With the sound of "bang", the door that the other three reporters could never cross except Tian Yishu opened.

The fat body of the one eyed snake almost filled the opening of the door. He grinned and came in with a pistol.

"Snake! We have something to discuss with you. " When Quan Daolai saw the one eyed snake, his tired face showed a strange look. He took a look at the open door behind the one eyed snake and looked at the one eyed snake with a smile.

"Old snake, big snake! This cheap woman's escape has nothing to do with us. She just lied to us that she went to the bathroom. It's lucky that she didn't run away. Really, snake, we don't know anything about it Quan Daolai did not expect that one day, he would show his most disgusting and disgusting face in order to survive.

"Oh? Is it? " Looking at the snake, I don't know what Daoquan is laughing at.

"Really, snake boss, we had a discussion just now, in order to make up for the trouble caused by this cheap woman's escape. We have decided to dedicate this woman to you! " Quan Daolai's eyes showed morbid starlight. Looking at the one eyed snake was like looking at an immortal who could give him the elixir of immortality.

And Tian Yishu herself, can only sit quietly in the corner, her eyes cold looking at the floor, heart has no desire to live. The only one who could have saved him, I'm afraid, has fallen into the sea, right? There's no hope. There's no hope. This world, originally is disguised under the gentle appearance, hides anything may ignore the evil.

"Good, good!" One eyed snake dotes on Quan Daolai's face. Even though Quan Daolai had no expression of disgust at all, he was as honest as a pug and looked at the one eyed snake with his eyes.

"Bang!" The sound of a gun.

Quan Daolai never thought that the one eyed snake's gun was proportional to his chest. The gunshot brought him into reality again. He was never faced with a God, but a real devil.

Quan Daolai looked at the hole in his chest in horror. The one eyed snake didn't even change his expression. He pushed Quan Daolai away with a smile and said, "but your smile is so ugly that it affects my appetite."

With a "puff" sound, Quan Daolai fell to the ground, and the blood flowed out of his chest. From the angle of his fall, he could see Tian Yishu's face, and Tian Yishu was looking at him at the same time. Quan Daolai opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he could only open his mouth and could not make a sound at all. Before closing his eyes, Quan Daolai's eyes even shed tears inexplicably. He looked at Tian Yishu from nowhere, and his face seemed to have been kind again. His mouth moved

Tian Yishu saw what he wanted to say, and then he said to himself, "yes No I'm sorry


At this time, ye Wuque is running towards the huofei Hotel crazily. In his mind, the old beggar's joyful voice keeps ringing.

"Hey, stinky boy, come in here."

"You know what, you really survived the disaster this time, and you will be lucky. I've looked at your body carefully, you know? When the bullet containing lemon blood spits out of your mouth, all the powers of your body are activated. And began to heal your body autonomously. Every missing cell in your body, every injured viscera, has recovered rapidly under the package of your internal powers! No, no, no, it's not only to recover, but also to deconstruct your body to a new level of strength, and I find that your powers have completely disappeared without color! This means that you can now fully master the upgraded cyan ability! Can you believe it? Don't talk about you. I can't believe such a thing! "

Hello! Son of a bitch! You come in here. Didn't you hear what I said

"Hey, stinky boy, don't ignore me. I still have a lot to study with you about your powers! What the hell are you doing?! Don't you know this is a very important part of your future strength? Hey, stinky boy! Do you hear me or not? "

The old beggar really did not think that, no matter how hard he roared in Ye Wuqian's mind, ye Wuque did not pay any attention to his performance. Did ye Wuqian hear the old beggar? Of course I heard it. The sound from my head can be heard clearly even in a dream.

But at the moment, there is only one thought in Ye Wuqian's mind. Save a bunch of Tian and kill the one eyed snake.

He ran madly towards the direction of the Hoffer hotel. If someone else had the eyes of an old beggar, he would surely find that there was no lack of leaves at this time. His whole body was wrapped in a kind of green energy, and his speed was even faster, and normal people's eyes could not catch him.

In a street in four districts, two unknown men and horses are firing against each other for some unknown reason. A black gangster held a gun at the enemy, but the gun never fired. He did not know why. He hid himself and held the gun for a good inspection.

All of a sudden, the gun in his hand was hit and flew inexplicably and fell to the ground several meters away. The gangster suddenly regained consciousness and looked around, but found nothing. He looked strangely at the gun that fell several meters away. Just that second What happened?His companion quickly picked up the gun on the ground and threw it to him. He yelled: "what the hell are you doing? Open fire! We're going to lose it! "

"Good!" The man reacted, but there was always a strange feeling in his heart. He was sure that he was hit by something, but it seemed that not only he, but everyone at the scene did not find this. He looked at the gun in his hand and asked, "my Hallucination

Ye Wuhuang went through the scene of the fight between the two sides, and just in a moment, arrived at the front door of the huofei hotel. The old beggar, who had been noisy in the sea of Ye Wuqian's brain, was stunned and did not speak, because the old beggar realized something he did not dare to think about, but ye Wuque had already done.

Ye Wuqi has just used his ability to upgrade to "green" to complete a two kilometer long Instant transfer.

Inside the hotel, Quan Daolai's fresh body is still lying in front of Tian Yishu. His eyes are still full of regret in looking at Tian Yishu.

The other two front-line reporters were so scared that they could not make a sound. They knelt down in front of the one eyed snake, kowtow to the one eyed snake desperately, and cried out in a mournful voice: "snake, spare your life, snake."

"Bang bang!" Two shots. Two other journalists had a blood hole in their heads.

For a time, three colleagues who had been living with them became three bloody corpses. Tian Yishu looks at the ground and his eyes are still looking at him. Suddenly, he can't stop the tears flowing desperately.

The one eyed snake's pistol finally pointed to Tian Yishu's head. He looked at Tian Yishu with an evil smile and said, "I'll give you one last chance. Now tell me whether you are willing to sleep with me willingly."

Tian a bunch of tears, looking up at the one eyed snake, that last hope has been dashed.

The last hope of survival It's broken.

Tian Yi's last thought, the only firm light in her tears eyes, proves that this brave girl, even in the face of death, is not willing to let herself sink. She tried to endure the painful feeling in her heart, just like standing on the stairs at the beginning, and her resolute and strong expression on her face did not change.

"Spit." Don't care about the lethal pistol on your head. She spat at the one eyed snake's face.

"Good! Since you want to die so much! I will help you Today's one eyed snake, is about to be mad by this woman, never a woman let the Cyclops so shameful! His convulsive face was full of cruel eyes. He raised the pistol closer to Tian Yishu's head

Just at the moment when Tian Yishu was ready to die, she suddenly looked at the back of the one eyed snake and laughed. Huixin's eyes were full of tears, as if she were really happy to the extreme. Like the born sun, she laughed brightly and gently.

A strange feeling swept over the whole body of the one eyed snake.

Looking at the flowers in front of him, it looks like a strange thing? Will someone smile so happily in the face of death? Is she a pervert?

One eyed snake felt his scalp numb. How could he care about this abnormal woman so much before.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" he yelled?! You're going to die, you know what?! I will kill you One eyed snake roared wildly. How could anyone laugh so happily in the face of death?! Is she so afraid of death?

Tian Yishu seems to have never heard the one eyed snake's roar at all. He still looks at the one eyed snake's back and smiles like a flower.

The one eyed snake was suddenly shocked, and he suddenly understood that the reason why this woman was smiling so brightly was that she knew that she could not die.

At this moment, the one eyed snake clearly felt behind him and stood alone.

"Don't you say your other eye is behind your head? I've been standing here for so long? Why didn't you find out at all? Are you fuckin 'kidding me Behind the one eyed snake, a familiar and frightening voice sounded coldly.

"No It's impossible... " The one eyed snake trembled and slowly turned his head. He saw that ye Wuwei was standing behind him with a cold face. The one eyed snake suddenly felt its legs soften, and the fear it had never felt was all over the body.

As if the whole body had lost its strength, the one eyed snake collapsed uncontrollably to the ground, the gun in his hand was straight to the leaf, but his hands were shaking uncontrollably. What's more, the one eyed snake clearly knows that the bullets of ordinary guns are for ye Wuque, this kind of abnormal person It's no use at all.

"You You... " One eyed snake.

"Why am I not dead yet, am I?" Ye Wuxie smiles and approaches the one eyed snake step by step. The one eyed snake kept crawling back, trying to distance itself from the devil, but finally reached the wall, and there was no way to escape.

Ye Wuqi's evil smile on the face, full of strange self-confidence, said coldly: "I for you this kind of person, is absolutely can't kill the nightmare."

"You You Don't come here. The whole hotel is my people. You, you, you kill me, you don't want to go out alive... " The one eyed snake's forehead was covered with intense sweat. Maybe he didn't notice that his crotch was wet.Looking at Ye Wuwei's approaching step by step, and his pair of eyes full of some kind of burning heat, this is the first time that the one eyed snake has felt a sense of lifeless despair for so many years. He suddenly began to regret that he had provoked ye Wuque. No, earlier, he should not have offended the black wolf king so wantonly, which led to the nightmare of Ye Wuque. No, no, no, it should have been earlier. He shouldn't have come to city B. he just stayed in Japan. It's better not to meet the devil.

At this moment, the one eyed snake has too many regrets. He didn't even have time to take care of them all.

"Please Don't kill me. I can give you whatever you want, money, I'll give you money! I'll give you three times the reward of the black wolf king! No, no, you want the green wood club? I'll give it to you! I can give you anything, everything Please, let me go... "

Ye Wuque slowly squats down, he once said that he wants to kill this fat man, only needs one hand to hold his neck. At this time, ye wubu slowly stretched out his hand and pinched it on the neck of the one eyed snake.

With its back against the wall, the one eyed snake had no place to hide, nor could he. Ye Wuqian's slow movement is like the call of death to the dead, which is inevitable and inevitable.

One eyed snake looked at ye Wumian's hand in horror and grabbed his neck. His face was full of remorse, and his face was full of tears and snot. He begged bitterly: "what do you want You tell me, I can give you anything. Please, please, don't kill me, don't kill me... "

"I want something here. It's always the same thing." Ye Wuwu clenched his hands. The whole body of the one eyed snake began to turn red, and even lost the ventilation when it finally spoke in its throat.

"That is Your life. " Ye Wuqi said, the one eyed snake also stopped the whole body struggle.

At this point, the three giants of B city, the eldest one eyed snake of the green wood society, finally completely stopped breathing in this small room.

Ye Wumian stood up and took a long breath of air and said, "the time limit of three days has finally caught up. It's just that it's very troublesome to take off his head. It takes a lot of strength for such a thick neck

"Use this!" At this time, Tian Yishu a face calm and lovely handed out a very small pencil knife to Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuqi takes the pencil knife with some consternation. He said, "how could you have this thing on you?"

Tian Yishu blushed and said, "I'm going to, if he wants to be like that, when I am I'll cut him off with a pencil sharpener

Ye Wuhuang was shaking all over. Then embarrassed to the field a bunch of smile, said: "you help me to the door to the wind. I was not found when I came up. If anyone comes, let me know. "

"Good!" Tian a bunch of red face, secretly hide in the door to look out. Maybe the people of the green wood society know that the one eyed snake is "doing business" here. They all deliberately hide away from each other. Of course, no one dares to disturb the elegance of the one eyed snake.

Tian Yishu watched for a while, but no one was there. He relaxed his vigilance and looked back at Ye Wuqian At this time, ye Wuque is cutting the fat neck of the one eyed snake with that small pencil knife. The picture full of blood makes Tian Yishu dare not look at it more, and turns back quickly.

When looking back, Tian Yi also inexplicably sweet smile. This happy little girl was not at all like being in four bodies.

"It's done. Let's go. " Ye Wuqian wrapped the head of the one eyed snake with a sheet. Go to Tian Yishu and say.

"Go How can I get there? " Tian Yishu asked curiously. There is no green wood club on the second floor, but it doesn't mean there is no one on the first floor! Even so many bears are guarded on the first floor.

"Go through the main gate. I came from the front door, too." The leaf does not lack does not matter to say.

"What?! How can that be done? "

Ye Wuque smiles and doesn't care how Tian Yishu opposes. He held up a bunch of fields directly. The whole person flashed as fast as light. When Tian Yishu reacts, they are already standing in the opposite woods more than 30 meters away from the Hoffer hotel.

"You How did you do it? " Tian Yishu can't believe looking at the surrounding environment, and looking at the opposite real huofei Hotel, and the man beside him. This change from one place to another, this kind of trance, let Tian Yishu feel that he seems to be in a dream.

Ye Wuqi smiles mysteriously and looks at a bunch of fields in his arms and says, "Hey, I don't know. I'm the immortal who hides in the world to save little girls like you and kill big villains like one eyed snake!"

Tian a bunch of two eyes Ba Ba looked at Ye wubu: "you mean Are you Ji Gong? "

"Cough No, No Thinking of that slovenly old monk, Tian Yishu could think of him. Ye Wuque felt embarrassed and said, "we'd better leave here first." After that, he put Tian Yishu down, groped for the direction, and walked towards the small guest room the dog had found for them.

Tian Yishu followed Ye Wuqian, his eyes full of joy, and asked curiously, "you answer me, are you really Jigong? Are you really a mythical figure in history? "……

After ye Wuque and they left, Okada Minemura stealthily touched into the room where he had stayed before. When he saw the headless body of the one eyed snake, two cold lights came out of his eyes.

"There are people who do it before me." Inoumura Okada looked at the body of the one eyed snake. He had other expressions on his face. He laughed coldly and said to himself, "anyway, you are dead at last. The green wood club is mine at last. "

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