At night, at the border of the North City, there are three people walking slowly towards the west city. They are ye Wuqian.

Since ye Wuque stepped into the western city, the number of zombies is less than that in the north city. It seems that most of the zombies in this zombie city are gathered in the South City and the north city. On the contrary, the west city is more like the only peaceful place in this hell. Ye Wuqian and they have been in the West City for more than an hour, but they are really real. No zombie has been found.

Everything seems too strange.

At night, the cool sea breeze blows on Ye Wuqi's face. It is no longer a strong smell of compounds and rotten meat. It is particularly refreshing and seems to be energizing the body. The street lights on both sides of the dark road are always on. Although the light is not strong, it is still some light, which also lights up the night in the west city.

On both sides of the clean road, there are mostly some European aristocratic buildings, which are miraculously well preserved with few traces of damage. Shuttling between these buildings, ye Wuxiang thinks that he is just walking in a small town in Europe, rather than in a zombie city.

From time to time, ye Wuqi can also see some European architectural statues, mostly some naked men and women, the body is only wrapped in a piece of white cloth statue. The expression of these statues is mostly calm and peaceful, and the emotion is obscure and difficult to understand, which has a certain religious nature.

Everything in the western city is too perfect and peaceful, which is a miracle for a zombie city. What's more strange is that the lights in some rooms on both sides of the floor are on.

Behind the peace, there are creepy facts.

"Is this really a zombie city?" The black wolf king couldn't believe it. He stepped on the clean road with his foot and said, "I've been in a city for so long, I haven't seen such a clean street! There's not a single plastic bag in the whole street! "

"No, it's not just this street, but the whole Westlife. It's too clean. There is no trace of damage to the building, the door of the building is also too safe to close. There's no sign of zombies here. And... " Ye Wuqi looked around with a dignified face. He went to the street lamp by the side of the road. He touched the lamp tube with his finger and said, "the iron pipe is still wet. It seems that someone has just scrubbed it with water."

"What?" The black wolf king opened his mouth in surprise. He walked quickly to the street lamp and touched the lamp with his hand: "God, don't tell me, there are still fuckin 'cleaners here?"

"Certainly there are no cleaners, but this western city is really strange. Even if there are no zombies here, it's not like a city that has been abandoned for two years. "

Indeed, if ye Wuqian had not gone through two half cities destroyed by zombies, which were almost ruins, ye Wuque did not believe that they were now in the scope of city A.

"I'm scared to death. There's no cleaner? No one? Here the hell It's not haunted, is it? Ah, you two said that in those houses with lights on, they would not really return There's something dirty living in it The black wolf king's face was frightened. It's hard to imagine that this two meter tall beast would be afraid of ghosts?

"Don't scare yourself." Ye Wuqi said, "where is the ghost in this world? The ghost is to frighten yourself

"Not necessarily." The God of gambling said with a mysterious smile: "in this world, there are always some firm beliefs that the human body can't bear. Even if the body dies, the spirit must exist. "

"Well, when it comes to faith, I don't want to argue with you. Don't preach to me any more. I will never believe you

"No? Then ask him. " Said the God of gamblers with a smile.

"Who?" Asked the black wolf king in surprise.

The God of gamblers smiles mysteriously and points to the end of the road.

Deep at the end of the street, there is a man. He is carrying a bucket of water and wiping the lamp repeatedly with his wet cloth. The distance is a little far, ye Wuqian, they can't see the man's appearance, but the picture of the man quietly, repeatedly rubbing the street lamp, suddenly appears, or it really frightens ye Wuque and the black wolf king.

"It was a What? " The black wolf king is afraid. Even in the face of monsters like hell itself, the black wolf king has no fear at all, but people are always certain. Although the black wolf king himself does not want to admit, but he is really a ghost film do not dare to see the coward.

"Hum What's that? Just walk over and see. " Ye Wuque doesn't believe in ghosts and gods. To be exact, he doesn't believe anything. He only believes in himself. As long as he is strong enough, he can protect the people he needs to protect. As for those who want to hurt them Whether it's a human or a ghost, ye Wuqian will all fight with one fist.

The three slowly walked towards the "cleaner", their faces were dignified, but they did not deliberately hide their tracks. They walked on the road and made a "dada" sound. The voice of zombies can't be heard, but normal people can definitely hear it.

"Cleaner" did not find them, still repeatedly wipe the street lamp.

It's as cool as a man wearing a black hat.Ye Wuqian's three men walked behind him. The "cleaner" still did not find anything, and still repeatedly wiped the street lamp. Close to each other, ye Wuque hears the "cleaner" reciting something in a low voice. He can't understand the language, but it is complex and deep. It gives Ye Wuqian a feeling of Chinese monk chanting scriptures.

"Hello." The black wolf king raised his courage and roared.

It seems that the "cleaner" finally found someone behind him. For a moment, he stopped chanting sutras and stopped his movements. He stood still for a moment, then slowly turned around under the gaze of Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuqian and the three of them finally saw a zombie's face, which was slowly turning to them.

The black wolf king quickly walked forward and punched the Zombie's head. His brain was splashed all over the place. Before the zombie showed his wild zombie nature, he was sent to hell by the black wolf king.

"Grass!" The black wolf king swore in a low voice: "a zombie is also playing tricks. It really scares me."

"Hello Why do you do it so quickly? You can't ask for any information. " Leaf without lack hold forehead, hate iron not into steel said.

"What can I ask about zombies?! There is no lack of leaves! What's on your mind? Have you ever seen a zombie talking? " The black wolf king didn't think so.

"Although the zombie can't speak, we can at least see if he will attack us like ordinary zombies when he finds us. And why does he wipe street lamps here? Do you think ordinary zombies can wipe street lamps? At least You want me to hear what he says Ye Wuqian said.

"Ah? Do you still need to know that? " The black wolf king was a little confused, but he really felt that he was acting too fast and did something wrong.

"Forget it. Let's go. " Ye Wumian sighed and walked on the clean road.

The black wolf king stood in his place and asked in a daze: "where are we going? We have no purpose at all. We're just wandering around in a mess?"

"Who said there was no purpose?" The God of gambler came to the black wolf king and said in an enigmatic manner, "we finally ran into an active thing, but we were smashed by your fist. I can't help it, so ye Wuque wants to find the next cleaner to take care of the city. "

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