Ye Wuque changed their route from a new one. After crossing a dark road beside the street, ye Wuque stopped suddenly before. Suddenly, on one side of the high-rise building, two people like dogs jumped down. After the real landing and standing, the two monsters, acting like dogs, rose on their legs.

It's a zombie with two pathogens.

But these two zombies and ordinary zombies have obvious differences. Their thighs are very strange, their legs are abnormally thin, but their arms are relatively normal. Their noses are firm and their nostrils are turning outward, but their eyes are eerie green as if with beautiful pupils. The strangest thing is that their mouths have completely separated from the human mouth, protruding like the mouth of a vicious dog and mixed with sharp teeth.

The zombies, like dogs, stood at first and hesitated for a while looking at the dark path through which they had just passed. One of them, like a dog, was lying on the ground, standing in the position before ye Wuwei, sniffed with his nose for a long time.

The two zombies looked at each other for a long time, as if in eye contact.

Finally, at the end of the street, an unfortunate pathogen zombie was driving along his own aimless route. Unfortunately, he bumped into a car and made a "Dong" sound.

The two zombies turned to look, as if they saw the prey. The dog's mouth slowly split open, showing sharp fangs, as if laughing.

Then, the two zombies landed on all fours towards the lost zombie and ran away like a canine. The speed was not lower than that of Yafei, who ye Wuqian met in the commercial building. The hapless zombie, without any reaction, had been bitten by one of the zombies with the dog's mouth.

Two mutant zombies like dogs, biting wildly, devouring the hapless zombie. From time to time, "woo..." It's a strange cry. It's like enjoying the process. It's more like laughing.

Zombies are devouring zombies

The hapless zombie had no sense of pain, but he wanted to escape from the bite of these two evil mouths all the time. His incomplete body was struggling ceaselessly. The car that blocked his car inadvertently, the window was broken by the unfortunate zombie. It seemed to be escaping, and desperately looked at the car to climb. But every time they climb in, they will be taken off by two mutant zombies with the dog's mouth and bite for a while, but they will never die.

Only half of the body of the hapless zombie still did not give up, its bloody hands are full of glass debris on the car, it is still struggling to climb into the car. But as a result, it is always taken out of the mouth of two dogs.

"Woo..." The two zombies roared excitedly and played repeatedly. Until the zombie finally can not move, the two mutant zombies completely eat it.


"Did you hear anything?" Asked the gambler, frowning. Looking back at the direction they had just stopped.

"Like The cry of a wolf It was not loud with a bantering howl, but it was enough to travel a long distance in this dead city. Even ordinary people like Zhang Tianluo can vaguely hear it. That long howl, like, the voice of a wolf?

"Are there wolves here? This is the city of zombies, and the whole island has been transformed into a city, and there is no forest for a long time? " Tian Yishu of course also heard, hesitating asked.

Hearing that there was a wolf, Elena was obviously a little scared and hugged the head of the black wolf king tightly.

"Hum." The black wolf king sneered. If anyone here is familiar with the sound of wolf barking, it must be the black wolf king. After all, he has heard the wolf howl for 20 years.

"Just a bunch of puppies. Think you're a wolf The black wolf king said coldly. It seems to be a little angry. Then she turned her head to Elena sitting on her neck and said, "Elena, don't be afraid. If you ride on Laozi, no animal can hurt you. After all, Laozi is the wolf king

"Don't make trouble. Let's speed up and go. I always think there's something wrong here. " Ye Wuqian reminded at the end of the team.

Ye Wuqian and they quickly look forward to trot on the road, through a dark corridor interlayer, and behind them, a zombie like a dog is tracking the traces of these living people. They are not ordinary zombies. After having the components of mutant dogs in their bodies, their vision is still bright even in the dark places. Moreover, their nostril turned out nose is more sensitive as a dog's nose. In the dark road where ye Wuwu is invisible, they can smell out the smell of living people passing by and trace them.

Finally, ye Wuque saw a pathogen zombie that was crawling towards them at the end of the corridor in front of them.

Only half of the body of the pathogen zombie, with only two hands, dragging the heavy half of the body, is desperately looking at the dark dark road climbing? The Zombie's behavior is completely against the field of vision.

The latter half of its body, from the waist down, seems to have just been bitten by a wild animal. It is still bleeding, crawling down the dark road, and dropping a pile of internal organs and intestines from its belly. Zombies can't see the living people in the dark, but ye Wuqian can clearly see from his eyes that even zombies have the instinct to survive."Hello, Hello, I know why there are so few zombies in this ghost place!" The black wolf king took Elena down from his body and covered her eyes with his hand to prevent her from seeing the disgusting picture in front of her.

The crowd looked at him with doubt. The black wolf king then said, "because there are zombie beasts in this group of zombies. This zombie beast is so cruel that it can eat zombies. Those zombies that we haven't had time to see, I'm afraid, are all in the belly of zombie beasts, just like it

Then, a black and rotten tail shot in from the tunnel, and tied it to the neck of the zombie that was crawling. Like an animal with absolute strength, it teased the weak animal. The tail held the half corpse high in the air.

A figure leaps and bounds in the dark passage, blocking Ye Wuqian's way out. Under the sunlight, ye Wuque sees a zombie similar to an orangutan, a human zombie that is higher than the black wolf king and looks like an orangutan. The tail, several meters long behind it, seems to have infinite power, lifting the half corpse's body high.

Like show off the general "ha ha ha" strange smile, listen to very much like the chimpanzee's dull laughter.

After that, the tail waved again, and half of the zombie was thrown into the air, and the head fell into the mouth of the gorilla zombie. The gorilla zombie begins to chew immediately.

The sound of the skull cracking in the chimpanzee's mouth.

"He hasn't found us yet, has he? Let's get back. " Zhang Tianluo felt that his legs were shaking in front of this huge object.

The black wolf king patted Tianluo on the shoulder and said with a smile, "an orangutan can frighten you into this bear like picture. If you see a real beast, don't you even have the courage to run away. What's more, just because the big guy doesn't look you in the eye doesn't mean he doesn't find you. In his head, you've become the next delicious meal

"What!" Zhang Tianluo, who was ridiculed, suddenly clenched his fist. After all, he wants to be a strong man. He can't be scolded as a counsellor.

"Black wolf king, when is it? Don't make fun of him." Zhang Tianluo slowly mobilized the power of his whole body, and a blue undercurrent surrounded him.

The God of gamblers also had a pair of "Pisces" cards in his hand. He said with a sneer: "it's good to stimulate a little fighting spirit for that boy. After all, we have no way to escape. "

Behind them, a dozen wild dog type zombies are crawling towards Ye Wuqian. They are slow and light, but their open mouth has begun to drip greedy saliva. A pair of zombie dog eyes, such as the night found in the jungle lost deer general, hair cold light.

The chimpanzee mutant zombie in front of him also ate up half of the zombie in his mouth. He opened his mouth and looked at Ye Wuxiang, and his mouth watered.

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