Ye Wumian walked on and asked, let him return to society, or to return to the United States of America.

Mr. Han replied with a smile, "you can choose to be at home or in the United States of America. It's up to you personally. But before that, we'll test your behavior. After you've passed your behavioral test. It will automatically, the system will automatically match you with a more suitable city for you. You can also choose not to accept system matches. But we usually enforce system matching. But there will always be exceptions. If you are the exception, I can only say blessing to you. "

Mr. Han said. With a strong sense of ridicule, ye Wuxiang feels very uncomfortable. If this organization is really to protect people like him, why does he feel that Mr. Han's attitude is a little bit cold and unexpected.

The elevator can only enter the 18th floor. After Mr. Han enters the 18th floor, he will see a new elevator. After entering the elevator, ye Wuwei sees some new buttons. However, these buttons are symbols, and ye Wuqi doesn't know what they mean.

Mr. Han pressed the first button on the elevator. Then, he took a card and swiped it by the elevator. Mr. Han explained that entering each floor requires certain authority. We should go to the next floor to register you. After you register, we will send you a permission card. With the improvement of your qualification, your authority will also be improved. After you have completed all the training of the whole base, then, you will You can leave the base. At the same time, your qualification card will be cancelled, your mission and all information will be rewritten. In the system, you are a person who has not entered here. I hope that after you go out, you can forget what happened in this place.

Until Longhua will call you again.

After hearing this, ye Wuqian immediately asked, "does this sound like a kind of secret service training?"

Mr. Han said with a smile, "you know a lot about things, but we have all your information. You know, these things should also be. Strictly speaking, the procedures we use are similar to the training of secret agents, and basically follow the training process of secret agents. Therefore, our rules are similar to those of secret agents, if you think that You can't accept it. We can go now. Send you back home.

Ye Wuqian looks at Mr. Han, and he is indifferent. If you send him back to China now, I'm afraid Ye Wuqian will be arrested immediately. Even, ye Wuqian will not live long in China. After all, ye Wuqian still has that painful solution in his body. Although Ye knows that eating raw eggs can relieve this pain, it is not Long term solution.

When entering the next floor, the elevator has been running for more than 20 seconds, which indicates that the distance of the next floor below the 18th floor is more than 100 meters.

The next floor is a very bright world. There are many corridors and rooms. The walls are white, with special material and strong reflection. Walking here makes Ye Wuqi feel a little uncomfortable. Mr. Han takes ye Wuque into a room. There is only a huge machine and a seat in the room. Mr. Han points to the seat Let Ye Wuqian sit on it.

Ye Wumian slowly walked over and looked at the seat. In front of the seat was that huge machine. There are many hands on that machine. There are electric saws and needles on the tentacles. It looks like a special instrument used for surgical transformation. Who knows that there is no point in Ye Wuqian's worries and suspecting that Longhua will happen, so he directly sits on the chair and lies down. After one time in the hall, the big man helps Ye Wuqian's limbs and tie the belt.

Then, by pressing the red button next to the huge machine, the machine immediately began to work. First of all, there was a mechanical arm for sluggish administration. Inserted into ye Wumian's arm, with the buzzing sound, a lot of blood was drawn out from the center of Ye's arm. A large number of blood loss, so that leaves without lack of will began to become fuzzy, the head is dizzy.

But before long, the machine again infused the blood into Ye's arm.

Mr. Han said with a smile, "don't be nervous. It's just to help you filter out the blood.".

After filtering out the blood in the arm, the machine will start immediately. The filtration, the leaves are intact, the blood from the legs, and then the body and the brain. The whole process takes about two or three hours. There was some abnormal pain in the process, but after the filtration, ye Wuqian felt that the whole person seemed to be relaxed a lot. Mr. Han patted Ye Wuxiang, indicating that ye Wuqian could get up. Then, the big man helped to untie the belt bound to his limbs. Ye Wuqian left the seat, and immediately felt a weak, staggering, and almost unsteadiness.

Big man, seems to have expected all of this, immediately reached out to hold Ye wubu, smiling at ye Wuque.

Then ye Wuqian left here with them and entered another room. There was a computer in the room. Ye entered and entered the fingerprint and collected the blood sample. The computer came out with an ID card. The size of the ID card and the ID card is almost the same, and it is also rectangular. However, there are no words and marks on it. Now, the ID card that ye Wuque has got, this It's a very cool one. It's just a very ordinary white ID card,Mr. Han said that your identity information has been logged in. Next, you can enter the 18th floor for basic training. Then Mr. Han takes Ye Wuqian back to the 18th floor. After returning to the 18th floor, Mr. Han directly takes Ye Wuqian to the coach, waves his hand and calls for a lovely woman in her twenties And said to him, you will be in charge of him in the future. His code name is Scorpio,

the lovely woman nodded her head cleverly, and comforted Ye Wuwei with a smile and asked, is there anything else you want to ask me about everything here?

Ye Wuqi looked at Mr. Han and the big man gradually away. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "who is that old Mr. Han?"

The lovely girl looked at Mr. Han's back and asked with a smile, "what's the matter? Do you particularly hate him?"

Ye Wuqi looked at the girl in surprise and asked, "how do you know?"

The lovely girl immediately said, "because not only do you hate him, but many people hate him very much. Mr. Han is the assessor of Longhua society. There are three assessors in Longhua club. One of them has already entered the killer organization and engaged in secret activities. The other has not come back from his trip. This time, you are lucky to meet Mr. Han. "

Ye Wuque felt very puzzled and then asked why he was lucky?

The lovely girl replied, "because there is also a hot tempered and menopausal aunt. The other is a violent uncle. In contrast, this one looks very cold, in fact, a kind-hearted grandfather, among the three censors. The best one. "

Ye Wuzhi nodded and then asked, "what are we going to do next?"!

The lovely girl asked, have you registered your identity? Next, we're going to do an identity test to see what kind of training you can afford.

Ye no fault nodded, followed the lovely girl, walked to the left area of the 18th floor. There is a small room on the left, ye Wuque. After the girl goes in, she sees a lot of papers. She looks at the paper with a wry smile.

The lovely girl understood immediately. She said with a smile that normal people don't like to make a test paper, but there is no way. There is a process that must be followed. There are about 25 questions in the middle of the test paper that are used for psychological test. You can do it with Ye Wuxiang's intuition, and don't think too much about it. The girl took a paper and handed it to ye Wumian. Looking for a pen again, looking at Ye Wuqi, he began to do it.

Ye Wuque spent five or six minutes to finish the paper, and the girl glanced at it. He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the garbage can nearby.

"What are you doing?" Ye Wuwei immediately exclaimed in surprise,

"your test result is not effective. So to put it simply, you have done this test for nothing. So I'd like to introduce to you, what kind of training methods do we have? Then you can make a choice

The girl left with leaves and went to the right of the 18th floor. At the same time, he introduced some of the people they took over to Ye. You don't want to accept our training, so in fact, you can choose to return to the society after all the treatment.

Ye Wuwei shakes his head, thinking that I have basically become a disabled person now, and that I will not have much effect after returning to the society, and you will arrange a new identity for me, even if I have this new identity, it will not replace me I have the ability to protect myself, so it is necessary to learn some basic things.

Lovely girl. A little surprised to see ye Wuqian said, did not expect you to think like this, you are still a very ambitious person, most of the people I met, after several months of experimental destruction, basically have lost their minds, no more, the desire to fight, just need us to arrange a common identity for him, after the rest of their lives, they will feel very satisfied Yes.

Ye Wuque smiles bitterly and says, in fact, I still have a lot of things to do. I don't want to waste the rest of my life.

The lovely girl nodded and said, "we have three training programs. The first one is the training program for the ability. This training program needs to be tested systematically. Is there any ability in your body? You can only join the psionic training program if you have a power. If you don't have a power, you can't choose this plan! Second, there is basically no threshold, the secret service training program. This training program is mainly to train you to be a soldier with high fighting ability. Or agents. In contrast, this program is not as effective as the previous training program, but it has no threshold and is the choice of most people. What about the third training program? It sounds a little mysterious. I don't know if you know it or not! In fact, there are many ancient Wu families in China. They can practice it in special ways. Practice different skills to improve Ye Wuqi's ability. There are three such mentors in Longhua club. However, this threshold is higher than the first two, even higher than the powers. Even higher than the ability training program. You need not only to choose this training program, but also to get the approval of one of the three teachers. "Ye Wuqi looked at the lovely girl and said with a smile, I know, I have heard of these things.

The girl said with a sigh of relief and spat out her tongue: "well, you know it's the best. When I introduced it to others, others didn't believe it!"

Ye Wuwei smiles and nods, looks at the lovely girl, and then asks, "by the way, which one do you choose?"

The girl smiles mysteriously and says, keep secret.

Ye Wuwei shrugged helplessly. Said, well, don't tell me if you don't tell me! I'll find out sooner or later.

The girl giggled and said, "I won't tell you, but you can guess. I'll allow you to guess once. I'll tell you whether it's right or not.".

Ye Wuque raised his eyebrows and said, I guess you should be Xiuzhen.

Girl a Leng, immediately is ha ha a smile, praise way: "so fierce, you guessed, how do you know?"

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