With a jump in her heart, Kelly saw the black thing immediately and recognized what it was? "They have guns."

Ye Wuque is also in a panic. He can catch the dagger now, but he is not sure he can catch the bullet.

you know, the dagger and the bullet are completely two concepts,

Ye Wuque immediately turned around, lifted his hand, and pulled the iron cover of a garbage can from the side, but the man immediately shot and slapped Ye Wuque had no time to stop it. He just barely moved the iron belt to his face. With a puff, the bullet went straight through the iron cover and hit ye Wuque's shoulder. Fortunately, the iron cover has been blocked by Ye Wuque. Most of the strength of the bullet is that after passing through the iron cover, the bullet has lost the sight and rubbed ye Wuque's shoulder The skin,

"poop", a snowflake splashed suddenly,

Ye Wuque screamed, and immediately stepped back a few steps. Kelly, who was standing behind Ye Wuqian, immediately held Ye Wuqian and ran out. The two men ran for half a block before stopping. They turned to see that the black people could not catch up with them. The two talents stopped The pace,

Kelly gasped heavily. In her spare time, she tidied her hair with her hands. Taking advantage of Ye Wuqi's reluctance, she whispered a thank you, directly shook her head, and said, "why do you take such a remote road so late? "

Kelly said," I usually take this road, because this road is relatively close, but I didn't expect to meet a bad person today. "

Ye Wudao nodded," although it's late, it's safer to take the main road. Don't take this road in the future. I'll take you back to where your home is. "

Kelly looks at ye Wumian's shoulder with worry Half of the whole dress was dyed red with blood. Kai immediately asked, "is your shoulder OK? Let's go to the hospital, "

Ye Wuque looked down at her shoulder and said," nothing, just a little bandage. "Kelly frowned and said," the hospital is far away here. My home is in front of me. You saved me once. Why don't you go to my house and I'll bandage it for you. Ye Wuque is glad to hear that. It's a chance, but she still pretends to be No Too happy expression says, no good, already so late, go to your home can disturb you? "

with a faint smile, Kelly said," you Chinese are so polite. I have several Chinese friends. It doesn't matter. I'll help you wrap it up. Then you can go back. My home is in front of you. "

after walking with Kelly for five or six minutes, you arrive at the place where Kelly lives. It's a rather shabby apartment. Kelly lives on the third floor, that is, the top floor After getting to the room, Kelly took the scissors, helped ye Wumian cut the clothes, and then took warm water to help check the wound. The fragments of the bullet crossed ye Wumian's shoulder, leaving a wound of seven or eight centimeters. Fortunately, the wound is not very deep, and there is no such thing as breaking the muscle. As long as you bandage it a little, Kelly Lima, turning to her room, took the medicine box and bandaged it with help. After that, she took charge of Ye Wuqian and sat on the sofa, "do you want something to drink? "

Kelly, after washing her hands, came over and asked," I have a little tea that you Chinese people like to drink, which are brought by my friends, and coffee and juice? What would you like to drink? "

Ye Wuqian smiles and says," pour me some coffee and sugar. "

Ye Wuqian is not polite. He knows that Kelly started to say that, which shows that Kelly doesn't want Ye Wuqian to be too polite, and she doesn't like Ye Wuqian to be too polite. Kelly nods with satisfaction, and immediately goes into the kitchen and pours a cup of coffee for ye and herself, He opened two cups of coffee and came out of the kitchen. He met Ye Wuwei's face and asked with a smile, "are you a student?"?

Ye Wumian pauses for a moment and remembers his identity. He is not a student. He immediately says, "I am not a student. I just come to work to support myself. I have been out of my home for two or three years, and I haven't found a good job, so I have to work everywhere to support myself."

Ye Wuque specifically mentioned that his home is for the purpose of supporting himself To bring the topic to old Tom, Kelly nodded, looked at Ye Wuqian sympathetically and said, "me, too. My parents didn't care about me since I was very young. Strictly speaking, I haven't seen me at all? My father devotes himself to his research work every day, but it's rare to see him once a year, but it's nothing. Slowly, everyone gets used to it, "Kelly smiles bitterly. Although that's what she said, ye Wuxiang can still see that Kelly's heart is not very good. "

" it turns out that your father is a scientist, and scientist is a very great profession. However, it seems that a scientist's family also needs to make great sacrifices. Ye Wuqian said, "

thinking that it should not be an opportunity now. Look at Kelly's state, if you mention old Tom rashly, I'm afraid it will cause him a great blow. OK, at least I have a father who makes me feel very proud. Compared with those who drink, beat, gamble, and take drugs, some people are lucky and some are unfortunate. Just look at what others think. Some people think that they are not lucky. In fact, they are very lucky. In fact, they are very lucky. Everyone lives out of their own heart The one you want, if you say you're not happy, most of them are. Carrier, relieved yourself, drank some coffee with a smile and looked at Ye Wuqian. Where do you live?Ye Wuqi said directly, "I live in a motel not far away. The environment is not very good, but I can barely live here. Your room is very large. How can you live alone? "Kelly said," and Elise, but Eli is out to play, he may not come back tonight, this is the house we rent together, we usually live here, after school or weekend, we go out to work together, is a good example, but he spends too much money, his family gives him not enough money to spend Fortunately, he would still work, otherwise I would be overwhelmed by him, "

Kelly said with a smile. Nevertheless, ye Wuxiang couldn't see any dislike on Tong Kaili's face. Obviously, Kelly and Elise have a very good relationship, and Kelly is also a very heavy friend. Ye Wumian is still thinking about whether to strike while the iron is hot now. He directly asks if there is a topic about old Tom. After all, it seems that this evening is the best time. If you miss this evening, the remaining two days after tomorrow, it seems that there is no such good opportunity to chat with Kelly. Seeing that the topic is in an awkward situation, Kelly immediately stands up and points to Ye Wuxiang I've finished my coffee. Do you need any more?

Ye Wuque smiles, hands the cup out and says, add a little more to me. I'm a little sleepy, or I'm afraid I'll fall asleep on the road. You laugh and say something. You're so humorous. Then you go back to the kitchen and add coffee to Ye Wuqian and herself. When she comes back, Kelly's face is not very good-looking. Ye Wuque immediately asks "What's the matter? What happened? "In fact, when ye Wuqian was working in the coffee shop today, he found that Kelly was a little absent-minded, but ye didn't think so much at that time. In addition, there was a conversation with Kelly later. History also specifically asked Old Tom, and Kelly said that he had no contact. Therefore, ye Wuque did not think about it with old Tom." nothing is, there is something in life Something to worry about? "

Kelly said with a smile, and then she handed the coffee to ye Wumian, and then she started to be born with her coffee in her hand. She turned her eyes and said," let me tell you a story. "Kelly raised her head and said with a smile," well, "I grew up in China when I was very young. I still remember that kind land when I was seven or eight years old, I came here with my father. Everyday life was very hard, but my parents were very happy. I didn't know why and didn't understand. Until one day, my mother suddenly got sick. My father had no money to treat my mother, so he tried to find ways everywhere. However, here, my father had few friends, let alone borrow money. So, my father's brain was hot, He robbed the bank, but he failed and was arrested in prison. My mother died at home. A few years later, my father was released from prison, went to my mother's grave and cried a lot. At that time, I felt very excited. Finally, my father began to drink alcohol. Sometimes he began to beat me. I felt that I couldn't bear it, so I left, "

after that At this point, ye Wuque stops deliberately. He sees that Kelly's face is moved a little bit. Of course, all this is not true. It's just a story that ye Wuqian has casually made up according to his own role setting and this task. Without acting really, ye Wuque begins to doubt whether he can get an Oscar, the best man The protagonist,

"I didn't expect that you had experienced such a thing before," Kelly said with regret on her face, and ye Wuzhi nodded and said, "it doesn't matter. Where's your father? It seems that you have some prejudices about your father, but I think that sometimes the decisions made by parents may not be understood by us. But in the end, when we grow to a certain age, we will find that if we are faced with such a choice, we will also make the same choice as our parents, "

hearing this, Kelly nodded and said, "In fact, my father is not my father. He thought I didn't know this all the time. In fact, I did. I didn't see my mother because I never had a mother. I was adopted by my father. Although I don't know, what is the process like? But once, my father was drunk and said this fact. I was very broken. Soon after that, I fled the home. At that time, I felt that there was no land or any place in the world that belonged to me. I was like a redundant person. I couldn't find my biological parents, but I didn't want to pay attention to my father. Later, I knew that my father was dismissed After retiring, I went to see my father once. I knew that in my father's life, his career occupied the absolute majority. Most of her life, she was dismissed, which means that all of his things are so collapsed. I know that all this has a great impact on him and a great blow to him. But it's good to see me go back. He was happy like a child, taking me to the playground and eating delicious food. But at that time, he was heavily in debt, and later I went back again When I left him, he repeatedly told me to visit her more often. He also hoped that when I got married, he would come over, or he would be qualified to come ove

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