"Hi..." A blood spray out, the action is very skillful, just like the farmer uncle chopping cabbage!

Jinmao's eyes showed a color of horror. How could he have never thought that the other party would have taken away his machete so easily, and even more, he had never thought that the other party would have killed himself so easily!

A knife cut off the golden artery, ye Xiao has already rushed in like a tiger into a pack of wolves!

As soon as the sword in his hand shook, it was wrapped with another man's chopper. It was like a long snake. With a gentle stroke, the finger of the man holding the knife had been cut off

Ten fingers linked to each other, the man's mouth came a sad cry of surprise, but ye Xiao had already pushed his back hand, the machete in his hand was directly inserted into the man's heart, and then conveniently took over the man's fall to see

This set of movements is still like a cloud of water, before the third man has come back to God, that knife has once again cut the other side's neck

In the blink of an eye, three people were killed in a second. All of them were frightened by such a scene

They are a group of outlaws, and now they all rely on the protection of Han Jianyu. They have done a lot of killing and setting fires on weekdays. At least none of these people have no life cases in their hands. However, when they kill people, they either cut people to death, or set fire to burn them to death, or even beat people carelessly when fighting When did death turn murder into an art like Ye Xiao

The body swims, the hand rises the knife falls, has three partners to be killed? This is just the martial arts movie in the movie!

What's more, it seems that he didn't kill a man, just trampled on an ant

Heart cold, all people feel the heart cold, as if there is a north wind blowing

They don't understand how this young man looks more beautiful than them

The man in black in the Buick is also surprised to see all this. He only knows that the young master has two sons to deal with. He once singled out dozens of students. Considering his skill, he has made full preparations and released a group of outlaws who have been under the protection of the young master. He wants to do this completely. Who knows this boy is like this This horror?

Does he look eighteen or nineteen at the most? Why is it so easy for an 18-9-year-old to kill people?

It's like chopping cabbage?

The man suddenly regretted that he had not investigated Ye Xiao's information well. If he knew that Yunlong riot which shocked XX forces in Jinghai city last night, he was the one who directed it. It is absolutely more than that.

At the time when these people are stupefied, ye Xiao turns over two people again. All of them have a knife in their neck

In the blink of an eye, five people died. These people are really afraid. They are Desperado. Yes, but the reason for their death is not to make life better? Who would go if he knew he would die?

In particular, ye Xiaona's sharp means of killing people reminds them of the real killers in the movie. Only those killers who kill people like hell can have this kind of terrifying skill. Every move and every form is only for killing people!

"You are all stupid. Isn't there a little girl in the car?" The black people in the Buick couldn't look down. He knew that if they went on like this, these people would lose their confidence completely. When the time came, they would give up all their efforts. At that time, they jumped out of the car and yelled at the group of outlaws

After this reminder, the group of Desperado remembered that there was a little girl with this guy. As long as he took her as a hostage, could not he?

At present, there are four or five people who want to capture yibao'er from ye Xiao's side

These people do not mention good, to mention yibao'er, ye Xiao is a thorough fire!

So many of you have singled me out. Now you still want to take hostages and threaten yourself. Isn't that forcing me to kill with all my strength?

Seeing four or five fugitives rushing toward the taxi, ye Xiao's eyes are full of murders. Ignoring the several people in front of her, she turns around and pours at them.

"Stop him..." Seeing ye Xiao rush to her companion, these people immediately know the importance of the little girl to Ye Xiao, and they also know that the plan their leader has said is very good. As long as you catch the little girl, this guy is not at his disposal!

At present, there are three fearless towards Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao is angry. If he wields a knife to resist, then some of those people will surely go around, and bao'er will be in danger by then

With a fierce heart, the body continued to rush forward

"Hi..." After all, he is not a God. In the face of the three machetes waving at the same time, even though he is fast, he still hasn't completely evaded. There is a long cut in his back, but his body has rushed over

As soon as the machete in his hand shook, he threw it directly at the one who was in front of him

This guy named xiaozhuzi still has some skills. He even blocked the machete thrown by Ye Xiao with his machete in his hand!The smile on his face was showing off to his partner that he could block the young demon king's blow. A fist of casserole size appeared in front of me

"Click..." A crisp sound, that fist hit his nose bone heavily, heard the crisp sound sounded, presumably his nose bone has been smashed, and his whole people were smashed back, head hit a stone, directly dizzy past, also did not know whether life or death!

As for the other people, he was not so lucky. After a punch, he had two more throwing knives in his hand, and at the same time, he shivered and two cold awns were shot. Two men who had been around the head had already inserted a flying knife!

Body "poop..." A sound fell forward

But at this time, another man's knife has been cut down and fell on Ye Xiao's left back shoulder. Fortunately, ye Xiao reacted quickly enough and suddenly a search was made by his body. This did not cut the bone. But even so, the knife opened another mouth on him

Seeing ye Xiao is not a legendary sword or shot, it will hurt. The murderous nature of these dead people is also inspired, overcoming the fear in his heart, and rushing towards Ye Xiao in groups. Of course, some people want to surround the past from outside and seize the IBAL in the car

He was cut continuously, and the wound last night was not healed. The pain made Ye Xiao shout cold

NEMA forced, really think that I can not bully if I have few people?

Ye Xiao was furious completely. He was speeding up again. Almost instantly, he came out of the siege. He came to the person in front of him. His wrist turned, and a knife appeared in his hand, and then he put it into his eyes

"Ah..." The sad cry came, but ye Xiao didn't hear it. He quickly drew out the knife and crossed the other eye bead. Then he heard a pop. The other eye bead of the man was also scratched

Blood flowed from his eyes. The man ate pain, covered his eyes and squatted down. Ye Xiao did not kill him, but once again took the knife in his hand and cut it all out towards the opposite person.

The man saw Ye Xiao cut his own neck, knew that he liked to cut his neck, and his machete instinctively blocked his neck. But ye Xiao, who had been in a state of violent walk, did not kill people at all. He was totally to vent his anger!

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