Li Xinyi waved her hand and said in a very blazing tone, "I'm ok. You can rest yourself first."

In a word, she stood up and went upstairs.

Looking at her attractive body disappeared in the corner of the stairway, ye wumi complacent smile. Indeed, the beauty of its serious, but still quite like that.

The next day, because of the company's holiday, ye Wuqian, at the request of Li Xinyi, takes her and Xiaoling's mother and daughter out for a stroll. It was good at first, but during the meal, they suddenly met the other person who made them very unhappy, and he was still a woman.

"Oh, isn't this the so-called Miss Li Xinyi, general manager of Xiangyuan group?"

Looking back, it turned out to be a plain looking woman with a similarly ugly man around her.

Hearing their words, not only Li Xinyi's mother and daughter were startled, but even ye Wuqian, who lowered her head to eat, also put down her dishes and chopsticks. Then she raised her head calmly and looked at the two people in front of her quietly.

At this time, Chu Wenliang's eyes were almost straight.

Of course, Chu Wenliang is not the only one. Even those people who eat around all cast envious eyes towards Ye Wuqian. Obviously, being surrounded by such a beautiful mother and daughter for dinner is something that many people can't hope for at all, including Chu Wenliang.

He thought to himself that there were not a few girls that he had been involved in, and the quality was almost OK. However, compared with the beauty in front of him, he was far inferior. I can't help but think of a rich man who is not as good as a loser.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the other party's indignant look, ye Wuqian just picked up half a bowl of soup, approached his mouth, lost a mouthful, and then raised his head and took a disdainful look at Chu Wenliang in front of him.

This look really made Chu Wenliang feel uncomfortable.

"Wenliang, don't mess around!" Seeing Chu Wenliang's fist clenched tightly, Li Jiaying quickly stopped him. After seeing that the other party's anger was a little bit less, Li Jiaying walked several steps to Ye Wuqian's, and then looked at the two beauties in front of her, and said to Ye Wuqian in a sour voice: "boy, who are you? How lucky you are

Ye Wuwei's indifferent smile. Li Jiaying is also very interesting to say that Li Xinyi is a poor company's little woman, it seems that she should be her political enemy or opponent.

"No, no!" After saying such a sentence, ye Wuque also sneered at each other coldly: "if you have such a rich and handsome man as your boyfriend, you have to grasp it well, don't let other women steal it!"

"Boy, you!" Li Jiaying couldn't bear to hear that ye Wuqian, who had an unknown origin and was dressed like a loser, looked down on herself. She was just about to get angry, but after thinking about it, she held back. In the next moment, he changed his tone and said to the leaf in front of him with disdain: "boy, tell you, this little woman is my classmate. She used to bully me and hit me, but she is not a good man. Oh, you should be careful when you follow her."

That's a really sour remark. Not only is Ye Wuxiang unable to listen, but also Li Xinyi and Xiaoling can't help it.

"Li Jiaying, I think you should make no mistake. This is our own business. Why should you worry?" After all, Li Xinyi is still a good girl who is knowledgeable and reasonable. Speaking of her words, she is still so orderly. But there was a hint of hostility between the words.

"Yes, yes, it's none of your business, really!" Xiaoling also in the side of the blind, but her tone is obviously much harder than Li Xinyi: "really, dare to say my mother, I look down on you!"

During this period, ye Wuque seems to be a pair of ears do not listen to the appearance of things outside the window, head down, eating, a bit of nothing between them.

Li Jiaying did not speak, and Chu Wenliang was stunned. At the moment, he really believed that the two little women were really wearing the same pair of trousers with Ye Wuwei in front of him!

"I don't understand. What are you guys for?" Chu Wenliang walked up to the two of them. They looked at each other and said stiffly, "let's talk to him. Ladies, please don't interrupt, OK?"

At this time, he didn't want to take care of so many. Although the two in front of him were beautiful women, they were not happy to see a man pretending to be forced in front of him, and they were still protecting him.

Extreme discomfort.

"You Xiao Ling is very unhappy. This is the first time a man has spoken to her in such a vicious way in front of him. He stood up from his seat. What else is she going to say, but she has been pulled down by her own mother,

"Mom, why are you pulling me? Hum Xiaoling was unable to defend herself and was pulled back to her seat by Li Xinyi. She looked at Chu Wenliang in front of her, then turned back and snorted coldly to Li Jiaying.Ye Wuwu smiles. At the next moment, he stood up and walked towards Chu Wenliang in a few steps. I don't know why, but Chu Wenliang began to retreat slowly.

"My friend, do you have any opinion of me?" Ye Wuqian looks at the other party with a cold tone. That tone of voice, with Li Xinyi at the beginning with him when completely have a fight.

Just such a sentence made Chu Wenliang speechless. He meditated for half a moment and calmed down.

"Boy, where did you get that courage?" At this time, Chu Wenliang took out a hand and pointed at him with a high air. That look, it's very annoying!

"This has nothing to do with you." Ye Wuwei looks at Li Jiaying, who is standing behind the other party. She is also very angry. She can't help feeling a burst of unprecedented pleasure.

"Oh, stinky loser, what a bad luck!" At this time, Li Jiaying suddenly came forward and took Chu Wenliang away. At the same time, with a burst of reproach, she said to him, "what can we argue with such people? Lower our status!"

"My friend, you seem to have said it too hard!" Originally, it was flat and light, but after such a sentence rang from behind, the whole scene seemed to be shocked.

Surprisingly, it was Li Xinyi who said this. At the moment, she put down the dishes and chopsticks in her hands, and then came step by step. At least it's a rich family. Every step of the way is so elegant and has temperament. In addition, his proud face shocked everyone present.

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