The lovely girl seems to be very experienced, bit by bit, ye Wuwu can say the details of the whole process.

Ye Wuzhi nodded, closed his eyes again, and explored the whole room with his mind.

Soon, the appearance of the whole room appeared in Ye Wuqian's mind and showed it. After three or five more explorations. Ye Wumian has been able to clearly grasp the current environment and control the glass bottle floating in the air for more than ten seconds. Well, we spent a total of seven minutes.

Lovely girl, take a look at Ye Wuwei and continue to say, for the test of ideality, we have finished, your idea is very strong, my test authority can only help you, set the ideality at a level. The power of a power in the production of a power. It's going to be classified by us. They are ABCDEF. F is the lowest and a is the highest. There are s at a level. And SS level. And SSS level, but these three levels are not what I can judge. I can only judge your mind to a level now. In other words, your mind is very high. Next, we'll do the rest of the tests.

With the help of a lovely girl, ye Wuhua took four different tests in the next 20 minutes. In addition, different levels of ability were identified for leaf aneuploidy.

After finishing all these definitions, ye Wuqian felt very tired. The lovely girl rushed out and poured a cup of coffee for ye Wuqian. After drinking, ye Wuqian found a place to sit down and get ready to have a rest. The lovely girl immediately came over, took out a piece of paper, recorded it, and then asked, how do you feel ? Would you like to have a rest today and then do the next test tomorrow?

Ye Wumian shook his head, looked at the lovely girl, continued, I feel I can still support for a while, what test is next?

The lovely girl said with a smile, "what we have done in half an hour today is just some basic tests, and there are more and more tests to be done later. "

before entering the ability training, we need to test your ability in many aspects, and finally determine your ability training direction. This part is just to test the direction of your basic abilities, but everyone's abilities can't be just this one. It may be the combination of many basic abilities.

The lovely girl turned the paper upside down and said in front of the leaf without missing. You see, in your test, we found your mind control. There are also three kinds of properties of electricity, fire and water. They are different from ordinary people, and even reach the highest level I can change. You should know that these things can be combined into a new ability.

And there are some special abilities that can't be detected in this way. They need to be detected by machines, such as phagocytosis. We have a strong phagocytic here. Of course, he's out on a mission now. I've seen the most powerful one he's ever seen. He's able to swallow a missile directly. And then it's bursting out. Blew up a building. There are many kinds of colleagues' abilities. Some people can swallow them and imitate others' abilities. What I was talking about is the phagocytosis of energy. That person can have all kinds of abilities at the same time. It's not just about swallowing missiles, it's even swallowing bullets. That man is in the line of our powers. It's the ability to act as a protector. That is to say, tanks. He's responsible for protecting, oh, other powers from attack.

Oh, that's what it looks like. Ye Wuwei nodded and picked up the cup. After a sip of coffee, I suddenly felt that ye Wuwei was invigorated. I'll have a little rest, and then we'll go to the next test. Why don't you take me for a walk during my break to introduce what kind of situation is like here.

The lovely girl immediately nodded and said yes. The 18th floor space is a gathering space for all kinds of trainers. All kinds of basic training programs are included here. At the same time, there are dormitories, restaurants, etc. Except for some special training, they will leave the 18th floor. Usually, this is the main living space for these trainers.

Of course, this is the main base of Longhua club. It's not just about training these people who have been rescued from killer organizations. Some special people will be selected from all over the country and sent here for training.

Training cycles range from three months to a year. Training programs like this take more than a year. But its effect is also obviously more powerful than other training programs.

The lovely girl took Ye Wuqian with her. After walking around the 18th floor, she introduced all the functional areas to ye, and then took her out to walk on the other side of the 18th floor.

Well, this is where we do the power complexity test. The lovely girl opened the door and immediately showed a huge space in front of Ye Wuwei. There is a spherical atmosphere in the middle of the space. This device is like a weightlessness test device for astronauts.

The lovely girl went to the door, took out ye Wumian's ID card, brushed it on it, and then locked it twice with fingerprint. This time he was using the device. After all this, the lovely girl said. The use of this device is strictly controlled, so every use needs to be strictly recorded. When I swipe the card to record fingerprints, all the recorders in the whole room have been turned on, including the 16 boxing cameras in this room. What we say and what we do next will be recorded.Ye Wuque turned his head and looked around the huge room. As expected, he saw some cameras. However, the positions of some cameras should be very hidden. Ye Wuque did not find them.

The lovely girl went over and opened it. The door of each spherical instrument pointed to the small space inside the cabin and said, go in! Ye no fault nodded, went to the side of the lovely girl to take some bandages, help ye no lack fixed limbs and head. It is said that this is to prevent the leaves from withstanding the pressure inside the cabin. It is a basic protection measure. After all this, ye Wuke enters the cabin. Then the lovely girl closed the hatch of the round instrument. The hatch was closed, and the leaves were in the dark.

There's a cute little girl outside.

Inside the cabin, you can't feel any movement outside, including you can't penetrate this restaurant with your mind. This restaurant is made of special metal. If you are in this other restaurant, you will pass all the mechanical tests. The time of mechanical test is about half an hour. But the time you experience can be one day, two days or more. You have to be prepared, when you can come out, you will come out naturally.

With these words, ye Wuwei's surroundings entered a state of silence. There was no sound, no change. All of a sudden, ye Wuxiang fell into the mind, for a while, Qingming. As if floating in the water, the limbs are warm.

What's going on? Ye Wuqi was a little surprised and wanted to look around, but he found that ye Wuqi's body had begun to be beyond the control of Ye Wuqi. He closed his eyes slowly, and his whole body was completely in the dark.

I don't know how long it has passed, and ye Wuwei also noticed that there is a breeze. Gently brush the face of leaves. Ye Wuque immediately opened his eyes, but found that ye Wuque had stood in a chaotic street. This is a crossroads.

Next to the architecture. It was in the 1990s, the United States of America. The whole street was filled with car sirens. There are countless gangsters fighting on the street.

What's going on? Are you dreaming now?

Ye Wuque asked ye Wumian, then walked forward a step and saw that there was a huge window beside the street. It's a toy shop window. Ye Wumian went over to have a look. In the glass window, the appearance of Ye Wumian shot out was the same as ye Wumian, usually seen. To be exact, it is the appearance of Ye Wuwu before.

Ye Wuque knows Ye Wuqian has been changed by which killer organization. So what we see now is that the past leaf is not true. Ye Wuqi immediately determined that ye Wuque should be in a similar dream. Through this kind of dream, the system confirms Ye Wuwei's ability.

Boom ~

there was a huge explosion in the north. Ye Wuque looks north. Silent reading in the street north of the crossroads. Suddenly, a huge figure appeared.

The figure mingled with smoke and fire. I can't see what it is. Cars in the neighborhood are exploding. The glass of the house nearby.

There are people's screams mixed together, in the air chaos stirred.

The huge voice burst out suddenly and drank heavily. Then a huge arm came out of the smoke. Ye Wuwu has a look. Immediately saw that the arm was holding a huge ax.

The axe was two stories high. The blade of an axe is the length of a car. That arm tightly grasps the ax, a knife splits down, immediately splits in the boyao Road, the clear trace.

Immediately someone from the surrounding houses escaped and screamed. There was also a woman holding a child with leaves intact. Out of the fire, the woman's clothes were almost scorched, her face was blackened, it should be smoked. She was holding a child in her arms, coughing while running. Suddenly, she tripped over the pillar on the ground, stumbled and fell to the ground immediately. The monster held an axe and chopped at the woman as soon as she raised her hand 。

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