Ye Wuque and they followed the crowd into the dark subway entrance. The God of gambler ran to ye Wuque's side and said in a low voice, "I didn't tell you to forget my own responsibility. Now my biggest wish is not to find an apprentice?"

"Don't talk to me about it. Didn't you say that I'm not fit to be a gambler? "

"No, No. how about that little girl Elena?" In the dim passage, all the lights have been extinguished, and we can only lean on the edge of the limit of human vision and grope forward. In this dark, ye Wuwei could not see clearly the expression of the God of gamblers. In the end, he was joking or serious.

"I'm only seven years old." The leaves did not lack cold response.

"Interest should be cultivated from childhood. And the earlier you believe in this thing, the more rewarding it will be. "

"You're crazy." Ye Wuqian really doesn't know how to communicate with this God of gamblers. He feels that there will always be a gap between them.

Slowly, people walked in the dark passage for about five minutes, and finally saw the exit with lights.

After everyone entered the limited light range, many others gathered around. Ye found that most of the people who stayed in the so-called headquarters were old people with physical disabilities or older age. They gathered around more than a dozen people who went out, and their faces showed a happy expression, as if they were welcoming the soldiers returning from the war.

But the soldier may have been defeated, and his face is a little embarrassed.

To the village Xingye led out of the people, everyone's face are perfunctory smile, especially embarrassed. Obviously, these people may have missed an important time when they could have been looking for food because they wanted to save their relationship.

In the crowd, a man's rude voice sounded: "Xingye! What about the food you brought back this time? "

Ye Wuqi looked down and said a strong Japanese. He was not tall, about 1.73 meters, but his arm muscles were puffing one by one, and there were obvious old scars on them, which gave people the feeling that he was a special soldier before.

The Japanese man was accompanied by two other young Japanese and a slightly graceful American woman. He walked towards the village Xingye, and the people around him naturally made way.

The arrogance and fear in the eyes around him radiated from the man. "Is he the leader that Flanders said?" Ye Wuxiang thought in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Yamazaki. We didn't bring back much food. " Xingye station in the village was upright, like a soldier reporting to his superiors. He handed a black bag to the man. There were more than a dozen bags of compressed biscuits in his pocket.

"That's it?! And only biscuits? No cans? No wine? " The Japanese man, known as ryunoichi Yamazaki, was very angry. He smashed the black plastic bag he had received to the ground. Bags of compressed biscuits wrapped in paper flew out of the plastic bag and smashed to pieces on the ground.

Ye Wuqi obviously saw the pity eyes of the men around him. The man, known as the leader, didn't seem to care at all. He grabbed Xingye's collar with one hand and roared, "do you know that there is not enough food in the warehouse for you people to eat for three days, so you can find such a little food! Don't you want to live? "

"Enough!" "Do you know how long it took us to find these biscuits and how much risk we took to find them?" frand yelled? We secretly picked them up from the ground, bag by bag, from where the zombies gathered! "

Ye Wumian saw the blue veins on Flander's head.

"What do you want us to do? What can we do? Don't you know how much food we can find outside after two years in Nancheng? "

"Oh?" Yamazaki glanced at Frand, put down his village star field in his hand and walked towards him step by step. He said coldly, "is there a big supermarket in the East that you have never been to? There is enough food for everyone to eat for at least a month. Why don't you go there? "

Yamazaki approached frand step by step. Ye felt that the fear in everyone's eyes was more obvious, and the atmosphere around him became more tense.

"You You want us to die Cried frand coldly.


All of a sudden, Yamazaki rushes to Flander at a very fast speed, and a hook punches him in the stomach. Frand was beaten into a curve, his eyes opened, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

Yamazaki recoils his fist and looks coldly at frand. Flander knelt down in pain.

"If you don't get all the food, you'll die! These useless disabled people, these old people, all have to die! Is this what you want to see? Or You're a coward in your own right, because there's a little more zombie there? " For the people who dare not tolerate the insults, they can still avoid the humiliation of the people around them."A little more zombie?" Forced to endure the pain in his stomach, frand raised his head with difficulty. His mouth was still covered with blood, but there was no fear in his eyes. His eyes toward Yamazaki were full of low resistance.

"Why don't you go?" Frank, cold response.

"You want to die!" Yamazaki is very angry and kicks frand in the face and kicks him to the ground.

"Dad..." Elena couldn't help it any longer and rushed to Flander's side, crying.

Yamazaki's twisted face because of anger, looking at Elena's sinister expression, he took out a pistol from his back, aimed the pistol at Elena's head, and said coldly, "don't you love your daughter very much? But do you know that there is no need for this little guy to exist here! She has no combat power, no ability to find food, it is a complete burden! I have been looking at you are still a personal face, just did not care with you! How dare you contradict me today! As a leader, I must teach you a profound lesson... "

"No, no!" Frand suddenly appeared to be very afraid, unprecedented fear, he endured the pain, difficult to stand up from the ground, took Elena behind him, with his still tall body to block the little girl. Ye wupiao saw that Flander's tears suddenly came out. It was just such a sudden change that made Ferrand decadent.

He actually knelt down in front of Yamazaki ryunoichi, tears can not stop flowing out, bitterly pleaded: "please, don't kill my daughter. Please, I'll find more food. I will work harder to find food. I will find the canned meat and wine you want. Please, don't kill my daughter

It was just a moment when a great father gave up all his strength and dignity.

Even if Yamazaki's gun had been aimed at Elena, who was only seven years old, there was still no one around who dared to speak for the father and daughter. Ye Wuxiang thinks that his heart has become tough enough in the past, but at this moment, his heart can not help but produce a strong disappointment. This small group of 37 people, isolated from the world, has been completely distorted by a kind of existence called "strength".

"Now you know it's wrong?! It's late. " Yamazaki sneered and approached Elena step by step. The gun in his hand was shining cold.

Ye Wumian took out his pocket. Fortunately, there was still half a pack of cigarettes. He took one out of it and put it in his mouth. Disappear from where it was.

Under the condition of Yamasaki's missing gun, all the people around Yamasaki have no reaction. Ye Wuque looks at Yamazaki with a strange smile. He has a cigarette in his mouth, which looks like a special drag.

Ye Wuwei said, "brother, borrow a fire."

After that, ye Wuqian picked up the pistol that Yamazaki seized from his hand and aimed at his cigarette holder.



Smoke burning.

Ye Wuqi took a deep breath of smoke and vomited out. The whole scene was too quiet. Even frand forgot to cry.

The God of gambler took his knapsack off his back and held it in his hand. Walking gracefully in front of Flander and Elena, he throws his backpack in front of Yamazaki. "I just made a decision to take this girl as my apprentice. If you want to kill him, you'd better ask my opinion. "

As ye Wuxiang takes care of Tian Yishu, all the heavy equipment is packed in men's backpacks. And Yamazaki saw the half opened backpack that the God of gamblers had thrown away

A whole bag of bombs.

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