"Damn it, did anyone tell me how long we're going to stay in this place!"

At the main entrance of Sophie Hotel, more than 400 members of the green wood club who had come to the hotel had already died. There was a lot of gunfire from both the members of the fourth district and the members of the green wood society, and there was no intention of stopping. There were bodies everywhere, a river of blood.

For a time, it seems that this area has become the most critical main battlefield in the Fourth District, and people from all sides are constantly rushing here. The green wood society was exposed to the light for a time, and became the target of public criticism, and was hit by a very strong firepower.

"In less than ten minutes We, we've lost more than a hundred people! Is the boss gone or not? Is there anyone in charge here? How many Deputy bears? How many Deputy Okada? No one knows where they are? " A small group leader of the green wood club could not bear the threat of firepower from all directions. He hid behind the pillar at the door of the hotel and yelled.

"What a bear's deputy took the eldest brother back to the headquarters! Deputy Okada didn't see anyone! " One responded in gunfire.

At this time, a member of the Green Wood Association, who had been evacuated with many bears, mingled with the location occupied by the green wood society at this time. He found the group leader and asked eagerly, "where's the Deputy Okada! The boss has something important to inform him!"

"How the hell do I know! I'm looking for him, too The group leader was very angry. He had only 20 members in his group, but now half of them are dead. Seeing that the number of people will drop, the next order from the leader has not been issued. What's worse, he seems to have lost contact with the person who gave the order.

"Withdraw first." The man looked at the situation in front of him, and there were people coming from the front. Although the fire power of their 300 people is still strong, the fighting spirit of the personnel has been extinguished by this hopeless despair. Now everybody wants to get out of this place.

"Maybe it's just like the old man said. They will be beaten by others." The man thought of it and quickly yelled at the group leader: "withdraw! The boss said we might be cheated by the Mafia! You lead people to break through and go back to the headquarters first, and then I'll go to find Deputy Okada! "

"Take care of yourself!" He doesn't care what the plot is when he hears that he can evacuate. Quickly with the hands of the people in the direction of the headquarters retreat.

On the other side of the woods, there were countless black people, all of whom had a wolf head on their arms. They didn't fire a single shot at the Sofi hotel where gunshot wounds gathered.

"Chief, the members of the green wood association are removed. Are we going to chase? "One of the black wolf gang members asked forward.

Tony Haas, the group leader of the black wolf king, was nicknamed Black King Kong because of his strong talent and fierce face. Black King Kong is different from the ordinary man with a heavy head. He can mix from an ordinary member of the Black Wolf Gang to the black wolf king. The position of the first group leader is not only based on his big body.

Black King Kong watched the Green Wood Association withdraw with his eyes. He said, "this time, our Black Wolf Gang has taken 400 people into the Fourth District, which has violated the" three party contract ". If we pursue the green wood association here, although it can defeat the green wood society, we must also be unable to retreat. At that time, the strength of the Black Wolf Gang will be greatly reduced. I always think there is something strange about ye Wuqi. Now it seems that our elder brother and the elder brother of the green wood society have been calculated. We'd better not do anything for the time being. "

"Didn't the boss say that we should sneak in under the name of protecting ye Wumian? Let's just take care of that kid's life. Don't worry about other things. "

"Yes People responded.

Black King Kong looked at the door of the hotel and thought to himself, "but there is always a gap that we can't cross. Ye Wuqian, when you leave the hotel, we can meet you. But if you can't get out of the hotel, it's your own life. "

"Yes! Do you see any gangsters in the fourth section Black King Kong asked.

"Spies return, it seems that everyone is circulating in private. Members of the mafia have entered the Fourth District, but in fact, none of the 13 spies of the Black Wolf Gang except dogs have seen any members of the Mafia. It is very likely that this news is just a smoke bomb from the Mafia. "

"Smoke bomb How can the Mafia not get involved in such a lively business in the fourth district? " Looking at the door of the hotel, Black King Kong felt more and more uneasy.


Sitting in the secret monitoring room on the top floor of the hotel, it seems that the chaos and war in the four districts have nothing to do with it. At this time, the monitoring lens is still aimed at the protagonist of B city tonight, ye Wuqian.

Behind them stood a middle-aged man in a neat black suit and sunglasses.

"God of gamblers. According to your contact with the boy, is he suitable? " The black old man looked at ye Wuque and asked.

"Tell Mr. Black, from my close observation, this boy has a very crazy heart hidden under his ordinary appearance, and his amazing perseverance is beyond ordinary people's reach. It's the one chosen by the special powers. " With a professional smile on his face, he remembered that he had warned ye Wuque not to go to the ceiling. The boy's firm eyes seemed to tell him that he must break through regardless of the mountains and rivers ahead.Can't help, even the God of gambling did not find out, he actually really smile. The gambler continued, "and I also found that this boy's obstinacy is the spirit we need most for this mission. The forces contained in city a are already very complicated. In addition, the people in our headquarters have gone to do that. Think again to find out what the South African Military secretly developed. I'm afraid He is the only one. "

"God of gamblers, work hard. You can do it." Said Bai.

"Yes, old Bai. I will try my best to finish it. It's just Suddenly the God of gamblers laughed again.

"Just what?"

"It's just that guy, it's not suitable to be a gambler. As long as you recognize something, whether it's right or wrong, you'll stick to it all the time. Such a character, in the game, will only lose very thoroughly. I can't guarantee that I can persuade him then Said the God of gamblers.

"It doesn't matter. He'll do it. " The white old man looked at the monitoring, bloody and frail, and was being held up by people. Ye Wuwu, who was about to die, said with a mysterious smile.

Ye Wuqi, of course, did not know that he had been paid attention to by two military level figures in South Africa since he entered the hotel. At this moment, he has only one idea in his mind, and he must spell it out from the hotel. Kill the one eyed snake.

At this time, with a huge body, from the back of Ye Wuque, dizang stretched out two thick palms and deeply grasped Ye Wuqi's two arms. Hold ye Wuke in the air.

The huge palm like bear's paw, inlaid with glass fragments, is deeply inserted into the leaves of the arm. Intense pain spread throughout the whole body. But he couldn't move. The power of the underground was too large to be a normal human being. It was almost the same as a real bear.

At the same time, ye Wuxu found that when the hidden blood flowed under his skin along the glass fragment, his ability to mobilize his powers was seriously hindered.

It's like going back to the power you just mastered. It's very difficult to use the power every time, and the result is very ordinary.

As a result, ye Wuque was unable to take the initiative in fighting. For a while, it's in midair.

Tiancang looked at Ye Wuqian with fierce light in his cold eyes, and said coldly, "I know at the beginning why I would rather risk violating the employer's order and also want to release you?"

"Because I knew for a long time that the powers of this world are really hard to deal with. It's not to say how strong you are, but to kill a power like you. The best way is to infuse ordinary people's blood into your body, so that the power operation in your body will be affected. It doesn't work at the level of a power, and at that time, it doesn't automatically take a fatal attack from your body. "

"In other words, it's only when ordinary people's blood flows into the power's body that ordinary people's best time to kill a power."

Tianzang shook his head and said, "although before you, the two of us have killed three powers. But it's still too much trouble. I'd rather let you go. But you don't know what to do. Then I have to... "

Tianzang steps forward, holding a piece of glass like a dagger in his hand, and rushes towards ye Wuque crazily, shouting at the same time.

"Let's go




Seeing that the glass fragments stained with tianzang's blood would be inserted into ye Wumian's heart, tianzang leaped up, and when the glass tip was only a little distance away from Ye's heart, he suddenly stopped moving.

"How could this happen?" Tianzang himself was unable to move in the air. He looked at the leaves in front of him. He felt as if he was wrapped and oppressed by something. It's not just like he's hiding.

Ye Wuqi's whole face is red as fire, and a violent air current hovers around Ye Wuqi's body when it can be seen from the sky.

Tianzang suddenly realized the real reason why he wanted to let ye Wuwu go. He worried about himself and was killed by him.

Ye Wumian closes his eyes, but seems to be under great pressure. The color of the power has changed from cyan to red. With ye Wumian's forced operation, the powerful power creates a great sense of oppression around him. Originally controlling the gravity of the object, it became two powerful gases stamping tianzang and dizang.

"Click!" A little noise. Tianzang heard the bone of his arm break under the impact of this strong air pressure.






Ye Wuqi's final picture is already very fuzzy, and the only voice in his mind is the cry of the old beggar: "don't use it! Don't use it! Red! Red! You You Your body... "

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