A group of geese in the shape of human flies over the harbor of Yufeng in city A. From south to north, they maintain a tight formation, and take care of each other and fly to the next resting place of geese.

A wild goose, separated from the team, is struggling to fly far behind the flock. Without a companion to counteract the wind resistance, the backward goose was struggling all over the way. In the long way, it may not be able to fly to their final destination, but it still insists on flying hard. It doesn't take much attention to see that the goose is exhausted, but no one knows why it is still struggling. Why not find a temporary settlement? No one knows what kind of emotion flashed in the eyes of the single wild goose.

Looking down from the geese's eyes, countless zombies are emerging from every area near the port of Nancheng. They are surging in a deformed and fierce direction.

Ye Wuque and the three of them, each with a rifle, a huge bullet from the rifle erupted, accompanied by a loud noise and smoke, solid hit on the zombie blocking the road. Every bullet in those powerful rifles can smash a zombie.

The black wolf king had only one right hand and no two hands. He had no way to change bullets for his rifle. He could only make do with a N9 type pistol with excellent explosion power in the pistol, but it was not suitable for aiming and with great recoil force. But it is the best choice of pistols to fight zombies that will never escape. The black wolf king doesn't need much aiming. Every time he hits a bullet, he can blow up half the head of a zombie.

God of gamblers is the strangest. He always has a deck of cards in his hand.

Cards fly out of the hand of the God of gamblers like bullets, and the effects are as fierce as bullets. The playing cards suddenly turned into a sharp blade. Any Zombie's forehead that touched the playing cards was undoubtedly cut in two by the living. Ye Wuqi always suspected that the gambling God was not playing cards with which they usually fought the landlords.

And the more ye Wuque contacted the God of gambler for a long time, the more he found that there were many strange places in this guy. According to Ye Wuqian, the God of gambling has lived in seclusion near city B for many years. He is clearly a man living in a coastal city, but he doesn't know anything about water. What's more, secret service personnel working for the South African government do not know any kind of guns and ammunition. There are also the cards in his hand. Up to now, ye Wuqi has seen the man lose three sets of playing cards and kill the most zombies. Ye Wuwei can't see through any more. He seems to have countless playing cards on his body, but he still doesn't know where he hides them.

Piles of zombies are still desperately toward the leaves, they are surrounded by them, like a group of nervous patients who are starving. In front of them, more than 200 corpses were piled up in front of them, but the number of South City zombies seems to be endless, every moment, every corner has zombies in crazy gushing out.

"How many strange things are there..." Zhang Tianluo's spirit was a little broken when he looked at the corpses all over the place. He repeatedly fired the rifle. The sound of the gun exploded in his ear, which made his brain AChE.

Although the zombies in the front can't chew any of them, the line between the zombies and them is still impacted by the continuous efforts of zombies, and the nearest distance to them is getting shorter and shorter

Now the God of gamblers are forced to throw three cards at a time. Every time they throw them, they can always accurately cut off the heads of the three zombies closest to them.

Occasionally, the God of gambler would look up at the backward wild goose in the sky. Some other emotions seemed to flash in his rigorous eyes.

"Hello, ye Wuwu, do you have your own faith?" The God of gambler suddenly did not understand what he was thinking.

"When is it time to talk about faith? Let's first think about how to break through the siege of zombies." Ye Wuque frowned and fired another shot. The bullet hit a bit askew, but broke the leg of the zombie in front of him. The zombie was not dead. He lay on the ground, ploughed forward with his hands and grinned at ye Wuque.

A playing card flew out and hit the head of the zombie. On the front door of the zombie, the nose as the center, penetrated through the skull, leaving a gap with the thickness of playing cards, and some dirty brains flowed out of the gap. The zombie fell down.

Ye Wumian turned his head and looked at it. The God of gambling did not know when he had stood by his side. He had a deep face and a pair of eyes that seemed to be thinking about something else. He whispered again, "do you have your own beliefs?"

Ye Wuqian was asked a little impatient, but think carefully, it seems that he really does not have any special belief. There is no religious belief, and there is no particular idea. The only thing I seem to insist on is to protect the people who are very important to you. For example, the most fundamental purpose of his trip to South Africa is to rescue Xiao Qi, who is dying.

"I've never thought about it before. I know how to gamble all day. " The God of gamblers threw out five cards and took a look at the wild geese in the sky. "Then I gambled more and more, and I began to have some strange ideas. I began to think I should believe in something. Because the longer I live, the more I find that any living creature in this world exists because it believes in something. Big trees believe in the sky, flowers believe in sunshine, fish believe in the sea, even if they are wolves. " The God of gambling cast a glance at the black wolf king and continued: "all believe in the forest. Do you know what I mean? "Ye Wuqi ignored him, aiming straight at the front of the zombie.

"Bang." Brain spray.

"Even these zombies, who are not living creatures, believe in human flesh. Everything in the world, everything is living around their own beliefs. But at that time, I didn't seem to know what I should believe in. "

"Psychosis doesn't need faith." Leaves without lack of cold said.

"You'll mock me." The God of gambler doesn't intend to argue with Ye Wuqian. In fact, he doesn't care what ye Wuque has said. At this time, he may just want to express some feelings.

"Then I understood. My belief is the "lucky man" who is illusory and exists all the time. No matter how superb my gambling skills are, it is the most important factor to protect me from a smooth journey. It must also be the most important factor in my life. I believe in it, and I begin to appreciate his presence from time to time. "

"You can't rely on luck if you want to live well." Leaves without lack of cold back a sentence.

"Well, so you can't be a gambler." The God of gambler said, "I have experienced a lot later, and I understand how lucky it is to believe in" lucky man ". I see a lot of things. In fact, when I was at my level, I should open a grand ceremony to accept an apprentice or something, but I still couldn't find a suitable candidate. Later, I thought you were good. But when you try, you don't have the talent to be a gambler. What's more, your expression of disdain for "lucky man" is the most fatal defect among gamblers. "

"Stop talking about your faith! Find a way out. Otherwise we will all die here The black wolf king couldn't listen to it any more. He pulled his throat and roared.

"Don't worry. Everyone will die, but at least we will not die here The God of gambler said firmly.

"How do you know that?" Tian a bunch opened a gun, also curiously asked.

"Hey, hey..." The God of gambler said, "fortune told me."

At this time, a small girl's voice suddenly rang out: "hello People on the shore Run here... "

Everyone turned to see, a seven or eight year old white girl was holding her hands to her mouth and yelled at Ye Wuxiang.

This is really a sudden and surprise voice, this long very clever white girl, became Ye Wuqian, they arrived at a city, finally met the first person.

All the zombies looked at the little girl's high voice, and then half of them changed their direction. After turning the corner awkwardly, they began to run nervously in the direction of the little girl.

"You see My lucky man is starting to work. " The God of gamblers smiles mysteriously.

Next to the little girl, there were more than a dozen adult men and women, all with machine guns in their hands, and began to shoot at groups of zombies. At the same time, it has become the best shelter for ye Wumian.

"Run to them!" Ye Wuwei said.

The five of them were in the cover of the more than ten machine gun fire, constantly changing positions and approaching the crowd on the left.

The God of gambling ran to Ye Wuwei's side and said with a mysterious smile, "look, often at the critical moment, what saves your life is the power of faith."

Ye Wukui:.... "

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