OK, father, you'll be busy first. I'll hang up. " Frowning, Li Xinyi was in a bad mood today and didn't want to listen to her father's reprimand."Wait a minute. I'm not finished."

"Father, you say, I'm still listening." Even if upset, Li Xinyi's attitude towards her father is still obedient.

"Xinyi, I'm your father, and I won't do anything bad to you. I don't agree to quit Lin Hui because I think Lin Hui is a good child and is aggressive. People in the company have a good evaluation of him. He is progressive. He has worked hard to get to his present position step by step, which shows that his personal ability is also good. What's more, I still listen to the company People say that this boy is very good to you, and usually he cares about you. Dad wants to marry you to him

President Li Da babbled on the phone about Lin Hui's kindness. She heard Li Xinyi's brows getting tighter and her cheeks turned red. She was not shy, but was properly angry with her father.

"I don't want to marry him." Li Xinyi replied in an atmosphere.

President Li knew his daughter's stubborn temper, and he continued undaunted: "daughter, Father knows your excellence and your high vision, but you are not small after all. You still take Xiaoling. Lin Hui has never been married. I have inquired about his meaning secretly. He also has this idea. You..."

"I have something to deal with, so I'll hang up first." Do not want to listen to, Li Xinyi directly hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xinyi felt very upset in her heart. Thinking of the guy, she picked up her mobile phone and made a phone call.


"Ye Wuxiang, are you busy? I want to go out for a walk. Do you have time to go with me? "

"Well, wait for me. I'll pick you up."


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