"Cool! Cool! Come on! Ha ha... "

At the exit of the corridor on the floor, the black wolf king came close to and laughed madly. Looking along, the whole battle was not just a bloody man. In order to create an absolutely safe area in the middle, the two people blocking both ends of this passage are fighting with their lives. Ye Wuqi was covered with blood, and his fangs, large and small, were no better for the black wolf king.

Although the black wolf king had only one rival, the scarlet zombie, the threat of this zombie was no less than that of a group of dog zombies. What's more, the black wolf king still uses the most direct way to fight the zombies of the scarlet species.

You punch, I punch, you bite me, I bite you, completely, the battle between the two beasts, no fancy, no understanding of avoiding any harm, all rely on strength and faith to support. Whoever falls first will die. Whoever stands at the end is the real beast.

At this time, the black wolf king was covered with blood all over his body. On his right shoulder, there was even a piece of flesh which was directly torn off, revealing the scar of the white bone. Blood kept flowing from the black wolf king's wound. Similarly, for the black wolf king, these wounds not only stimulate the pain, but also the dignity that must be defended that belongs to the wolf king and belongs to the real beast.

For a wolf king, the most important thing is not survival.

It's dignity.

For wolf king, the more powerful these wild animals are, the more insulting they are to him. So when he heard the dogs howl like wolves, he would be very angry.

At this time, the two opposite beasts are still standing in front of each other, and the two fierce beasts are somewhat unable to support, as if they will fall at any time. Ye Wuque is really worried that if there is a strong wind, the black wolf king will fall first.

"Bang!" The hard fist of the zombie of the scarlet species hit the black wolf king on the right cheek with all the strength of the scarlet species.

The black king's face was immediately shaken by the dark color of his body.

Finally, he stood firm.

"Black wolf king!" Ye rushes to help.

However, the black wolf king put out a hand to block Ye Wuxiang's body. On his beaten face, he still showed the evil smile of wild animals. He squinted at ye Wuque and said, "Hey, I said, give it to me. You can't rob me of my right hand!"

"You're going to die Ye Wuqi roared at the black wolf king.

The black wolf king slowly shook his head and said, "Laozi is the wolf king."

Ye Wuqi is shocked. Yes, he is the wolf king. Even if he has to give his all, he may not be able to defeat him. And In the eyes of wolf king, how can this kind of half human, half beast and half zombie exist?

Ye Wuqian no longer spoke, stepped back two steps, and stopped the God of gamblers who wanted to fly. The God of gamblers didn't understand why he had to let this silly wolf take such a big risk when he clearly fought against them. After all, those who understand don't need to explain, and those who don't understand won't understand.

The black wolf king turned back to ye Wuque with a smile of evil charm. The sharp and ridiculous fangs seemed to Tell ye Wuqian that they were not real beasts before biting you. If it is your own teeth, bite your neck, you may not be able to survive. For this, Laozi is trying to prove it to you!

What is more important than winning?

For the wolf king, yes, it belongs to the dignity of the wolf king. Laozi once lost it once, and he would never allow himself to lose it again.

The wolf king took a heavy step, step by step toward the same standing unsteadiness of the scarlet zombie.

"It's my turn." Low growl, that pair of wolf eyes, is the most primitive crazy and tenacity, is the beast, the most frightening pair of eyes. The most frightening thing in the forest is never a tiger, but a wolf.

The zombie of the scarlet species looked at the shining eyes, and suddenly his weak body became weaker and more trembling.

The body that belongs to the biological and chemical weapons, the body with the strength that ordinary people can't reach, the body that makes all human beings hate and fear, is shaking slightly at this time?

It can't believe it, actually born in his heart want to escape the idea?

Never had the thought of running away. Whether as a soldier in front of him or as the body of a gorilla known for its strength and size, it now feels a strong fear. It just wants to run away, quickly escape from the lock of his eyes, and quickly disappear from the lifeless wolf king. But it couldn't walk. Can't even run away? In front of it?

In front of the wolf king, when did he lose his ability to escape?Step by step, the black wolf king came to the zombie of the scarlet species. He raised his head and gave a final smile to the scarlet species which was higher than himself. A pair of fangs reflected a strong light in the sun.

The black wolf king's right fist was strong and solid, without any fancy hitting on the head of the scarlet species.

The zombie of the scarlet species staggered to the left for a few steps, then stood in place for a few seconds, and finally fell to the ground. Although the corpse of this zombie has no substantial damage, no hole in the head and no fracture in the neck, it is not necessary for anyone to say, let alone based on past experience. Everyone is sure that it is dead. Either because of a concussion, or because he has lost his share of the beast's soul.

The black wolf king sneered and turned around. Everyone was looking at him in silence.

Elena yelled, "gorilla, you are wonderful! You're the real gorilla. I knew that fake was not your match

"Hey, hey The black wolf king's honest smile, the sun is bright, the spring is warm and blooming, as if this sentence of praise, once again let the black wolf king's body full of strength in general.

"Let's go. You two big guys are fighting so loud that in a little while more zombies will be attracted here. It's very dangerous for us in the present state of both of you Gambling God said, take the lead to go first, this time, he also knew to change to oneself to lead the battle.

The black wolf king squatted down on his own initiative and winked at Elena, but Elena hesitated not to know whether to ride on it or not. The black wolf king said, "it's OK. I used half of my strength to fight with the semi-finished product."

"Well." Elena nodded happily and rode on the head of the black wolf king.

The party finally began to move forward again. Without everyone's attention, Elena suddenly kisses the black wolf king. The black wolf king turns her head in surprise. Elena smiles and says to the black wolf king, "this is a reward for you to win that semi-finished product."

"Ha ha..."

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