In the latter half of the night, Beicheng was quiet.

Compared with the thunder in the daytime and the restlessness in the early evening, there was no sound in Beicheng at this time. Quiet like an ordinary city at night, we all safely into the dream. But do zombies have dreams? Of course not.

All the dog zombies on the streets of Beicheng, which are searching for the living people, all don't know where they are. The crazy zombies are hiding in the dark corner, with a pair of scared and numb eyes, motionless and do not know what they are thinking.

Compared with the original restless appearance, now the quiet is more revealing a strange, like the calm before the storm.

There may be a monster that is far more dangerous than the waves.

Although it was late midnight, no one on the cruise ship in Beicheng sea area could sleep peacefully.

Tian Yishu is standing on the deck of the cruise ship, looking at the direction of the North City anxiously.

"Don't you sleep, sister Shu?" Elena seems to have just woken up, rubbed her confused eyes and walked to Tian Yishu's side.

"How did Elena wake up?"

"I suddenly woke up and saw that sister Shushu was not around. Elena was very worried, so she came out to look for her. Why is sister Shu standing here alone? Is she missing her elder brother Little Elena said cleverly.

Tian Yishu touched Elena's head and said with a smile, "I'm ok. Elena, go back to sleep."

"Elena can't sleep. My sister is not with me, nor is my father. I can't sleep. " Said Elena, pursing her lips.

Elena's father, Frand, was on guard at the back of the cruise ship with a gun. After all, this kind of zombie can't stop in the sea area, but this kind of zombie can't stop far from the sea.

According to ye Wumian's reasoning, those mutant sharks also seem to be very afraid of some zombies in city A. they never get close to city a and can only form a circle around the periphery. But even so, frand still insisted on keeping watch. He must ensure the safety of his daughter. Even if there was a slight danger, he would strictly guard the gate.

"You have a good father." Tian Yishu said with a smile to Elena.

"Elena knows." Elena said: "my father has not been with me since I was a child. We are very poor there. Many of my friends' parents have gone to work in other places. So is my father. Since I was a child, Elena seldom saw her father. After such a long time, other children hate their parents and think why they can't be with them. But Elena doesn't think so. Elena has always loved her father because she knows that even if her father is not around, her father still loves me very much

In fact, it is true that Tian Yishu once suspected that Flander had stolen the pendant of the God of gambler for a period of time. After all, judging from the situation at that time, Flander was the most suspect, but fortunately, the matter behind was also clear. Apart from this matter, Flander's protection of Elena is really meticulous. No matter when, we can see that this man is willing to give everything for Elena, even his own life.

Maybe that's the responsibility of being a father.

The God of gamblers calls this "faith." Elena is Flander's faith. But Tian Yishu feels that this is a kind of "love" performance.

"So Elena must be a good child and don't let your father suffer any more." Tian Yishu said.

"Well..." Elena seemed to have made a major decision, and her small face showed never been serious: "I have decided that I want to be the apprentice of Uncle gambling God. I want to learn skills from Uncle gambler. I want to be an excellent and kind person. I will make my father live a good life. I will use my own efforts to exchange for a bright future for my father."

"But Can we get out of here? Big brother said, he will take us out of here Elena looked at Tian Yishu, a pair of smart eyes full of expectation, just like getting Tian Yishu's answer, she and her father had already escaped from a city.

"Well. He will do what he promised you. I believe in him. " Tian Yishu touched Elena's head and turned to look at the north city.

"Is sister Shushu waiting for her elder brother to come back?"


"Elena will wait with her sister."

"Good. But bunshu must promise her sister that she will go back to bed when you are tired Tian Yishu said with a smile.

"Good." Elena is not as high as the fence, so she can only climb on the second fence. She also imitates the appearance of Tian Yishu and looks at the north city seriously.

"Don't you think it's strange, sister Shu? Why are all those zombies on the beach gone? " Elena looked at the empty beach. She could remember that before she went to bed, the beach was full of zombies who wanted to eat them.

"I also found out that these zombies left here on their own about an hour ago. And almost all at the same time, very unified. This feeling It's like something's ordering them. " Tian Yishu still remembers that when he saw that scene, he was shocked for a long time. He thought that these zombies had found Ye Wuxiang, and they all went after ye Wumian. However, when he saw that the zombies were scattered in all directions and did not want to pursue anyone, he felt much relieved."Really It's strange. " Elena lying on the fence, more and more sleepy, more and more sleepy, eyes unconsciously slowly closed.

All of a sudden, two bright lights shot out from the sea level, which flashed away like turbid stars. Elena opened her eyes fiercely, pulled a bunch of sleeves of Tian Yi, and said in horror, "sister bundle, sister bundle, there is something in the sea!"

"Something? Where is it? " Tian Yishu suddenly thinks of the mutated shark. After all, only those guys can get close to the cruise ship. She quickly looks around the sea, but she never sees anything. This makes Tian Yishu feel a little relieved and says, "no I didn't see anything. "

"Really, really! Sister bunshu, there is a huge monster on the bottom of the sea, like a big snake. I can see its eyes shining on the bottom of the sea Elena said nervously. I'm very anxious, little man.

Even Flander, who was in the stern, heard Elena's voice and walked strangely towards the bow deck.

"Elena, are you too sleepy and hallucinating? Listen to my sister and go back to sleep. My sister will take you back

Really, hallucinations? Elena also began to wonder if she was wrong? She doubtfully led a bunch of Tian's hands and walked towards the cabin.

At this time, the huge zombie of snake suddenly broke through the sea, like a huge dragon. Its head was held high above the cruise ship. Its eyes, which were still human beings, gave out a yellow light!

Tian Yishu and Elena suddenly turn back. For a moment, both of them are frightened by the dead body of the snake's head. The liquid all over its body drops onto the boat board, just like sulfuric acid. Even the wooden boat board has been dissolved into a hole.

That pair of yellow pupil snake eyes, first looked at Tian Yishu, and then looked at Elena. It slowly opened its big mouth and split to an incredible degree. Two tusks like bee stings grew on both sides of the big mouth, which was more sinister.

Snake zombie low head, bent over to rush, field a bunch of fierce surprise, quickly with Elena looking at the cabin running. But her speed as a normal person, how could she be the opponent of zombies of snake species?! Just in a flash, the snake Zombie's big mouth bit on Elena's waist!

Tian Yishu tugs hard at Elena's hand, but the difference of strength can't make up for it in any case. Elena was bitten in her mouth by the zombie of the snake species, and quickly dragged down the sea. Tian Yishu tightly grasped Elena's ankle and refused to let go. Her skin was worn on the boat board.

Finally, Tian a bunch of the whole person stuck in the fence, which made a little stop the snake zombie want to drag Elena back to the sea.

Small Elena was in the mouth of the snake zombie. She was stuck between two huge fangs. She was not seriously injured. However, Elena was in a coma because she inhaled the gas from the mouth of the zombie. The whole Elena is suspended on the sea level, like a connecting belt between Tian Yishu's hand and the big mouth of the zombie.

But the disparity of strength, still in a little bit of the two of them pulled to the sea.

Tian Yishu doesn't know what to do, but she can't let go. She knows that she can't let go when she dies. The liquid from the huge zombie snake sprays onto Tian yibundle's hand. The burning liquid is like sulfuric acid. The hot white smoke rises from Tian Yishu's hands. The skin on Tian yibuns hands is scalded, but Tian yibuns does not let go, and she will not let go. She is still tight Hold Elena's ankle tightly, endure the severe burn on the hand, and make the final resistance!

Right now! A figure flew over Tian Yishu's head. She saw that frand's face was filled with unintentional anger. He carried a rifle and jumped to the head of the huge snake zombie like the God of wa

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