Everyone saw the cold well crawl into the monster's mouth.

Indeed, only the cold well can do this, as God has already arranged all the process. These are human's own faults, which need to be remedied and sacrificed. Hanjing is the one who is destined.

From the moment he was born, it seems that all directions are aware of this ending.

He slowly crawled from the monster's body to the monster's neck. Even if he crawled to the monster's mouth, his amazing cold power never let the monster find the cold well's whereabouts. Even if he's crawling on the monster itself. Until the cold well appeared in the monster's mouth, the eyes as big as the water well cover, slipped down, and aimed at the monster with the remaining light. But the monster, the monster representing hell itself, had no idea what it was sent to his mouth.

Think it's a good meal? I think it's precious nutrition when I'm weak.

Without hesitation, the monster stuck out his tongue and rolled Zhang Tianluo into his mouth. The two rows of huge, dirty and bloodstained teeth were closed, like sealing off the last trace of his retreat.

The explosion of dozens of shells, with the power of destroying the heaven and earth, bloomed in the monster's mouth. In that place, no one even saw how the monster's head turned into debris. The sound of the explosion all over the sky, with a huge cloud of smoke and dust, bloomed and opened, marking the north city full of pathogen zombies and animal zombies The full stop of the rule.

Everyone looked at the shocking scene and imagined the image of "cold well" or "Zhang Tianluo" in their mind. His body also with the explosion, into no sign of blood mist, waving in the air, hazy around.

Do we really know the real one?

On the half floor of the building, the "black crow" cold eagle, blood monkey and flint are still standing in their original place, witnessing the whole process. It also makes them realize that the cold well, which has almost no value in the black crow, is actually the most critical existence of the whole task. However, even if they now re-establish their impression of Hanjing, there is no way to get to know him again.

"I didn't expect that he came to end all this." Cold Eagle tight Zou eyebrows from the road fault has never changed, once the calm cold hawk, at this moment, it seems to be unusually anxious and unwilling. For six years, the "black crow" people have never seen a cold eagle as abnormal as it is today.

On the ground, the black wolf king's weak body has stood up under the support of the God of gambler. At the moment, all people's faces are very deep.

"Let's go. There is no need for us to stay. Go back to the Japanese headquarters. " Cold Eagle said, turned around and jumped down the stairs, disappeared from the black wolf king and gambling God's vision.

On the roof of the building, four people who had fought shoulder to shoulder with the God of death for countless times looked at each other one after another for a while. They didn't know what was passing in their eyes. Maybe it was nostalgia for the feeling of life and death.

Finally, the blood monkey gave a bitter smile, jumped to the shoulder of flint, and said in a slightly low tone: "let's go. After all, they are two kinds of people

"Well." Flint nods, turns around with the blood monkey and disappears together.

In the dark night, such a big crossroads, everywhere is a mess of ruins, the original chaos of the battlefield, now only the God of gamblers and the black wolf king.

The two were still staring at the huge body. From above the clavicle, they all exploded and smashed, and there was no sign of nodding. The whole Zombie's headless upper body just lies in the ruins, no longer has the original atmosphere of destruction.

"It really Is he dead? " The God of gamblers still some can't believe, that absolutely impossible to win the existence? The existence of hell itself, really, is gone.

"Zhang Tianluo's boy has always been a very strange person. I really didn't expect that the weak boy was just like an ordinary man. He was actually playing with a pig to eat his mind. He not only saved Lao Tzu's life, but also helped us to solve such a big guy who was afraid. That kid It's really Good job. " I'm afraid the black wolf king himself did not find that when he said this, his eyes were moist.

At this time, there were scattered ordinary zombies around the originally empty ruins. These zombies looked at the corpse of the huge monster, and they showed a morbid expression of greedy, but they seemed to be afraid of something. They did not dare to get close to them, so they lingered.

"These zombies are really haunting." Suddenly the God of gamblers realized another serious problem: "ye wukuo There is no lack of leaves! Ye Wuqi is still under the fault! He will not... "

"Bah, bah, don't say these despondent words. I'm not dead, and that guy is certainly not dead. While there's a bit of moonlight at the moment, go down and find him. " The black wolf Wang farfetched his right hand on the shoulder of the God of gamblers.

"What do you do? These zombies...! " The God of gamblers was worried. After all, the black wolf king's physical condition was almost unable to stand steadily.

But at the moment, the black wolf king actually took out a precious half pack of cigarettes from his pants bag. He arranged three crumpled cigarettes and lit two of them. One was put under his feet to let him burn off, and the other was in his mouth. He enjoyed it very much. The other one was given to the God of gamblers."I don't smoke." The God of gamblers did not know what he meant.

"I know! When you find Ye Wuqian, give it to him. " The black wolf king glared, took a puff of smoke, inspected the scattered zombies around him, and said, "go to him. Don't worry about me. Although I'm a little weak now, I haven't paid much attention to these miscellaneous zombies. "

"Be careful." The God of gambler hesitated for a moment and said. Then he ran towards the fault.

The black wolf king squatted down and took a hard puff of smoke. Seeing that the smoke on the ground burned out slowly, his tears couldn't hold back from his eyes and said, "Zhang Tianluo, little brother. My good friend

"All the way."

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