Night finally came, and the sky in South Africa was dotted. The dry air was filled with a faint smell of blood gas.

Outside the shed of the headquarters of the Black Wolf Gang, there were scattered corpses of more than 20 black people. There's not a whole body. Some of the black people were still howling hard on the ground. The corpses and blood on the ground are like purgatory.

"There's not a whole body..." A white member of the Mafia, looking at the scene in front of him, even though he belongs to the urchin side, he still has a sense of fear that is hard to suppress. Looking at the urchin standing in the corpse, which is shorter than him, it is the devil from hell, it is a killing machine without any human feelings.

In the battle just over ten minutes ago, the priest completely pinned down the black wolf king. Like some kind of natural wonder, the priest's body emitted a strong and colossal gray white gas, which enveloped the black wolf king and himself. The members of the Mafia could not see what was going on inside, only knew that there was constant fighting Voice, and And the roar of the wolf?

On the other side, all members of the Mafia seem to be onlookers. The urchin rushes into the elite members of the Black Wolf Gang alone. Perhaps because the black wolf king was not afraid of bullets before, the Mafia people have been used to the fearless performance of these big men when facing the gun. But unlike the black wolf king, the naughty boy shuttles through the crowd like lightning, almost avoiding all the bullets of the Black Wolf Gang. The urchin's arm is like two powerful mechanical arms. He quickly passes through the crowd and grabs with both hands The Black Wolf Gang boxer who lived along the way just seemed to tear it to both sides easily. The man's body was like a flimsy paper man, which was torn into two living pieces.

Along with the naughty boy's crazy laughter with killing passion, more and more members of the Black Wolf Gang were torn in two by him. There was no room for resistance, and even his figure could not be caught. When the urchin stopped, it was accompanied by a person's dismemberment.

On the other side, the white fog slowly dissipated, and the priest reappeared from the fog. When he reappeared, there was a bloodstain of wolf claws on the priest's face.

The naughty boy disdained to tear up the last member of the Black Wolf Gang, frowned and looked at the only one priest and asked, "what about others?"

"After all, he is the seventh patriarch of his predecessor. Let him run. " The priest had no expression, but those who knew him knew that he was already very angry.

"Run away?" The naughty boy disdains to say: "you even let his mother run?"

"Don't worry. It's not just wolves who track prey Said the minister. Slowly extend his right hand, his right hand palm, a white smoke inexplicably out, slowly into the night sky.

At this time, an elite member of the Black Wolf Gang had only the upper part of his body. His stomach was torn off and his intestines were bleeding all over the ground. But he is still not completely dead, he silently endure extreme pain, desperate eyes in the hard hand to grope for something on his body.

"No!" a veteran member of the Mafia suddenly yelled. He walked quickly to the dying member of the Black Wolf Gang and shot him in the head. Shot, dead.

"What are you doing?" The urchin was suddenly baffled and roared sternly.

"He, he, he He wants to have a haircut and call someone... " The veteran Mafia member was so roared by the urchin that his legs trembled slightly. In order to prove himself, he rummaged in the body's pocket for a long time, and finally pulled out the small rocket launcher of the delivery model.

"Look, boss! This is their human transmitter The veteran members tried to force a smile, imagining the urchin proving that he had just done the right thing.

"Why did you kill him! You think I don't know about this? Why do you want to stop him? " The urchin grabbed his head and roared wildly.

All of a sudden, the urchin disappeared from his original place. When he reappeared, he had already stood behind the experienced member. His hands penetrated the man's flesh like a mechanical arm, and grasped the upper and lower parts of the spine of the man respectively and pulled them in two directions.

With the cry of extreme fear, the self righteous and experienced member's body became half

The urchin picked up the transmitter from the ground, studied it, and pressed the red launch button into the sky. A red light from the transmitter, shining into the depths of the sky, as bright as a light in the dark. Like a backward meteorite full of destruction.

"Come on, come on, all of you." The naughty boy looked at the model of the Black Wolf Gang in the sky and said: "I haven't killed enough!"

"It's more comfortable at night..." Hiding on the top of a seven story building, the black wolf king closed his eyes and felt the baptism of the night. He closed the corner of his eyes, unnaturally shed tears. Perhaps he did not want to admit that these tears were for the members who were slaughtered by urchins.

The black wolf king is used to the feeling of hiding in the dark. The scorching sun during the day made him feel exposed to the dangerous open air, which was an instinctive choice for a hunter who had been hiding in the dark.Wolf, or to hide in order to make people feel more dangerous.

At this time, the black wolf king's skin was covered with bruises like being whipped by a leather whip.

Looking at the red signal rising from the sky. The cold face of the black wolf king is as cool as moonlight. He looked at the urchin from afar coldly, his eyes showed infinite silence, and said coldly, "Tenth leader, you really haven't grown up at all. You are still as usual as before, just like a dog. It's a pity that Lao Tzu's wolf cub is not here, or I'll let you taste the wolf's fangs. "

Think of before the black wolf king sent the gray wolf out to track Ye Wuqian. Black wolf king inexplicably smile: "today seems to be the third day, also don't know that boy, in the end got it or not."

Suddenly, behind the black wolf king, dozens of adult wolves stood up straight, with the huge moon behind them as the background, pulling out a long cry.

"There he is!" The priest suddenly turned his head and looked at the roof of a building hundreds of meters away. The black wolf king stood upright with his vague figure. Countless long-lasting wolf calls came from behind him.

"Chase!" When the urchin roars, he disappears in place.

The priest's mysterious smile, white smoke from around his body slowly generated around him. The priest's calm eyes fixed on the black wolf king and said, "do you want to deliberately lead us away, so that the urchin will not kill more members of the Black Wolf Gang who have been summoned? Wolf As expected, they are still protecting the calf. "

At the end of the speech, the white smoke disappeared and the priest disappeared.

On the other side of city B, a room in the fourth district.

Ye Wumian sits on the bed quietly drawing his eyes. White smoke comes out of the cigarette end and fills the closed small room. Several cigarette butts have been lost on the ground near his feet.

The dog cried bitterly and knelt down in front of Ye Wuqian and said: "Ye Ge! I betrayed you! I sold your news to the green wood club! You kill me! I have no complaints! But ye Ge, I only ask you one thing, please Kill inoumura Okada for me, for my Hanni brothers

"I'm not a professional killer. How can one or two of them entrust me with the task of killing people?" Ye Wumian vomited a cigarette and said, "you can't be totally blamed for this. Of course, I have no right to blame you. As for the Jingcun Okada thing, you'd better kill it yourself. After all, I have no grudge against him

"Brother ye..." The dog some can't believe looking at the leaf without missing. In B city, betrayal is the most serious death penalty in the eyes of these big men.

"Stop the ink." Ye Wuqian stood up straight and rested for a whole day. He felt his body was full of unprecedented vitality. His optimized powers were even more obedient like a domestic dog. Ye Wuqi felt that he was full of strength at this time.

"What did you say? Where is the one eyed snake hiding

"Oh, yes. Ye Ge, I followed the one eyed snake for a period of time before I received you. I found that he did not go back to the headquarters of the third district, but stayed in a hotel not far away from here. " Said the dog, wiping away his tears.

"Yes. Let's go to him now. If you're lucky, you may meet your enemy. " Ye Wuque said with a sneer. Go out of the room and tell the lemon to stay here.

The voice of the old beggar rang out in Ye Wuqian's mind: "you must not use powers excessively! Cyan cannot be called! You feel that your body is full of strength, but in fact, because of your excessive use of red power, many tissues of your body are on the verge of collapse and criticality. Can't be in... "

"I know, I know..." Ye Wuqi quickly interrupted the old beggar's words with a wave and said, "without tianzang and dizang, I can't even use the power to kill that fat man."

In fact, ye Wuque doesn't know the change of city B now. What he determined was still the three-day deadline given to him by the black wolf king. And tonight is the deadline. If necessary, he still


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