Inside the church, under the bell and Drum Tower.

The priest and the urchin stood outside the gate of the bell and Drum Tower. There was still a huge hole in the wall of the tower. At the beginning, the priest smashed the large hole in the wall, which made this ancient building with a long history even more mottled and aging.

"Did he run, too?" The minister looked at the huge hole, lost in thought.

There was no image of the one who should have been lying in it. The priest was quite aware of the destructive power contained in the simple act of leaving him. I am afraid that at that time, the veins of his body had been cut off? Especially his neck, that fatal breathing pipe has been pinched and burst by himself, let him go, just let him wait for death slowly. I didn't expect to let him run. I still underestimated the regenerative ability of vampires.

Think of that little girl, Edward Jennie, who turned aeionia into a vampire? The little girl, a born vampire, is really a freak monster. She has taken the lead in the fight with herself. Although she has not tried her best, her blood belonging to the really powerful vampire has been revealed.

When they come into contact with the girl's eyes, the dark pupil is released, and the extremely depressed dark world, even if he or she, is completely contained and unable to move, leaving the bats to scratch their wounds on themselves. The repressive hallucination of powerful vampires

The priest looked up at the dark bell and Drum Tower, and said faintly, "Edward Rosen, what kind of monster did you have? I'm afraid you are not necessarily her opponent in your heyday."

Just then, behind the priest's urchin, countless Vampire Zombies and ordinary zombies came after them, grinning and hating, as if these two people had destroyed the holy land they had been supporting for life, and rushed over more than before.

"Reverend, the zombies are coming again." The urchin turned to see that the earth was almost covered with zombies, which seemed to be more than the number outside the church just now: "hum, these despicable things can't be killed completely."

But the priest was not moved by it. He looked at the bell and drum tower all the time and said faintly, "I'll go up and have a look. You'll stop at the bottom. Don't let these dirty things disturb me."

"Good! Ha ha ha Don't be quiet again this time! Ha ha... " The urchin laughs and rushes towards the countless zombies that are coming.

The priest didn't even look at the scene of the group of zombies, and walked straight into the dark gate of the bell and Drum Tower.


"Don't run away! No one's coming after me! " The black wolf king was left behind by Ye Wuque. Suddenly, he seemed to be discouraged. He stood in the same place and stopped running. He gasped and roared to ye Wuque, who was still running in front of him.

Ye Wuqi looked back and looked at the black wolf king and gambling God who were almost exhausted and paralyzed behind him. He also gasped and said in a hurry, "didn't the priest and the naughty boy come after him?"

"No one came after them, not even the zombies!" The God of gambler breathlessly said.

"Hoo..." Ye Wuwei breathes a sigh of relief and puts the orange and the little girl on the ground together, but he sits down on the ground.

"I thought you didn't know you were tired." The black wolf king came over and looked at Ye Wuqian with a smile. This guy really sold his life, and his escape speed was simply first-class, since he could hardly keep up with himself.

Ye Wuwei reluctantly smiles, and runs crazily with the two girls in his arms. Even though he is extremely burning, releasing a lot of gravity, dragging the two little girls, reducing their gravity and air resistance, he is still tired. In fact, it's not that ye Wuwei's own speed is fast. Strictly speaking, he is cheating, so he barely runs ahead of the black wolf king and the God of gambling.

As soon as the orange landed, she nervously held the little girl's shoulder and asked with concern, "how are you, sister? Are you ok? Did you get hurt? "

"Sister, I'm fine." The little girl looks at the orange and smiles sweetly. It seems that she has never experienced the bloody scenes just now. The little girl with long golden hair naturally has a holy luster, which makes people dare not profane the little girl with human dirty thoughts.

"What's the matter! Do you know how dangerous you were? " The orange looked very worried. She yelled at the little girl, "do you know how dangerous the boy who is my age just now is? He is not a man at all. He is a devil from hell. Anything close to him will be torn in two by him! You know what? He almost came across you

Ye Wuqi embarrassed smile, this similar words did not just persuade her? How in a twinkling of an eye, she became in persuading others. But in general, it's good to save it. It's quiet all around. Maybe all the Vampire Zombies and ordinary zombies are attracted to the church.

"Sister, I can't die. You see, I'm a vampire now. Vampires never die. " The little girl said sweetly, with a good-looking and simple smile on her face, as if she had put on a beautiful skirt, and showed two small fangs to prove that she had not lied.It also becomes It's a vampire. The little girl didn't realize that the vampire itself was a very tragic fate.

Ye Wuqian and the God of gambler looked at this little girl who seemed to bear the simple and beautiful wishes of human beings. Besides, when he had become a vampire, he felt some unavoidable heartache. Only the black wolf king, at the moment, the black wolf king looked at the little girl, extremely suppressed the expansion of blood in his body. Somehow, at the moment when the black wolf king saw the little girl, he seemed to see the natural enemy, and could not help feeling fear. This extreme emotion once made the black wolf king want to immediately rush forward to kill the little girl, but was born into human reason and let him I understand. I can't do it myself.

The orange couldn't believe it. Her whole body trembled slightly. Her eyes were frightened and looked at the little girl's fangs. She said, "it's all sisters. She didn't protect you, so you became a Vampire..."

"I think it's good, so I can be with my sister forever." Said the little girl.

"You don't understand You don't understand... " Orange can't suppress the pain in her heart. Endless regret comes from her heart. I really knew that the little girl would eventually become a vicious vampire. It would be better It's better to make a decision for her at the beginning and let the master kill her. But now, it's too late. One day, the little girl will also feel the pain of immortality. One day, this little girl will hate herself very much.

"Don't talk about it. Find a place to settle down and make plans tomorrow." The God of gambler came forward, looked at the orange and the little girl, said calmly.

"Go to my house." The orange tried to suppress his shivering and inner pain. He turned and bowed his head and walked towards his residence. Also no longer look at anyone, the whole body is permeated with a sense of despair.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Wuqi suddenly stood up and patted the black wolf king on the shoulder. He found that the black wolf king had been very wrong from the beginning. His eyes seemed to be burning with high fighting spirit, and he was trying to suppress himself.

"I don't know I don't know When I saw the little girl, I wanted to Kill her! But in my heart And for her, there is a deep Fear... " Black wolf king stuffy said, looking at the back of the little girl.

At this time, the little girl has been chasing the orange. Ye wumi looks down and sees that the little girl is still that simple and sweet appearance. She walks around the orange obediently and wants to take the initiative to pull the hand of the orange, but is thrown away by the orange. Finally, the little girl can't laugh out and walks with her head down. At this time, the two girls are like children doing wrong, stuffy head down.

Then, the leaf does not lack to see the orange, seems to have compromised what, took the initiative to pull the little girl's hand.

On the little girl's face, there is a simple and sweet smile.

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