The relationship between Yue Ziqiu and Lin heartless has always been very good. After getting Lin's heartless hint, he left villa No.1, but Cao Yayu stayed. Seeing Yue Ziqiu's far away back, Lin heartless sighed softly. Of course, things can't be so simple. Now ye Xiao's arrival in Kyoto for only half a year has already made such achievements. If we let him develop again Go down, who knows what will happen in the end!

Although all his forces are in the underworld, Lin Qingqing knows that ye Xiao's energy is not small in the economic field. As for politics, there is a group of Luo Xiaojun supporting him, but Lin Qingqing has an instinct. Ye Xiao's identity is not simple!

Now, no one knows who is behind Ye Xiao. But if he is allowed to continue to develop like this, his power will only become more and more huge, and his marriage with Tan Xiaoxiao is more of an alliance of interests. If the people of Tan family know that the interests of alliance with Ye Xiao are far greater than their own, who knows whether they will repent!

Political marriage does not contain any emotional factors, and everything is based on interests. Although he does not think that there is anyone in China who can match the benefits given by the Lin family, this possibility can not be avoided.

Nowadays, the Lin family is quite good in politics, but its prestige in the military is much worse. They are in urgent need of such forces as the tan family. Therefore, he absolutely does not allow anyone to destroy this marriage!

Since you can't kill Ye Xiao, beat him in every way!

"Yayu, I heard that someone introduced you not long ago?" When Yue Ziqiu left, Lin heartless said to Cao Yayu with a smile!

"Hehe, you don't want to introduce me, do you?" Cao Yayu smiles and can't see what he is thinking!

"Well, there are so many beautiful women around you. Where do you need me to introduce me? I just want to say that the woman is also good. Of course, it's good to play!" Lin shook his head mercilessly!

"In order to crack down on that boy, you really have to do everything, even I don't let go. Well, for the sake of many years' friends, I'll look for them after I go back, hoping to find some trouble for the boy!" How clever Cao Yayu is and how he doesn't know Bai Lin's ruthless intention. He smiles and nods now!

"Ha ha, this time it's a little trouble, but not next time!" Lin heartless also ha ha a smile!

Ye Xiao doesn't know that in the distant city of Changyun, Lin Wuqing has already begun to calculate him. However, after so many things, ye Xiao is no longer the green and astringent boy who came to block the water and cover the earth. In many cases, the best defense is to take the initiative to attack. When Lin ruthlessly calculates how to deal with him, he also starts to target Lin heartless, aiming at the Lin family get ready!

But these things naturally have someone else to do. At the moment, ye Xiao is sitting in a cafe on the second floor of Wangfujing, the most prosperous area in Kyoto!

The waiter in the beautiful maid's clothes had already served a cup of coffee and left. Ye Xiao did not move the coffee on the table, but quietly looked at the crowd outside the window and those busy for life. A faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. If he did not have this amazing ability, would he be the same as them Fight for life?

But even if they have the ability to be proud of everything, it seems that they are not much happier, right?

When ye Xiao is deep in thought, there is a slight footstep sound in his ear. When ye Xiao looks up, he sees a beautiful woman in plain clothes coming over!

The visitor wore a set of pink sportswear, a long black hair into a ponytail, the whole person looked fresh and simple, although not deliberately dressed, but with that beautiful face, still attracted the attention of countless men!

When she saw Ye Xiao, a flurry flashed in the woman's eyes, but she soon calmed down. Finally, she sat opposite Ye Xiao, and her lips moved gently: "are you so early?"

"Ha ha, it's the first time you've invited me to drink coffee since you've been here for so long. Naturally, you'd better come earlier." Ye Xiao faintly smiles, but her eyes are looking at the pure eyes of the woman!

By Ye Xiao's burning eyes, the woman is a little embarrassed and dare not look directly into Ye Xiao's eyes. Then she hears Ye Xiao's sad tone and sighs softly!

"Ye Xiao, I'm not worth it!" It was Tan Xiaoxiao. When she knew that Li Shiqin had betrayed Ye Xiao and nearly buried him in the sea of fire, she only felt that one of her heart was almost broken. When she thought of what ye Xiao had done in Kyoto, it was only for her own sake that she felt a pang of pain in her heart!

She promised her father to marry Lin Wuqing, which is something that can't be changed. Now ye Xiao has been in danger of life and death for her several times. How can she be calm? This time she asked Ye Xiao out alone, in order to persuade him to leave Kyoto and leave the whirlpool stage!

"Why not?" For Tan Xiaoxiao's question, ye Xiao and surprised, just asked a question!

"Because..." Tan Xiaoxiao didn't think of a good excuse for a moment, and was stunned there, at a loss!

"Smile, do you love me?" Ye Xiao didn't give Tan Xiaoxiao any more questions to think about. He asked again!Do you love me? Tan Xiaoxiao, the whole person is a Leng, she really did not expect Ye Xiao will put forward such a question at this time!

Love? There is no need to answer. If you don't love, how could you have promised your father's request for him at the beginning? If it wasn't for love, how could you worry about his safety time and again? If it wasn't for love, how could you think of asking him out at the first time when he was about to die in flames, just to make him happy and safe!

But can you say love? Once he said that, he would only fall into a more dangerous state. Now that the wind and clouds are surging in Kyoto, Lin Qingqing has done something to him several times. Now the best way is to leave Kyoto and return to Jinghai, where is his world!

"Ye Xiao, I actually

"Xiaoxiao, why do you deceive yourself? I know what you are worried about. You are just worried about what harm I will get and that I will be attacked by the Lin family. However, you should believe me more. Believe me, ye Xiao. When I first arrived in Jinghai, I had nothing, fought against Shangguan, defeated Chou Fei, killed Wuchen, pressed down all the heroes and unified Jinghai. Who did ye Xiao fear? Who did I defeat? The Lin family is very powerful, but what about that? Ye Xiao today is not the old monk. Don't you believe me Don't wait for Tan Xiaoxiao to talk, ye Xiao has directly interrupted, a pair of deep eyes are more affectionate looking at Tan Xiaoxiao!

Looking at Ye Xiao's dark eyes and hearing his confident words, Tan smiles and gets drunk. In a trance, she sees the proud figure, the teenager who beat a group of bad students with his own strength, the powerful man who becomes the godfather of Jinghai city's underworld by his own strength, and the gangster hero who stirs up the storm of Kyoto by just one person!

Looking at his arrogant smile, Tan Xiaoxiao was a bit crazy. Who would he be afraid of? Who could he be afraid of? I have always said that I love him, but I do not even have the minimum trust, is this really love?

"Smile, believe me, you are mine, no one can take you away from me, no one can!" Looking at Tan Xiaoxiao's intoxicated eyes, ye Xiao suddenly walks forward and hugs Tan Xiaoxiao in her arms. However, she doesn't notice that a pretty figure is standing at the foot of the stairs, staring at all this

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