"Zhang Tianluo, have you found that there seems to be less dog zombies along the way." The black wolf king walked ahead, a pair of wolf eyes shining in the night, carefully observing every place where the zombie might rush out.

"It's strange. Before that, those dog zombies were like patrolling. They formed teams in three or five and swam back and forth in the city. But the later it gets, the fewer zombies there are on patrol. And this vanishing node, it's like all of them have been ordered to retreat. " This had to make Hanjing wary, because he knew that the reason why these dog zombies patrol at night is mostly at the behest of the giant monster. In other words, the giant monster must have known that someone had infiltrated the north city.

Does the retreat of these zombies of patrol dogs mean that the person the monster is looking for has been found, or is it locked in? So who are these people? Are they leafless? Or the black crows?

"These dogs are really like wolves." The black wolf king suddenly said. This army like dog zombies also have some acquaintance with the rigorous wolves.

"I bet that there is a zombie like a king in this North City. It's the zombie who controls the dogs Suddenly, the black wolf king took Hanjing's shoulder and said, "Zhang Tianluo, I didn't scare you. Do you remember when we were on our way in the daytime, we suddenly walked to a place, and ye Wuqian stood still. According to Laozi's accurate and incomparable conjecture, the zombie of the king must be in that place! Hey, hey, how are you? I'm smart enough. "

"You're smart enough to see what everyone already knows." Hanjing thought of it, but there was no way. The black wolf king had always played a role in the battle in their team. The black wolf king himself had no interest in these secret information. In his eyes, he just did what ye Wuque asked him to do.

But on second thought, it's really comfortable to have such a friend.

"Yes. You're smart. " Cold well looks at the black wolf king smirk appearance, seems even this moment, oneself also becomes and he is as simple. There are no intrigues, no conflicts of interests, no tasks, no "black crows", or even "cold wells.". At this moment, his name is "Zhang Tianluo".

No matter whether the wolf king's previous identity was a former Freemasonry master or not, regardless of his special status in the Shankou group, their smiles were unexpectedly real and clean, as if they were in a better mood.

Hanjing doesn't want to think about the next thing. He just wants to accompany the black wolf king to finish the journey. Send him to the grid and find another reason to part. Never see you again.

If you don't want to kill him, with the black wolf king's half disabled state, Hanjing can disappear from the black wolf king's side. The reason why you still stay until now is because the black wolf king said: "after all, you are a good friend of Laozi. Only Laozi can protect you. If you are better than Laozi, you should protect Laozi at this time."

Yes, at this time, Hanjing only wanted to fulfill his last duty as "Zhang Tianluo" and send the black wolf king to the power grid safely. After that, the name "Zhang Tianluo" will disappear from the world forever. Whether the black wolf king is dead or alive has nothing to do with him.

As an independent member of the "black crow" of the Yamaguchi group, Hanjing made such a stupid and meaningless decision for the first time. Hanjing couldn't even believe it. It was only because the black wolf king regarded him as a friend. Only once, he warned himself, he can only send him to the grid, after that, he must be back to the normal cold well!

Fortunately, those dog zombies have been evacuated. Otherwise, it happens that Hanjing shows his unique strength, which will surely make the black wolf king suspect. However, with such a "smart" head, even if he made up something and suddenly found a panacea, he would believe it.

Thinking of this, Hanjing himself giggled.

"Zhang Tianluo, let's go. Ye Wuwei must be impatient to wait." The black wolf king walked in front of him and yelled.

"Good." Hanjing smiles and takes a step forward.

Only a step out, Hanjing immediately stopped, his face showing a shocked expression, behind him, standing in silence a figure.

"Go? Where to go? Hanjing, where are you going The voice of the cold Eagle sounded coldly from the back of the cold well. Not only cold hawk, but at this moment, blood monkey, flint and bee sting stand there with a sneer on their faces, which seem to remind Hanjing that people like him don't deserve to have friends.

In fact, the black crow group of four didn't deliberately look for Hanjing. It's just a coincidence that they can meet here. Hanjing, Hanjing, it seems that even if you change your name, you still have the bad luck that belongs to Zhang Tianluo.

Hanjing felt his body was stiff, and he slowly turned around, but to Hanjing's surprise, the black wolf king had already run quickly ahead of him, and his huge body blocked his sight for him, so that he didn't have to see the sneering smile on the four faces."Japanese? Who are you? Jingcun Okada? Why are you here? " The black wolf king stretched out his right hand and clenched it tightly. He looked like he was going to fight these people to the end.

"Don't be afraid of Zhang Tianluo. Although ye Wuwu is absent, I will certainly protect you." The black wolf Wang whispered to the cold well behind him.

"Zhang Tianluo? Zhang Tianluo? Ha ha ha I didn't expect you to be a jerk, not out of that stupid name. " The blood monkey stood on the shoulder of flint and sneered.

"Black wolf king, I am not a well-known Okada." In the black crow group of four, only Leng Hawk is still expressionless, but this calm face makes Hanjing even more angry, as if cold Hawk has no self in its eyes. Cold Eagle did not even look at the cold well, he only looked at the black wolf king, calmly said: "my name is" cold eagle. "

"Black crow" cold eagle is you The black wolf king had heard of the name cold hawk when he was in Freemasonry. In the whole Shankou group, Leng Ying is the member of the "black crow" who has the most contact with the Freemasonry. However, the black wolf king has always only heard of the man and has not seen him. What a surprise! The legendary Leng Ying is actually the deputy of the green wood society of city B?!

"What's more, Zhang Tianluo behind you is not really Zhang Tianluo. He also has another name, "black crow" Hanjing Cold eagle's expressionless face, word by word said.

Word by word, like a knife, inserted into the heart of the cold well.

"You say what?! Zhang Tianluo It's you The man of the black crow The black wolf king couldn't believe what he heard. He thought of the thin figure behind him. He slowly turned around, but saw Zhang Tianluo with his eyes closed and his face in pain.

"Zhang Tianluo? Is he lying? Zhang Tianluo, he must have been lying intentionally to provoke our relationship? " The black wolf king roared at the cold well: "you answer me! Are you fucked up by them?! Your name is Zhang Tianluo! Your name is Zhang Tianluo! Answer me, they are lying

Hanjing closed his eyes. At this moment, he felt that the only thing he really owned was completely smashed in the words of Leng Ying.

"Hello, Hanjing, have you got the crystal pendant? When we get it, we'll come to the biochemical laboratory. We need your cannon fodder to lead the battle. Anyway, you punk, except that special ability can tell us the strength value of the huge monster, you really can't find any other effect. You are just like an ordinary person. Right? Waste. " The monkey said with a smile.

"Shut up The black wolf king suddenly roared, completely ignoring that this might lead to the zombie crisis. He looked at Zhang Tianluo, but did not believe that he was "cold well". The black wolf king pointed to the cold well and growled: "I don't believe others' words, you! I want you to tell me who you are

Cold well closed his eyes, he felt his heart bleeding, he slowly highlighted two tiny words.

Two words: "cold well."

"All liars! All liars! They're all fuckin 'liars! Ah... " The black wolf king raised a huge right fist and wanted to blow it to the head of the cold well. The cold well did not hide, so he stood upright, and the last fist did not fall. The black wolf king Leng was in place, and his right fist could not be started.


The black wolf king retreated crazily, glared at the "black crow" group of four, and roared: "you cheaters, all die for me!"

"Shua Shua!" Three arrows shot from the sting's bow, hitting the black wolf king's legs and unique arm.

The black wolf king's body stopped at the moment when he was hit by the arrow, and then a figure as tall as him rushed over. The right fist of flint, with a fierce flame breath, hit the chest of the black wolf king perfectly.


A muffled sound, the black wolf king was blasted to the ground, the black wolf king's body has not been broken, but his spirit has collapsed, he lies on the ground, eyes lost looking at the sky, he thought, in this human world, he finally made some real friends, but in the end, they are all liars.

"I think you're still a Freemasonry master. No one dares to kill you." The blood monkey said coldly, "if you take your head to the Freemasonry, you can still get 90 million yuan. This business is really enough."

"Let him go." Suddenly, cold well went to the black wolf king's body, cold looking at the blood monkey said.

"You punk, do you know what you're talking about? This guy is from ye Wumian's side. If we don't kill him, we will only bring more burden to ourselves. " Said the blood monkey.

"Only I know where the crystal pendant is. If you touch him, I will commit suicide." Hanjing does not know what he is doing, but only in this way can he calm his painful mind a little. Now, it's his turn to protect the black wolf king.

"You You punk, do you want to rebel? " The blood monkey was furious and was about to rush to the cold well.

"Stop it." Cold eagle's calm voice stopped the blood monkey and said, "you can't die. If you die, no one will evaluate the strength of that huge monster. We will be more troublesome when we do things. As for the half disabled black wolf king, even if we don't kill him now, he will die in the hands of zombies sooner or later. Come with us, cold well. "The cold eagle turned and left. The beehive and flint followed him. The blood monkey snorted at the cold well, and then turned to follow.

Hanjing takes a look at the black wolf king who is mentally broken and lies on the ground motionless. He just sincerely prays that the black wolf king will not meet any zombies and can live safely.

"Hanjing, you are It's more and more like "Zhang Tianluo." In front of the team, in the calm eyes of the cold hawk, there flashed some unknown emotion.

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