Tian Yishu felt that his clothes were sticky, probably because he had been sweating for a few days. He didn't nearly change his clothes. But she didn't seem to care about this before. She didn't even put a piece of clothes in her backpack.

So it is. She is going to fight with zombies. What she wears doesn't matter at all. The important thing is to survive.

But Tian Yishu still felt that he wanted to wash his body. After asking, Tian Yishu knew that the toilet in the subway station was the place for these people to wash. Ye Wuqian said hello to Zhang Tianluo before leaving, and asked him to take good care of Tian Yishu, so he went to the bathroom in the subway station with Tian Yishu.

Passing by, Tian Yishu saw two young people carrying a sleepy old man walking outside the subway.

Tian Yishu felt strange, so he asked a lame black youth sitting next to him. The young man said, "that old man died this morning. They're taking his body out and throwing it away

"If you leave it outside, you will be eaten by those zombies." Tian Yishu is very strange and angry.

"What can I do? You can't let his body stink in the subway

All of a sudden, Tian Yishu thought of the old man who gave him food just now. If he died in the subway, would someone throw his body outside and let the zombies eat it? Even the hard-working people don't dare to imagine the end of their lives. But she couldn't do anything. The only thing she could do was wait for ye Wuwu to come back with enough food and give some to the old man every day.

Tian a bundle sad toward the direction of the toilet, after the subway track that parking car, Tian Yishu suddenly found Yamazaki ryuno was standing in the subway, looking at her through the window with a sneer. Yamazaki's side is replaced by a young and beautiful girl. Yamazaki takes a look at Tian Yishu and continues to enjoy kissing that girl. However, the oblique light of his eyes is always looking at Tian Yishu through the glass on the window.

Tian a bunch of disgust to speed up the pace, quickly left the train stop the subway car. Zhang Tianluo passed by and also found that Yamazaki was making love with others in the carriage. The two men's eyes met through the glass. However, their eyes were calm and no one knew what they were thinking at the moment.

To the bathroom, fortunately, there are no people in the bathroom at this time. Tian Yishu stands in front of the glass and looks at himself in the mirror. From time to time, he thinks of Yamazaki's picture of making love with a woman across the glass. He suddenly feels sick, so he turns on the tap and flushes his face with clear water.

At this time, Tian Yishu felt his head suddenly become very heavy, the whole person was confused. I don't know how to get it. Tian Yishu fainted on the ground.

Outside the bathroom, Zhang Tianluo, who is trying to control the wind for Tian, fainted at the door.

After a while, Yamazaki came over with a smile. "Are you sure those people went to the supermarket?" he asked

"Report to the leader, I'm not sure, but according to their posture, they will go." Yamazaki ryunoichi's side, the Japanese sent out to look for food, replied with a wry smile.

"If you go there, you will go to hell? That's the center of zombies. Even if they have ten lives, they can't die. I'm afraid there are more zombies in the south city now. " The other said with the same chuckle.

Yamazaki coldly looks at Zhang Tianluo who faints in front of the bathroom door. Remembering the picture that he was threatened by those people last night, Yamazaki is angry from it. He is eager to tear ye Wuque and gambling God into pieces. However, from his predecessor as a special service personnel, he also knows that he can't act rashly without understanding the real strength of the other party. What's more, last night ye Wuque was able to snatch the pistol from his hands without a sound. Those people were definitely not ordinary people.

But it's not ordinary people. He has also been to the commercial building. Before, he was a Japanese secret service officer, and his strength was also at the top. Ordinary zombies certainly did not pose a fatal threat to them. However, Yamazaki knew very well that there was an extraordinary zombie in that building. The Japanese secret service team of eight people died in the building, except for the first one who escaped.

Thinking of his former comrades who died there, Yamazaki's teeth raised, and then he said in a low voice with a sneer: "those people can't come back. Then the Chinese beauty they brought, I will do it for them Take good care of it. Ha ha... "


On the other side, in the elevator of Nancheng central commercial building, ye Wuque is sitting with the black wolf king to go back to the first floor. But when pressing the elevator floor, ye Wuqian suddenly pressed the elevator button to stop on the second floor.

"Are you going? What are you doing on the second floor? " The black wolf king asked.

"I told you, and you won't understand." Ye Wuqi looked at the black wolf king and said.

"I don't understand. You say it, you say it. "

"I I want to go to the second floor and give Tian Yishu a piece of clothes Ye Wuqian felt a little embarrassed when he said it."Wow Brother, do you think we're really here for shopping?! When do you want to take your clothes back? " Of course, the black wolf king couldn't understand, but he certainly would not stop him. After all, ye Wuqian accompanied him to do more crazy and boring things, and went to take a bath on the fifth floor

"I said, you big old man will not understand." Ye Wumian glanced at the black wolf king.

"Stare" a sound, the elevator door opened in the second floor, two people out of the elevator.

According to the previous memory, ye Wuqian went to the clothing store with white flower dress that he saw. The second floor of the whole building is a clothing store, from children's clothing to elderly clothing. The area of the second floor is also large, similar to that of the first floor. Moreover, in order to attract customers, the clothing stores here have lit up some LED lights with various kinds of lights, which are totally different from the light bulbs that can only be used for lighting on the top of the head. The light emitted by these LED lights is more gentle and colorful, giving people an illusion of being in a dream world. But for women, standing in a pile of beautiful clothes, I'm afraid it's in a dream that never wants to wake up.

Besides, it's a little too quiet here.

Whether they are on the first floor or the fifth floor, they will attract a large number of zombies. When ye Wuque stood at the elevator entrance on the first floor, he even attracted the zombies on the second floor stairs to rush towards him. In principle, ye Wuqian thinks that the scene on the second floor should be the same as that in other places. At least, there should be more than a dozen zombies walking back and forth on the surface. But now, ye Wuque and the black wolf king walked around half a circle, but a zombie was not seen. At first, the zombies that ye Wuqian saw from the second floor seemed to exist only at the stairway of the second floor from the beginning to the end.

As he passed the window, the black wolf king's eyes were always looking out of the window.

Don't you think this floor is strange Suddenly, the black wolf king murmured.

"There are some." Ye Wuwei looks around with vigilance. In this building, there is no zombie. This unusual place only makes him more alert. He deliberately slowed down his angle and listened carefully to any movement on this floor.

"And the zombies out of the window are strange." The black wolf king said in a low voice, "in fact, we did not fail to attract the attention of those zombies."

"What?" The leaves are intact.

"Look out the window for yourself." The black wolf king's eyes kept looking down the stairs.

Ye Wuqi looked down and found that among the zombies walking around the building, there were some who looked up and saw ye Wuque and the black wolf king. However, they showed extraordinary calm, which made Ye Wuqi feel very surprised. The zombies who found them just looked at them twice more, and then resumed the wandering journey and walked strangely. It's like I didn't see anything.

Ye Wuqi suddenly felt that this scene was familiar.

"Remember that black car?" Said the black wolf king.

"Well?" Ye Wuqi remembers that at that time, one of the zombies suddenly changed his route and stood in the front of the car for a long time, and his eyes had already looked into the car. Ye Wuque was not sure if he had seen the gamblers in the car at that time, but afterwards, the zombie walked away like nothing. Now they are as like as two peas in the car.

At this time, the black wolf king's eyes were shining on Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian felt a huge sense of oppression. It had nothing to do with the strength of two people. It was just the most primitive instinctive oppression of higher creatures against lower creatures. This feeling drives Ye Wuxiang to avoid the eyes of the black wolf king.

"We were found by a zombie. But it was driven away by Laozi with such eyes. Lao Tzu's eyes are telling it that everything you see is in Lao Tzu's domain. All the food you see is Laozi's, and you have no cross-border capital. At that time, the zombie just walked away. Things are as like as two peas when they see us now.

"You mean..." Ye Wuqi looked around and said, "here is a higher creature or a higher one Dead things, the zombies outside are all clear. Is this its domain? So even if you see us here, you don't see us? "

"Yes." Said the black wolf king.

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