Sophie hotel's grand gambling will be due to ye Wuque caused by the sensation completely stopped, all gamblers have left the hotel. The Chinese name ye Wuque has become the focus of discussion in city B tonight. And everyone knows that ye Wuque is fighting with two secret bodyguards of one eyed snake on the 28th floor of the hotel.

Everyone is also looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

For a time, the whole city B began to spread various legends about ye Wuque. I'm afraid Ye Wuqian didn't think of it. He just wanted to do an arms business in city B, but it became a crucial turning point to change the distribution of B Cheng's forces.

At the entrance of Sophie Hotel, unconsciously and secretly, for a time, I did not know how many people gathered from various forces.

The dog, of course, is hidden in it. He was hiding in the dark woods in the park opposite Sophie's Hotel, secretly watching the hotel.

At the door of the hotel, more than 400 members of the green wood society have all crowded in the door. The leader is even the tama bear, one of the two deputy of the Green Wood Association. However, the security guard of the hotel is holding a heavy machine gun and resolutely refuses to let any member of the green wood club enter. The dog was still vaguely seeing people of four yellow complexions, carrying a camera and reporting something there. And there's a beautiful girl among them? The dog suddenly remembered that the scene of the Black Wolf Gang fourth team captain pranley was broadcast in the third district. I'm afraid it was these young front-line reporters who broadcast the scene live?

"What a young stranger." The dog hid behind the tree and looked at the reporters with a sneer and said in a low voice, "do you really think city B is a joke? This kind of place is where you journalists who can't even fire guns can come? Or do you think you can be safe in city B with the protection of the green wood society temporarily? "

The dog sneered, especially at the young and beautiful female reporter. Although I don't know why the female reporter's face is still just and reporting the facts, he is quite aware that the one eyed snake is a famous gambler and lecher

This is not the time to worry about others. The dog looked around. In the dim light, there were many people hiding. The dog knows that these people are local organizations in the four districts. It seems that the seven societies in the fourth district have reached some kind of agreement, and now the staff used to fight against the green wood society and the Black Wolf Gang have begun to mobilize.

The hotel is completely under blockade, so many bears can't get in, let alone themselves.

"We have to create chaos." The dog thought.

At this time, the one eyed snake came out of the Sophie hotel under the protection of a dozen bodyguards. The hotel's own security personnel, of course, let go. After the one eyed snake came out, how many bears followed up respectfully and said a few words in the ear of the one eyed snake.

The one eyed snake just nodded, then nodded to several front-line reporters, and finally said hello. The dog saw that the one eyed snake was not the same to the female reporter. The one eyed snake had a bad smile and wanted to pat the female reporter on the shoulder, but the female reporter deliberately avoided it. The one eyed snake still kept smiling and didn't look angry.

The dog took the pistol out of his bag, and he aimed at the one eyed snake's head from afar, ready to shoot him in the head. In my heart, even after the event has been thought well, if you want to create chaos, I'm afraid there is no more chaotic beginning of B city than the sudden tragic death of one eyed snake at the door of the hotel?!

The hand of the dog holding the pistol trembled slightly. He had been aiming at it for a long time, but he did not dare to pull the trigger. Finally, before his head realized it, the gun in the dog's hand had already shot out.

"Bang!" There was a shot. The first shot in the fourth division.

The bullet went in the direction of the one eyed snake and passed through the crowd. But in the end, because the dog had not yet developed the ability to shoot through the head 300 meters away, the bullet deflected and hit many bears standing beside the one eyed snake on the shoulder.

How many bear's face tightened, but did not shout, and even the gunshot wound on his shoulder did not seem to have any impact on him. He just looked at the location of the bullet in silence. And it's like telling the one eyed snake to go.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

For a while, the continuous gunfire started. The park woods opposite the hotel and the members of the Green Wood Association at the door of the hotel began to take out guns and shoot at random. Many people fell down in the sound of gunfire. For a moment, the scene began to become extremely chaotic.

Duo Duo bear was still in front of the one eyed snake. The tall and strong body blocked most of the body of the one eyed snake. More than a dozen members of the green wood society also surrounded the two and fled quickly towards the third area. Maybe it was the reason why the one eyed snake had already said hello. There were also several people who were closely protecting the four front-line reporters and taking them to escape in the direction of the one eyed snake together.

When she ran away, the young female reporter did not forget to go back and take some pictures of the scene. "What a brave girl. It's a pity that if you stay in the hands of the one eyed snake, you will be destroyed sooner or later. " The dog shook his head and looked at the chaotic scene of the unexplained exchange of fire between the two sides. In an instant, more than 30 people on both sides were shot dead. The dog didn't expect that the same effect could be achieved with this crooked shot?"I can't stay here for the time being. Maybe I'll be killed by random guns." The dog thought to himself, "isn't brother Ye's first goal the one eyed snake? I'd better follow him first! "

So the dog left the dark woods opposite the hotel and secretly followed the one eyed snake who was running away with more than ten people.


Ye Wumian's head is still pressed down by Xizang. However, due to the power released by himself, the control of gravity and the power of dizang are deadlocked. For a time, dizang has no choice but to take ye Wuqi. At this time, the sudden bursts of gunfire from downstairs surprised the three men on the battlefield.

Tianzang immediately went out of the window to look down and roared, "the man-made counter in the Fourth District! We are surrounded

Hearing this, dizang was stunned.

Ye Wuqian takes advantage of dizang's daze and the relaxation of his hand's strength. He is actually a thug who breaks away from the underground. Immediately jumped to five meters away, and tianzang dizang kept the body shape.

At this time, there were some injuries on tianzang dizang's body, but ye Wuqi was more serious. There were five or six bruises on his back, upper back and back abdomen, which were caused by tianzang's fist. Tianzang's hard fist style seems to be able to penetrate Ye Wuqian's body, making Ye Wuqian feel that his internal organs have been damaged. As soon as he was standing still, he was bored and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Wumian sneered at Tian Zang Di Zang and wiped the bloodstain on his mouth and said, "you are surrounded by people. Don't you go, waiting to be beaten into a sieve?"

"If we want to go, we can't stop them! If you want to go, you will be killed before you go! " Tianzang also responded coldly.

"Can you two kill me?"

"It's hard to kill you, but it's not impossible to do so." Tianzang said, suddenly a punch broke the whole floor glass window. The glass shatters like water, splashing on the ground, the broken glass pieces, cut tianzang and dizang full of wounds.

Blood started to spread from both of them, but tianzang and dizang didn't seem to react at all. They looked at Ye Wuqian coldly. Tianzang grabbed a piece of glass which was as sharp as a dagger in the air. The sharp glass cut tianzang's hand, and the blood trickled down from his palm.

The underground collection is even more frightening. His two big palms beat the ground full of glass fragments. For a time, his two thick palms were filled with small pieces of glass, just like two cacti.

Ye Wuqi looks at these two people's similar self mutilation general behavior, knows that they are going to move seriously. He controls the gravity. With him as the center, some objects, chairs and tables around him are suspended, and a huge aura covers Ye Wuqi's whole body.

The voice of the old beggar kept shouting in Ye Wuqian's mind: "Stinky boy! You want to die! All your powers have turned blue! Your body can't accept such a high power! And your gut is already injured! If you don't stop, if you don't get killed by them, your heart will beat too fast and your blood vessels will burst and die! "

Ye Wuqi silently responded to the old beggar: "if I don't fight, more people will die. If it's necessary for the beggars to help, please let me know

"Ah..." The sigh of the old beggar rings in Ye Wuqian's mind.

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