Each power's power value, that is, strength value, is not a fixed number. The performance of their strength will be determined by their own state at that time. When you encounter a relatively weak opponent, the desire to fight will not be too much stimulated, and the strength will be low. On the contrary, when you encounter a strong opponent, your desire to survive can often burst out with unimaginable potential.

But the fluctuation of this value will not be too large. According to the power formula in Hanjing's mind, the range of this fluctuation is about 300. For example, the average person's strength ranges from 5 to 100, while the power of a power is usually above 500. But this does not mean that five ordinary people can be equal to one. If there is a difference of more than 300, if you want the strength to be equal, you can defeat a power with a value of 500 unless it is an overwhelming number of ordinary people with a combat effectiveness of 100.

To get to the point, when a power with a combat effectiveness of 500 is facing a group of ordinary people, his combat effectiveness will probably decline due to laxity, which may be 400 or even 300. However, when a power encounters an opponent that is much stronger than his opponent, especially when the opponent touches some of the bottom line of the ability, such as life is threatened, the ability is likely to burst out with 700 or even 800 combat effectiveness.

This is the common sense that Hanjing has been living on for a long time, and is known to the powers. This makes him understand that the world is far more dangerous than ordinary people, who can be provoked, and who are absolutely untouchable.

Over the years since the cold well inspired power, he has explored countless powers, but they all follow the common sense of the power fluctuations in his mind. Except for one person. The leaves are intact.

The highest combat effectiveness ever seen by Hanjing is qingniu, the leader of "black crow". Even under normal conditions, his combat effectiveness is around 1100. I'm afraid only Hanjing can really understand the horror of this value.

Hanjing remembers that the normal value of the black wolf king is 750.

Do you remember the effect of 300 different combat numbers? The number of the former needs to increase by geometric multiples to fight the latter. It means that it takes at least 30 black wolf kings in regular state to defeat one, qingniu.

In fact, ye Wuqi's conventional combat effectiveness is not high, which is basically at the edge of 700. Even if he has tapped his potential to the maximum, according to Hanjing's theory of power fluctuation, ye Wuqian's maximum combat effectiveness is only barely 1000, which is a very high value among the powers. But that day in the Nancheng subway, ye Wuqian learns that Tian Yishu is in danger. He disappears in front of himself. The final number is 1400

Cold well has never seen a 1400 power. Perhaps from that day on, Hanjing's heart had already known that his life as "cold well" was doomed to be destroyed. If Zhang Tianluo was doomed to die, he would not live long.

But for a long time, Hanjing didn't want to admit that he felt sorry for ye Wuwu and was unwilling to accept the name of "black crow".

For Hanjing, the value of life is not in length, but in being needed.

Even the weakest people want to be needed. Even if you hold a weak power, it must have practical value. This is the real meaning of living in Hanjing's heart.

Whether he was a "cold well" or "Zhang Tianluo", he wanted to be needed. This is the real nourishment for him to live. Even in the face of the danger that he can't resist, even if he can't be understood by others, as long as he is still valuable to others, he has the courage to continue to live.

For example, at this moment, ye Wuxiang is almost "tied" around the monster's waist and can't move. Cold hawk's combat effectiveness is 914, while ye Wuque only broke out 806. The gap between them can hardly be made up by normal means.

Unless ye wumi can burst out that terrible power. Now, Hanjing feels that he is in urgent need of being needed. Ye Wuqian needs his help.

As for why Hanjing took sides with ye Wukui and reversed his identity as a "black crow.". I'm afraid he doesn't want to admit that the name "Zhang Tianluo" is what he really needs.

The darkness spread slowly, and in the last time the light and shadow disappeared, the cold well came out of the darkness.

"You are here, too." The cold Eagle glanced at the cold well with a squint, but did not make too many movements. In the eyes of Leng Ying, Hanjing is pitiful, and his abilities that have no actual combat value at all. He is a waste, and there is no difference between him and ordinary people.

Cold well is right, cold eagle's eyes, has never looked at him.

"Yes. I've been hiding in the dark. Looking for a chance to help you. Now it seems that it should not be used. " Said Hanjing.

"Zhang Tianluo! Cold well! It's you Ye Wuqian saw the cold well, and the anger of betrayal was kindled.

Hanjing saw Zhang Tianluo's figure rising, but it only rose from 806 to 832, which was not enough. It was not enough to defeat Leng Ying. Did betrayal of himself in front of him was not enough to arouse his desire for revenge, right! Suddenly, Hanjing's heart seems to understand a point: Although he betrayed Ye Wuqian, he stole the crystal pendant from them. But ye Wuxiang doesn't hate him. The hatred of Ye Wuqi's expression is just that he is deceiving others and even deceiving himself. Perhaps from the bottom of his heart, he and wolf king are also regarded as friends?Hanjing wants to understand this point. He is happy and regretful at the same time. I feel both comfortable and lost.

But Hanjing will not forget the ultimate purpose of his appearance.

"I'll get you the potion." Cold well to cold Eagle said, step by step, such as normal walking in general, toward the drug in the distance.

Leng Ying looks at the cold well. His feet leave the monster, and his body is extremely relaxed. Those viscous liquids are like water at his feet, and they won't stick to him actively. This is the first time that Leng Jing makes Leng Ying curious: "Why are your feet..."

"These thick liquids are of no use to me. Is it strange? " "I was very surprised when I first found out about it," he said in a small chat. Even I didn't think that my powers belong to the cold category? Although the value of my powers is so low that they can't be used for combat, it's this property that makes the viscosity of these liquids useless to me. "

"Interesting." Cold hawk insipid return a sentence, also did not think much. In front of his absolute strength, he does not need to have any worries about Hanjing. As for this guy who wants to embezzle the research results and takes the medicine to run, ha ha, the cold eagle will definitely let him lie down for a moment.

"Yes. It's fun. " Cold well back to cold hawk, like walking on the ground toward the potion, the darkness slowly extended, everyone returned to the invisible abyss, in the dark, cold well showed a smile.

No one doubts himself. At this moment, no one doubts himself any more. Ye Wuqian calls himself "Hanjing" and thinks he is a traitor. Leng Ying is more relieved to take the potion. No one doubts himself, and of course, no one really knows what he thinks.

Cold well suddenly has a feeling, it seems that his life, all for this moment to do this bedding. As an undercover for a long time, the ability to see through combat numbers, and the ability to avoid being stuck by the viscous liquid of monsters. Everything seems to be preparing for today.

Maybe this is the real value of self existence.

In the dark, Hanjing looked at the yellow liquid and looked forward to it. It seems that in my mind, there is a perfect scene emerging.

He was needed by countless people, all of them were crying for him. Ye Wuqian, black wolf king, Tian Yishu, gambling God, they repented in front of their graves, as if they finally understood their good intentions.

At this moment, the picture is so clear in Hanjing's mind. The words on the tombstone in front of the grave can be seen clearly. It says: Tomb of Zhang Tianluo.

"Leng Ying, after killing this boy, do you want to deal with the girl who follows this boy?"

"The woman? Tian Yishu? She knows too much. It's necessary to kill. But she doesn't seem to be with the boy now. I don't know where she's hiding. " Cold hawk returns.

Zhang Tianluo, in the dark, said with a smile, "I know where she is."

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