"That's arrogant. Give it to me." The wretched man exclaimed.

Several people clenched the sticks in their hands and rushed to Ye wubu.

A stick hit him face-to-face. Ye Wuqian gently dodged with one side of his head without any pressure. He clenched his fist with his backhand and attacked the abdomen of the man who hit him with the stick. He was immediately repelled for several meters and fell to the ground, covering his abdomen and rolling and howling. The others looked at the scene, a little timid, afraid to step forward.

In their stupefied mind, ye Wuqian quickly knocked down all the people. One by one, they all fell to the ground, covering different injured parts and howling.

"Are you coming? Have you enjoyed it? " Ye Wuque clapped his hands and stood still, and stroked the creases left by the fight on his clothes.

The wretched man who just gave orders looked at the scene in front of him, and his legs were shaking with fear. Damn it, this boy is so good.

"Rubbish, a group of rubbish, get up quickly. Damn it, I'm really raising you a bunch of rubbish for nothing." The wretched man's face was angry, and he swore, and he gave a foot to the nearest Rolo.

Others quickly stand up, endure the pain, trot to the man in front of him, give him a bow to apologize.

"Boy, you're lucky today. I'm here to have fun. The people I bring are not good at it. You look like an asshole. You have the courage to wait here. I'll come here to make you look good." The man's face resentful, the flesh on the face because of emotional excitement, some shaking, extremely ridiculous.

"Cough." Ye Wuqi couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, I didn't hold back. I didn't laugh at you. I laughed at your flesh."


"Chi Chi Chi..."

as soon as ye Wuque's voice fell, he heard a strange sound coming from his side. It's like dozens of bicycle valve cores being pulled out at the same time, and the tire leaks.

Because some people make trouble, we all gather in accordance with the truth that it's not too big to watch. A lot of people were watching. Some of the onlookers understood it and couldn't hold back their happiness. However, those who often came to the audience also knew about the lewd man. It seemed that there was someone behind him, and they didn't dare to offend him. No one dared to make a sound. They had to close their mouth and the uncontrollable laughter leaked out of the teeth.

The wretched man was angry, the angry facial expression was some ferocious, but he did not dare to provoke Ye Wuqian any more. He had to say a cruel word and take his people to leave in a hurry.

"Boy, you can wait here. Don't leave. I'll make you look good later."

"Well, go ahead. I'll be waiting for you here. Hurry up. I'll take my friend home to have a beauty sleep. You know, a woman's skin is tender and she can't stay up at night." The leaf is not short of a face of complacency, finish words also excitedly to play a whistle.

Turn to see Li Xinyi is still drinking wine. I got drunk on my face.

"Are you ready?"

"No, you are very good. Don't you have to wait for those people? What's the hurry? " Li Xinyi's eyes were drunk and her head was shaking.

Ye Wuqi looks at Li Xinyi and knows that she is in a bad mood today. Well, since I brought her out, let her completely relax and have a good time. Anyway, with my own skills, I can certainly protect her.

"Well, then, I'm drinking with you. It's boring to drink alone." They raised their glasses at the same time and touched each other.

They drank wine for a while, and the other party really brought a group of people back to find ye Wumian's trouble.

The person led by him was also a fat man. A group of people came in and stood still. The other party saw that ye Wuque was still there, and his face suddenly thumped up. You're going to be unlucky. How can you be proud of yourself.

The fat guy who was beaten by Ye Wuqian pointed to ye Wuque and said to the fat man who brought him: "brother, you see, this is the boy. He even beat us like this. He looks down on us and looks down on you. You bully us so much. Brother, you must help your brother to teach this stinky boy a lesson. " The fat man's face flattered the application, bent over, and pointed to the injured place. Looking at the fat guy's appearance like a pug, he amused Ye Wuqian.

The fat man was angry when he saw Ye Wuxiang laughing at them. He wanted to call on his brother to teach him a lesson. Suddenly, he remembered that his subordinates and his brother, at least a few people, were beaten so badly. It shows that the boy has some skills in front of him. Is there someone behind him?

For a time, some of the fat people were afraid of Ye Wuwu's skills and unknown details. They didn't dare to start directly, for fear of offending the big people on the road.

After thinking about it for a while, the fat man asked with no expression on his face: "brother, everyone is here to have fun, but my brother is so serious about it that he has become a loyal flower protector. I don't know, can you tell me which way you mixed up?"

"Which one of them? Ouch, it's a little difficult for you to ask this question. I have to think about it carefully and think about it... "Ye Wuqian rubbed his hand against the smooth bottom and tilted his head. It seems that he really wants something.When the fat man heard this, he couldn't help praising himself a lot. He had to think about it for a while. Maybe he was really mixed up and couldn't remember which one to say. Fortunately, I was clever, otherwise he would offend the noble people. When the fat man boasted of himself, he was slapped hard with a word from ye Wuwei.

"Oh, I remember. I didn't mix. I always did it by myself." Ye Wuxiang looks thoughtful.

The fat man was angry and had no intention. As for ye Wuque's powerful skill, he didn't pay attention to him. He brought so many people here. Ye Wuque was just a person, and he could be afraid of him.

"Damn it, you're tired of living awkwardly. Don't you know that you're a fool here? You dare to play with me."

"Trick you? No, I'll just answer your questions. " Ye is innocent on his face.

"Somebody, give it to me. Teach him a good lesson. " The younger brothers brought by the fat man rush up, and rush to Ye Wuwei in a ferocious manner.

In the blink of an eye, a group of fat boy's younger brothers found that ye Wuque had already knocked down two people. They were shocked and instinctively retreated, but they were also afraid of the fat man, so they bravely rushed up.

Soon, even less than a quarter of an hour, there was a wail all around. Only Ye Wumei stood in the center undamaged, and no one was injured. Instead, on the ground, he lay down, all of them were brought by the fat man. They were rolling on the ground and wailing, and were beaten to death by Ye Wuqian.

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