Among the four black crows, flint and blood monkey are all fighters fighting head-on. Although their strength is still strong, ye Wuqian should be more cautious. In fact, they are the other two: the stinger who is good at using poisonous arrows, and Okada, who is always calm.

Okada is his real name. In "black crow", everyone's real name is not important. They all have their own code name, which is more appropriate to their own situation. Inoumura Okada doesn't like his name either. In contrast, he prefers his code name in "black crow": Leng Ying.

In those calm eyes, there is a wild and confident nature's absolute hunter. This is similar to the black wolf king, but the difference is that wolves belong to the ground, and there are many powerful competitors, such as lions and tigers. But the eagle belongs to the sky, and above the sky, the eagle is a real, no rival king.

Cold hawk stands quietly in place, at this time he and the bee sting are forming the other side, suppressing the God of gambler. But Leng Ying's eyes are always paying attention to Ye Wuwei, the other side of the battle. Vaguely, Leng Ying feels that ye Wuqian is more worthy of his attention than the pretending enigmatic God of gambling.

"Hello, Hello! Your opponent is me The God of gamblers suddenly sneered.

A "Pisces" card of hearts a flies towards the front of the cold hawk, which is beyond the expectation of the bee sting. Originally, the bee sting thought that the card he lost was just to interrupt his poisonous arrow, just as before. However, the card with a perfect arc in the air suddenly turned and deliberately avoided the collision with the poison arrow and shot at the standing cold eagle.

As for the arrow shot by the bee sting, it was almost avoided by the God of gambler, and inserted straight into the ground behind the God of gambler. Focus on the high-speed shot to the top of the "a" high-speed shot of the red hawk.

The power of the heart a, as everyone in the field knows, is the strength that can penetrate the bones of zombies. If it is inserted into a living person, even if it is inserted into an eagle, it will surely fall.

At this time, the humminghawk suddenly changed the course, even if it was only a little concerned about the safety of the person. As for the expected consequences of the card breaking away from the original weird card - don't be kidding, it's the real leader of their group of "black crows", who belongs to the king of the sky, cold hawk.

But cold hawk still stood in the same place, even if he found the card, his eyes were still not even a little wave, calm like the whole sky. That belongs to the eagle general soaring with the sky's domineering, how can be broken by a playing card.

Cold Eagle stares at the peach a flying towards him. His pupil slowly changes color and turns into sharp yellow like an eagle's eye. However, the peach a, inexplicably, has lost its power. It has not really touched the cold eagle, so it naturally falls on the ground.

"Is he like ye wumi, whose power is to control gravity? Can he control my cards? " The God of gambler couldn't imagine watching his heart a fall to the ground. It's a situation that others don't know, but he feels deeply threatened. The weapon of God of gamblers is indeed only playing cards, but the playing cards in his hands are also very particular. The power of playing cards is not only limited to the strength of the God of gamblers, but also comes from the playing cards themselves. For example, the "Pisces" card will be more powerful than other cards, and the value of the playing card is also the key to strength. A card with a value of eight will be twice as powerful as a card with a value of four. Similarly, "Pisces" heart a is almost the most lethal weapon in the hands of gamblers.

But before it even touched the cold hawk, it broke off to the ground. This kind of separation does not seem to be controlled by what, but more like the loss of fighting strength and courage, and naturally falls off with the track. Just because cold hawk took a look at the card? The gambling god suddenly remembered that when they were still in Nancheng, they were sitting in the black car controlled by Ye Wumian, and were hit by the zombie who turned suddenly. At that time, the black wolf king showed a similar look and let the zombie go away by himself. These powers with the ability of beasts, the light of the beast in their eyes, seem to have a set of natural laws that even the dead will follow.

"So whether it's a wolf or an eagle, it's too strong for people. I am just an ordinary person. " The God of gambler laughs helplessly. He looks at Ye Wuqian, and somehow, the God of gambler is very calm at this time. He doesn't want to fight again. He wants to ask Ye Wuqian for a cigarette and reminds him that he must finish the next task.

On the other side of the gambling God, the cold eagle's calm face did not fluctuate, but the body unexpectedly jumped into the air, slowly and upward, like a God flying.

"Are you reminding me that you are my opponent?" The cold eagle, who was slowly rising into the sky, looked at the God of gambler, and was completely speechless.

But even when he was locked by his calm eyes, the God of gambler felt that he was being targeted by an experienced eagle. As for himself, he was just a rabbit looking up numbly on the grassland, watching the eagle rush towards him. The rabbit didn't want to run away, because the strong law of Nature told him that when facing the eagle, he would die.

"No, no, No. You are no match for me. Because I can't see any fighting spirit in your eyes Cold Eagle seems to be a little disappointed, he is like a god hanging above the top of the people's head ten meters away. A pair of yellow Tong eagle eyes firmly locked in the body of the God of gambler, calm eyes, as the next moment, the God of gambler should die in general."Cold Eagle! Here comes the dog breed Suddenly, the blood monkey yelled to the cold eagle in the sky.

At this time, dozens of zombies of dog species suddenly came on the ground. They rushed to every living person. For a time, whether ye Wuqian or the "black crow" side, they fell into a tangle with dog zombies. Even ye Wuwu has no time to estimate flint and blood monkey, trying to protect Tian Yishu and Elena. As for the other two men, he is really unable to distinguish the redundant ability.

Suddenly, the zombie of the dog species suddenly came into being. Zhang Tianluo and frand were surrounded by the dog breeds. The gambler's eyes suddenly lit up. It seemed that he realized something. He disappeared from the original place and ran to the two ordinary people who were in danger. More than a dozen cards flew out of the dog's big mouth and saved them. The God of gambler also took advantage of the situation to stand around the two people, blocking a large group of dog zombies for two people.

"Cold Eagle! We have to go! If you go on fighting, you'll lose both! At the end of the day, the big monster was cheap Blood Monkey Spin a time, will jump to their own dog zombie all open, and then eager to the sky in the cold hawk roar.

In fact, at this time, the blood monkey's heart is very uncomfortable, all people can only fight against this group of dogs on the ground, but only cold hawk, relying on its ability to fly in the air, is watching everything coldly. The leisurely posture is like watching a play! Now the blood monkey didn't want to stay here for a moment. He felt that he was really like a monkey being teased in the eyes of the cold eagle.

"Although I don't usually give orders to you, and I have been lurking in B city alone for two years, you may despise my existence. But... " Cold Eagle suddenly turned his head, a pair of eagle eyes sharp staring at the blood monkey, said coldly: "you don't forget, I am the only one among you who can give orders! A few dog zombies will make you confused. Do you still have the face to stay in the "black crow"

The monkey repressed the emotion that he wanted to resist. He did not dare to move. He did not dare to resist, because the eagle eyes gave him the expectation of death. But are they only facing "a few dog zombies"? The number of dog zombies that are constantly rushing towards them has become more and more large, from the first dozens to more than 200, and the number is still increasing!

But the blood monkey was silent. He had no choice. Before the cold Eagle made a decision, he had to fight against the dog zombie silently.

Cold eagle looked at the blood monkey and snorted, then looked at the direction of a large number of dog zombies. Finally, he had a different mood in his calm eyes. He saw that the zombies were moving towards here. The pathogen zombies, which were as dense as ants, almost included the number of zombies in Beicheng.

"Retreat." Cold Eagle said. Then he flew in the opposite direction to the zombie.

All the "black crows" seemed to be finally liberated. They suddenly sent out a force to blast the dogs in front of them, and then they fled together in the direction of the cold eagle.

"These guys are gone at last!" Flander said angrily. He still hated the taboo of these guys joking about his daughter's life. If it was not for his own strength, Flander would not hesitate to kill them all.

Ye Wuqian looks at the "black crow" who is far away from home, but he has a more uneasy premonition in his heart. It's like, there's a danger that's even more deadly than the black crow

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