B city area 1, Black Wolf Gang headquarters shed.

The black wolf king was sitting on his leading chair. A two meter long gray wolf was lying at his feet. At this time, the black wolf king was stroking the back of the wolf like a pet dog. Next to the black wolf king, one of his men was telling him something.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The black wolf king burst out laughing, and those core members who practiced boxing in the shed also looked at the black wolf king from time to time.

"Are you serious? The boy pulled out the one eyed snake's wig in public and called the Cyclops deformed?"

"It's true, boss. Our people saw it with their own eyes. " Black wolf king next to the report of the men replied.

"Good, good! That one eyed snake needs face the most. That boy can make the one eyed snake so disgraceful this time. Even if he can't kill the one eyed snake, it's a big blow of anger for me! " The black wolf king grinned and his two long tusks were exposed. As a matter of fact, he knows that this kind of "deformity" and "monster" is always the most painful point in the heart of a person whose appearance is different from that of ordinary people. But he is good, with the help of this wolf like appearance, also got a huge power. But the one eyed snake, but even the black wolf king himself did not know that he had this layer of secret. Now the one eyed snake is bald and deformed. Its eyes grow on the back of its head. This story has spread. How can a one eyed snake fool around in city B!

"What's going on there now?"

"The one eyed snake wanted to kill the boy and called up the members of the green wood society. Most of the members of the green wood club were driving to the fourth district with the guy."

The black wolf king stopped smiling, thought calmly for a moment, and said, "the guy really doesn't care about our tripartite treaty. Is he going to let his people enter the fourth district? If it's really just to kill a leaf, it's ok... "

"Boss, are you worried about The one eyed snake wants to use this as an excuse to take people into area four and take control of area four? "

"If that's true, it's a real hassle for us." The black wolf king tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly patted his thigh and said, "hurry up, send someone to support the boy and announce to everyone that the boy is my brother. Whoever dares to move him will be killed by me!"

"Boss! The people of the green wood society took action earlier than us. Even if we announced the news, I'm afraid that even if we rush to get there, the boy will be beaten into a sieve. "

"What do you know?" The black wolf king slapped the black man on the head and said, "Lao Tzu took the opportunity to take people into the fourth district. When the green wood association did not occupy the Fourth District, the death of that boy became an opportunity for Laozi and the one eyed snake to start a formal war! In this way, it makes sense for the two old men! "

"Tall, boss!"

"Take half of the elite and the miscellaneous hair outside, and give it to me." Said the black wolf king.

"Yes The black wolf king's men immediately yelled in the shed. Half of the people who were practicing boxing followed him out of the shed. Half a football field big shed, only a few more than 20 people left.

The black wolf king was sitting on his chair, and he was very quiet all around. Even outside the work shed, many ordinary members of the Black Wolf Gang, who were originally noisy, followed him to the fourth district.

The black wolf king was silent for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He touched the head of the big gray wolf under his feet and said, "if the boy is not dead, save him if you can."

The wolf raised his head and nodded to the black wolf king, and then ran out of the shed quickly


On the 28th floor of Sophie Hotel, the bodies of more than a dozen members of the green wood society were lying on the ground. Most corpses have a hole in their heads that are pierced by dice.

This is a new ability ye Wumian has mastered after upgrading his ability. He has controlled the strength of gravity to control small things like dice and shoot them out at the speed of bullets.

At this time, the gambler here has already been in the chaos and has already run downstairs in a hurry. The God of gambler has disappeared mysteriously. Even the one eyed snake himself, under the protection of some members of the green wood society, left first. Ye Wuque wants to chase after him, but he is stopped by the two people in front of him.

Previously, it was the hidako of Japan's heavyweight sumo wrestler and Japan's top secret killer, tianzang.

The physical quality of these two people has long been beyond the scope of normal people. Even if ye Wuqian hit dizang with a dice, he could not hurt his full body of fat defense at all. His fat seems to be very special, with strong hardness and elasticity, and can bounce back everything that hits him. As for tianzang, ye Wuqian has never hit him with anything. His action is too fast.

These two people, one like a rhinoceros, calm and incomparable, impact up but extremely lethal. The other is like a leopard living in the jungle, quick action, strong lethality. Ye Wuqi thinks that since he knows how to use his powers, his body has been strengthened to a level that normal people can't reach. However, compared with these two people, there is still a very obvious gap.

At this time, the two men one after another wrapped in leaves without missing. Dizang bow his body, this force action is like a rhinoceros has pointed its horns at the enemy is ready to rush! Tianzang, on the other hand, pulled out a knife from there. The blade was shining purple, which was very similar to the Japanese evil knife Murakami.After the previous fight, ye wukuben's wounded body was added several new knife edges. He stood in the middle of the two, trying to control a table top with his power, which was floating in front of him, so as to avoid being shot by someone secretly.

"How about it? What I said just now is still counted. " Tianzang did not immediately launch an attack. He looked at ye Wuque and asked.

"I said, I must kill that fat man, no one can stop it!" He looked at the fierce and ferocious of the leopard.

All of a sudden, Sophie's security staff suddenly appeared behind him and disappeared without weapons. Ye Wuqian is not polite, with the electric stick on the back of the brain bag to chop!

"I can't help it!" Ye Wumian knows very well that when he appears in the earth by blinking, it is very difficult to use this method in tianzang. After all, ye Wuqian is also deeply aware that when he moves and appears again in an instant, tianzang, who is quick in action, must be able to lock himself as the target and launch a fierce attack.

"So I must kill this big pig with one blow!" With such a belief, ye Wuqi put the electric stick like a sword into his neck, almost using his whole body strength!

When the electric stick really hit on the ground, ye Wuqi even heard the crackling sound of the electric stick.

He thought that he had succeeded, but when dizang was still intact, he slowly turned around and grasped Ye Wuxiang's arm with his thick palm. Ye Wuqian deeply felt that the slow-moving fat man's real defense strength had been enhanced to an unthinkable degree. I'm afraid that even a real bullet may not be able to penetrate his whole body of fat, right?

"Bang!" The sound of a loud sound, leaves without lack was thrown to the wall of the floor. Then ye Wuqi has not landed yet. In the case that he has not completely found out, one foot has already kicked his stomach. A strong sense of impact spread over his stomach. Ye Wuqi even felt the wall behind him was kicked and split by this foot.

He reluctantly raised his head, and saw that the cold eyes of tianzang concealed the opportunity of killing. He said coldly, "since you don't intend to leave B city, we'll do our best. Let's live by our true abilities. "

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