Ye Wuqi looks at Lin Zixin in front of him in surprise. To be honest, he thought she had changed a lot. Before knowing her, she was just a silly little girl, but now she has evolved into such a resourceful girl.

I'm afraid it's all because she has been with Li Xinyi for some days.

Although I want to think so, but ye Wuque did not say, just nodded.

"Well, it should be But don't worry, sister. I know that they just want to make a profit. However, the means are not mature enough. " In fact, ye Wuxiang also knows that everyone knows it well. It's just because of the relationship on the road that it's not good to tear one's face. Tearing face is not good for Wen Qing, ye Wuwu, Li Xinyi and others.

After all, he hasn't reached the point where he wants to work directly with them. Although Ye knows, they are not my opponents.

"Wait, two!" When ye Wuque was about to drive away, several small voices came from behind.

Looking back, I found that the leader was the one standing beside Wen Qing. At this moment, he brought more than a dozen people to chase after ye Wuwu.

Waiting for his answer, ye Wuqian and Lin Zixin did not speak.

"Two, our boss Wen has already arranged a banquet. He wants you to stay and have dinner together."

I didn't expect that ye Wuwei was just waving to him, totally blind.

"Tell him, don't worry, we still have something to do now, goodbye!"

"What if it's about Miss Li..." All of a sudden, he said something like this. As if he was deliberately trying to see ye wumi's reaction, he was waiting.

Ye Wuque and Lin Zixin look at each other, or decide to go back.

On the way back, ye Wuqian thought about a lot of things. In fact, part of what Zhou Zhiwen told him at the beginning is still fresh in his memory.

At that time, he was successfully released from prison.

Because Li Xinyi and ye Yiqin went directly to the director's office with their lawyers, threatening the director and others and forcing them to release them. It has to be said that Li Xinyi shocked ye Wuhuo in this incident. Although she is just a small woman, but in the treatment of friends, she did very manly.

This is a lot of people can't compare!

"How are you, Mr. Ye?" In the car, Li Xinyi looked back more than once to see ye Wuwei.

Ye Wumei shakes his head.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine!" Ye Wuxiang may be embarrassed by her frequent concern. She asked Ye Yiqin, who was sitting next to him, "assistant ye, what about Zhou Zhiwen, who hasn't been to work for a long time since he was injured. How is he now?"

Ye Yiqin nods.

"It's OK. Zhou Zhiwen has come back now. It's just because of his injury that he is still at home

Ye no fault nods.

"It seems that I have to visit his house!"

"Visit?" A word said here, ye Yiqin suddenly understood. She nodded to Ye Wuwei, and then did not say so much.

After separating from Li Xinyi and ye Yiqin, ye Wuque goes straight to Zhou Zhiwen's home.

After a minute of banging on the door, someone came to open the door.

"Are you?" After a look at ye Wuque, Zhou Zhiwen's father remembered that ye Wuque had been here last time, and immediately invited him to his home.

Ye wumi enters the house.

Inside, as well as outside, the furniture is very shabby, and the floor and wall are not painted, so it looks rather dilapidated.

"Where's Zhou Zhiwen? Is he OK now?" Ye Wuwei asked Zhou's father as he walked.

Zhou Fu sighed heavily.

"Well, the child is still lying in bed. He has a lot of injuries!"

Ye Wuqi saw this week's father's appearance is not very strong, at that time some wonder son. Especially waiting for him to come to Zhou Zhiwen's room, he was immediately surprised.

Now Zhou Zhiwen is covered with bandages and bandages everywhere. He looks tired.

I don't know what kind of inhuman torture he has suffered, and now obviously he can't speak clearly.

"Ye Ge, master, you, you are here!" After seeing ye Wuque, Zhou Zhiwen spoke intermittently. His decadent appearance makes Ye Wuqian feel a little moved. In fact, it's really his fault. If he had not been close to himself, he would not have met so many broken things.

"It's OK, master. I'm in great health." After hearing this, Zhou Zhiwen smiles freely. Especially when he saw Ye Wuwei, he still wanted to struggle to sit up from the bed, but obviously, he failed.

Ye Wuqian helped him lie down.

"Master, I'm really sorry. I'm not only useless, but also implicated you!" In a word, Zhou Zhiwen's face is full of guilt: "this time, I apologize to you!"Ye Wumian waved.

"It's not your fault!" After a sentence, ye Wuqian sat down beside him: "if it wasn't for me, these things would never have happened!"

As he spoke, he put the fruit on the table beside him.

Zhou Zhiwen was moved to tears in an instant.

"Master, I didn't expect that you are such a good man! "He hastily wiped the tears on his face and said," although I usually have several friends, you are the only one who comes to visit me after my real accident. "

Ye no fault nods.

"It's OK. Take care of yourself." As he spoke, ye Wuqian began to pare pears for him to eat.

Taking the pear that ye Wuqian handed over, Zhou Zhiwen quickly took it over and quickly stuttered clean.

"Shifu, the pear you bought is delicious!" I don't know whether he really thinks it's delicious, or just to perfunctorily perfunctorily. Anyway, ye Wuqian and I feel that he is speaking honestly now.

"By the way, master, I want to tell you something!" A word said here, Zhou Zhiwen immediately hesitated to say: "but, master, don't be scared!"

Ye wuhui nods.

He took a deep breath and spoke.

"Master, I heard that the people in Shuiyue Taoist hall have already regarded you as a public enemy, and they are planning how to deal with you."

Ye Wuhuo's eyebrows wrinkled.

It seems that things are becoming more and more interesting. Just from the tone of his speech, ye Wuqian knows that the group of so-called water moon Taoist hall guys must have vented their anger towards Ye Wuqian in this week's local records, so as to make him become his present virtue.

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