Seeing that the victory and defeat have been divided, everyone sobbed and gradually left the venue. Chu Wenliang was dissatisfied with a lot of discussion and noise.

"Hehe, Chu Shao was defeated in such a big scene, and he was still completely defeated. Now he has to lose face and throw himself to the house!"

"Yes, we have so many audiences, at least tens of thousands of people. Now that we have lost face in front of so many people, we Chu Shao is very angry."

"Hahaha, what can I do? He's not asking for trouble himself?"

"Ah ha ha, it is, too!"

It may be that Chu Wenliang was quite dissatisfied with the content of their conversation. In the next moment, Chu Wenliang's blue veins burst out on his forehead, his whole body trembled, and he clenched his fist in indignation. His hatred seems to be burning to the top!

"Chu Shao, Chu Shao, are you ok..." At this time, a few of his men in a hurry to come. They held Chu Wenliang, who was somewhat unable to hold on, and cried out in horror.

"Get out of here Seeing them rush up, Chu Wenliang knocked down one of them with one punch and the other one. When he wanted to continue to attack them, a few remaining coaches in the stadium came to persuade him.

"This gentleman, don't fight, don't fight Just one game, no big deal! " They all seem to know each other's identity and know that he is a famous dandy, and they dare not offend him too much. Although it was a fight, but that tone, also did not dare to be too hard.

"Oh, mind your own business!" Chu Wenliang glared at them, kicked the people on the ground, and went out with a fierce look.

"Chu Shao, Chu Shao..." A large crowd followed.

A group of people walking on the road, ye Wuwei is particularly cheerful. For some reason, a different sense of superiority than he was born with occupied his whole body. For the first time, he was willing to make people he hated so embarrassed. Especially for such a wanton dandy, he felt that he should be punished like this.

"No leaf, no leaf!" At this time, there was a burst of shouting behind him.

Ye Wumian looks back and finds that it's Xiong Xue. She quickly walks towards him with a smile on her face. Ye Wuqi was embarrassed for a moment and said to Li Xinyi, "Li, you go first. I have something to do!"

Li Xinyi nodded and watched him go. She took Xiaoling back.

"What's the matter?" Came to bear snow, leaves without lack of pretended calm asked: "something?"

"How did you do it?" Xiong Xue was the first to ask: "look at you like this, I thought you could do nothing, so powerful!"

Ye Wuqi was elated immediately, and his tone became loud.

"Hehe, I don't believe me until now." Ye Wuqian sat down, picked up a straw like thing on the ground beside him, held it in his mouth, and then said excitedly, "we are in danger right now, believe it or not?"

"What do you mean?" Xiong Xue looks back at him in surprise and looks around at the same time. At this time, she seems to see something, pupil immediately become big!

At the same time, there was a loud noise somewhere behind me. It was the sound of a group of people walking and running. Ye Wuqi didn't look back. He heard one of them say to the other: "brother Liang, look, that boy is there!"

"Get up!" See the leaf without lack still motionless appearance, bear snow quickly pushed him: "see, you like to show off, and cause trouble again!"

"No way, I don't want to!" In a word, ye Wuqian shrugged his shoulders at once.

In the next moment, he looked up lazily, and then stood up in front of Xiong Xue. Just as the other group of people also came to the front, one of them did not say a word, directly hit a fist!

"That man, be careful!" Bear snow was immediately surprised, mouth unconsciously issued such a sentence. At the critical moment, she couldn't even remember the name of Ye Wumian.

Ye Wuqi smiles and doesn't put them in their eyes. In the next moment, he slightly side of the body, allowing the other side that a cruel fist, from the tip of his nose to wipe the past!

In the next moment, he quickly put his hand and punched the opponent in the nose. Although his strength does not use much on purpose, but still let the other side ache to death, straight back several steps!

"Shit, it's useless!" Chu Wenliang kicked over the little brother directly and stepped forward quickly. He stood in front of Ye Wuqi, and suddenly looked at him with a look of contempt and said, "Oh, well, ye Wuqian, you mother, you still know kung fu? I really despise you

"Yes, how are you, surprised?" Ye Wumian looked back at Xiong Xue, who was stupefied to be like a wooden man. Suddenly, he said to Chu Wenliang, "if you want to come, come, who is afraid of whom!"

Chu Wenliang clenched his fist tightly.

"Damn it, boy, you really want to die!" A word said here, he immediately and quickly toward the leaf without lack rush up, at the same time a fist toward his chest to hit.A little dodge in the past, the leaf does not lack a smile to him.

"Hey, no hit!" A word said here, he immediately said to the Chu Wenliang: "brother, your strength is not enough, speed must also be accelerated!"


"Damn it, boy. What do you mean, is this preaching labor and capital?" Hearing Ye Wuqian's remark, Chu Wenliang was immediately upset: "Damn, what's the relationship between you and that woman named Li Xinyi? Damn it!"

Ye Wuque shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent.

"She's my boss. What's the matter with her?" A word said here, ye Wuque triumphant smile: "Hey, but she seems not to see you, there is no way

It was good at the beginning, but ye Wuqian immediately angered Chu Wenliang after saying such a thing. He yelled at ye Wuque directly, and the second fist hit him in the face.

Ye Wuque immediately smile, let that fist, and then a fist back in the past.

Only heard a burst of "ah" scream, immediately fell to the ground bloody.

"Chu Shao, Chu Shao!" Seeing Chu Wenliang lying quietly on the ground, those little ones felt that the big event was not good. When they were ready to say something else, ye Wuqian had already left.

"Beauty bear, let's go!" In a word, ye Wuque and Xiong Xue left immediately.

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