Walking to the side of the road, ye Wumian found a protruding rock to sit on, waiting for a car to pass by, and then take a free ride.

However, it is difficult to wait until someone is willing to take him.

After waiting for about half an hour, three cars passed by. Two of them ignored Ye Wuxiang. One of them slowed down at least. After a look at ye Wuque's dirty body, he speeded up immediately.

At that time, Yiliang, an old pickup truck, came to me.

There are some scattered things on the back of the pickup truck. The front of the van and the red body are both slow and rickety. Although Ye Wuwei dislikes it a little, he knows in his heart that it is possible for him to sit in the car, even in the back.

Ye Wumian immediately stood up, directly across the middle of the road, lost the mop pole, waved desperately, a pair of you do not stop to hit me.

The red van came up and stopped slowly, and then a head came out of the window.

He was a 50-60-year-old black man with sparse short white hair and a denim jacket with a slightly faded grey shirt inside.

The black old man put his hand on the window, looked idle, took a sip of his cigarette, and asked leisurely, "what the heck"

fortunately, ye Wuque's English is not bad. Although he was asked a greeting at the beginning, ye Wuque felt very uncomfortable in his heart, so he immediately gave a euphemistic reply: "fucku."

Then he asked the old man to take him to the car.

Hearing ye Wuque's somewhat astringent reply, he immediately laughed. He obviously liked ye Wuque's short temper. He immediately patted the window, meaning to let ye Wuque get on the bus.

Ye Wuqian walks to the front of the car and says that he is dirty. Just sit in the back.

The old black man was not willing to let Ye Wuqian sit in the front passenger seat.

When he got on the bus, the old man said that he could only take ye Wumian for a long way. He would get home immediately and then asked where ye Wuque was going.

Where ye Wuqian knew where to go, he said he was kidnapped and thrown here. Others thought he was dead, but he escaped by a fluke.

The black old man looked at ye Wumian with a kind of surprised eyes, then he gave an embarrassed smile and said a very clever sentence.

Then leaves without lack showed a face of muddled expression, asked how to return a responsibility.

The old black man said he was kidnapped and left in the neighborhood, but that was years ago. At that time, the United States was still at war.

Ye Wuque immediately smiles, knowing that the old man may have been a slave when he was a child. The so-called kidnapping and kidnapping in his sense are two concepts. This is probably the sense of humor of the American people, but ye Wuque does not find it very funny.

Two people introduced themselves a little bit, the old man called Tom, ye Wuqian let the old man call himself Ye. After all, the old man's mouth is not very sharp, there is no lack of these two words, the old man can not read clearly.

After driving for about ten minutes, Tom turned from the road to the path, and a small manor in the distance came into ye Wumian's eyes.

There was only a two-story cabin and a few fields in the manor. It seemed that Tom would still keep his old habit of playing with the land.

After getting off the bus, Tom saw that ye Wuqian was not very convenient, so he refused ye Wumian's help. He moved some newly bought farm implements and groceries behind the car to the warehouse by himself, and then he put water on Ye Wuqian. He took a bath and changed into clean clothes.

Ye Wumian cleaned up everything. When he came downstairs, he saw that Tom was already preparing things. The staple food was mashed potatoes and a little lamb chops. Ye Wuqian knew that his body could not eat meat, so he ate a lot of mashed potatoes that were easy to digest.

After dinner, Tom made the stove and told ye Wumian that it would be a little cold in the evening. Tom would build a bed for ye Wuxiang at the end of the stove, so that ye Wuqian could live here.

Ye Wuxiang also nodded, said several thanks, and told Tom that he would not stay here for a long time. Someone should come to pick him up in a few days.

Old Tom and ye Wuque talked for a while, then went back to sleep on the second floor. Ye Wuque was wrapped in a blanket and began to feel a little sleepy.

At the moment when he was about to go to sleep, ye Wuque's limbs suddenly began to heat up, and then bursts of tingling came. Ye Wuque opened his mouth, and his throat gave out a painful low roar. He struggled to raise his hand and looked at it. He was suddenly dumbfounded.

His whole arm somehow turned into a strange cyan, just like the color of blood vessels. And the limbs began to stiffen.

What's going on?

Ye Wuqian pinched his arm, but found that his arm began to become hard, like the stone, I'm afraid it won't be long before it will be completely hard.

Not only that, ye Wuqi's breathing began to become more and more rapid, and his brain was full of dizziness, unable to restrain.

What's going on?Ye Wuqi's brain is in a state of confusion. He looks up at the clock in the distance and is shocked to find that it has been about 12 hours since he left the hospital.

And he was in the ward before, and the nurse gave him an injection in exactly 12 hours.

Can we say that the medicine that the nurse injected him before was some kind of special inhibitor in order to inhibit this kind of thing.

Ye Wuqi struggled to stand up, feeling that his limbs became more and more rigid, and the pain became more and more intense. With dizziness in his brain, he realized that he was now in a state of hypoxia, especially in his limbs.

It seems that this is the special solution that ye Wuxu was injected during the operation!

No wonder those people are talking about it. After throwing him out, they can live a few days.

People in this situation, as long as a little bit of things, such as wild dogs, snakes, scorpions, can be easily killed.

Or walk on the road, suddenly start limbs tingling, a car came, can send you to hell! But ye Wuxiang still can't think clearly, why do you want to let yourself die, but you have to make such a trouble, just kill it?

Ye Wuqi stood up trembling, trying to hold the table, but accidentally touched the cup on the table.

Old Tom prepared a glass of water for ye Wuqian, and put it on the table beside him, so as to avoid Ye Wuqian not being familiar with here, and he could not find a place to drink water at night.

The cup was broken in an instant, and immediately there was a sound upstairs. Then old Tom's voice rang up: "ye? Are you OK! -"

when ye Wuqian moved, the pain became more and more intense. Ye Wuqian was unable to speak directly. With a puff, he knelt on the ground.

Old Tom rushed down the stairs, still holding a dress in his hand.

"What's the matter with you?"

Old Tom saw ye Wuque kneeling on the ground, his hands on the floor, his face was livid, and he was immediately startled. He immediately came over and grasped ye Wuque's arm. Immediately, he felt something wrong with ye Wuque's arm. He looked down and was surprised and speechless.

"Your hand..."

Ye Wumian raised his head with pain, and his face was full of blue veins. He opened his mouth and said, "I was injected with one kind of medicine before I don't know what kind of liquid. If I'm right, I'm going to be injected with an inhibitor in 12 hours. I don't know, without inhibitors, it would be like this. "

Ye Wuque just finished this paragraph of words, suddenly felt a burst of tumbling stomach, almost spit out.

This kind of feeling, the whole body is hot, dizzy, tingling, vomiting, completely no self-care ability, may encounter danger at any time.

Who can survive?

"Show me."

Old Tom grabbed ye Wumian's arm and pinched it a few times. He immediately raised ye Wumian's foot and pinched it a few times. Then he took off his clothes and pressed it on his chest. Then he asked, "does your chest hurt?"

Ye Wumei shakes his head.

Old Tom frowned and muttered in a low voice: "it's impossible. This kind of medicine should not have been produced. It can't be produced with the present technology."

Old Tom stopped, and immediately turned to the kitchen and took two eggs in a bowl. He beat the eggs in the bowl. Almost in a commanding tone, he said, "drink it, immediately."

Ye Wuqi didn't care so much about it. He took the bowl and drank it.

Raw eggs into the stomach, leaves without lack of immediately feel a cool feeling, the body's hot feeling immediately went down a lot.

"Are you better?"

Asked Old Tom with concern.

Ye no fault nods. After the two raw eggs went down, ye Wuwei immediately felt much more comfortable, and then the tingling sensation of his limbs relieved a lot in the next few minutes.

"You come with me."

Old Tom put up the leaves and went upstairs.

When ye Wuhuang began to take a bath on the second floor, he noticed that there was a small room inside the house, which looked very mysterious. However, he was polite and did not ask questions.

Who knows that old Tom with leaves without missing directly into that room, a light, inside is actually all glass bottles and jars, colorful potions.

"I used to be a university teacher, specializing in a special medicine. I get about two million dollars a year for my research. Just a few years ago, for some reason, my research was stopped and all the research results were taken away overnight. "

Old Tom supported Ye Wuqian and sat down beside him. He picked up a needle tube to draw blood from ye Wuqian: "so, I came back here and continued my work. Although there was no financial support and the research progress was relatively slow, it didn't matter."

Old Tom did not draw a lot of blood. He immediately turned to the electron microscope and continued: "the drug I studied is used to kill prisoners. It is similar to a coagulant. It can greatly reduce the oxygen transport capacity of the blood. The injecter will feel dyspnea within half an hour, even in a coma, and finally die of limb stiffness."Old Tom looked up at ye Wuwu without a look, solemnly said: "and your symptoms are very similar. It can be neutralized with pure protein, but the effect is very short-lived

Ye no fault nodded, and his forehead began to sweat.

Although the physical pain to reduce a lot, but the whole body is still very hot and dry, and the physical strength seems to be consumed in an instant clean, now the leaf is not lack of fatigue.

After a few minutes, old Tom raised his head, his face was very heavy: "the micromolecules in your blood are similar to the drugs I studied, but the structure is more complex than I thought."

"Strictly speaking, today's technology simply does not have the ability to prepare this kind of medicament. It is impossible for nearly five years if we don't have it now."

"What about that?"

Ye is only concerned about the results.

"You've been here for a few days, and I've got a palliative against this agent, but I don't know if it works on what's inside you."

Old Tom turned around and rummaged something from the cupboard: "it's really not good. You can only eat more eggs to relieve the pain for a short time."

Ye Wuqian smiles bitterly. The taste of raw eggs is not good.

Old Tom went down the stairs and took some eggs to eat. Then he sent them downstairs to let Ye Wuqian continue to rest. He also gave ye Wumian a bell. If there is anything wrong, let ye Wuque shake the bell.

In addition, old Tom also told ye Wuqian that he had already informed other people that old Tom knew an old Chinese man who knew Qigong. Although he didn't know whether it would work, he still wanted to let the old man come and have a look.

In this way, ye Wuqian fell asleep in pain, and old Tom gave up the rest and studied upstairs.

Early in the morning the next day, old Tom called Ye Wuqian up. Ye Wuqian's limbs were numb. Old Tom asked Ye Wuqian to move himself. Then he prepared a cup of coffee and eggs and said that the old man would come soon.

Ye Wuque walked around the yard with crutches, and soon saw an old yellow car coming.

The car stopped leisurely in the yard, and two people immediately got off the car.

One of them is an old man more than 1.6 meters. He is bent down, his hair is white, his eyes are shining, and his simple plain long shirt is extra kind.

The other was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He was very strong, with a head of 1.9 meters. He walked like a bear.

The middle-aged man saw ye Wuwu at a glance, and immediately bowed his head and said, "cold old, it's him!"

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