For a, before she saw the orange, the whole memory of her life was erased. But when the fate of the long and lonely vampire fell on her, she lost the right to live in the castle.

As a reward for two years' food, he not only turned oranges into vampires, but also generously rewarded them with an empty house and a coffin in the house.

In the first days when she left the church, orange was in a panic all day. She could not see anything that she could talk to. There were Vampire Zombies or zombies all around her. Those disgusting looks and soulless things made orange feel afraid, and she felt that sooner or later those things would eat her. Slowly, the orange began to want to hide. Even in this small room, the orange still felt full of danger. This house was given to her by ahionia, but the house was too big to accommodate more than a dozen zombies. During the painful period when she just became a vampire, there was no place for the lonely orange Fang is safe.

Until she was willing to lie in that coffin.

It was a very small coffin. The orange would touch the bottom of the coffin when he lay down and straighten his feet. However, when the coffin was covered, the world was engulfed by darkness. On the contrary, the orange felt that he could finally get some peace of mind. The narrow space finally made the orange find some sense of security. From then on, the oranges lay in the coffin all the time, except for the weekly sacrificial days.

Maybe the bottom of the coffin was too soft and it was too comfortable to lie down.

She is infatuated with the feeling of lying in the coffin, which is only her own, no one can enter the inner world. Although there, the hands of the orange can't be arranged, but only there can the orange really feel free.

That coffin, it seems, is the only thing that orange really has.

But orange didn't know that the original owner of the coffin was in front of her, in her arms.

"Don't worry, sister. I won't leave you." The orange held the little apple tightly.

"Really? Are you sure you won't leave me again? " Little apple closed her eyes, as if holding her were two people. In addition to the orange, there is a mountain like, tall man: "even if I am a monster, you will never leave me? No But how can I believe you, even if you made a promise to me, you still left me. "

"I must be too hungry? I scared you, but I'm really hungry. I want to kill everyone. I feel that everyone wants to kill me. No place is safe except in your arms. Monster Right? As they say, I'm a monster, and even I know I'm a monster. " Small apple said, actually is standing all feel the consciousness is fuzzy, dizzy. I've never had a good night's sleep since my father left. Although for vampires, not sleeping has no real effect. But little apple still felt very tired, incomparably tired, but could not close their eyes. This kind of pain tormented her day and night.

No! I can't sleep, I have a werewolf lying beside me! There's another one! But But And oranges

Orange gently stroked the back of the little apple and said gently, "you are a monster, you are just my sister, you are just a little girl, a simple and kind little girl, you are no different from other children."

"Really?" The little apple's eyelids were so heavy that it was about to fall asleep. For two years, she never felt like that.

"Really." Orange took little apple by the hand, took her to his coffin, and said with a smile, "sleep, you are too tired. Inside the coffin can make you feel at ease. Although it is small, if you lie in it, you will feel like you are lying in a big soft bed

Little apple went to the coffin, the whole person sat in the coffin, but his eyes were half open, and he looked at the orange in a daze and said, "when I sleep, you really won't leave me?" Holding the hand of the orange, always reluctant to let go.

"No. Sleep well. I'm outside the coffin. I'll watch for you and I won't let anyone disturb you Orange smiles.

"I'm just outside the coffin. When you wake up, you'll see me again. "

Little apple finally put her heart down and lay down in the coffin with a smile. The orange covered the lid for her. The world entered a new darkness, but the peace in her heart was ushered in for a long time. This coffin is one size smaller than the normal coffin. This coffin will make people feel comfortable and at ease when lying down. This is what my father specially prepared for her.

In the coffin, the little apple was smiling and closed her eyes.

Ye Wuqian came over, touched the head of the orange and said, "she just talked to you, it doesn't seem to be talking to you. And she's so weird, so much more strange than ordinary vampires. I think she, and the little apple you know, may not be alone. She should It's not easy. "

"I know what you're worried about. But I don't care Orange lying on the lid of the coffin, like to embrace the small apple, holding the coffin, said with a smile: "in my eyes, she is my sister, she is just my sister. You are the whole of my life. I will protect her well. Until she really grows up. "Leaf no defect nodded, silently looked at the orange for a while, then left. Standing by the door, ye Wufa has a cigarette. He can't guess the real identity of xiaoapple, but he is almost sure that xiaoapple may have been a vampire long ago. The orange didn't know it before. I'm afraid it's because the owner of the orange, eshionia, was obedient to her.

Although it seems inconceivable, ye Wuxiang has not forgotten that when she was in the church that day, the priest, who was called the ninth Lord of Freemasonry, was standing behind the little girl. The priest yelled at the urchin, "kill her." Is the priest going to ask the urchin to kill her for an ordinary vampire? The answer, of course, is No. And the priest at that time was still wounded and in a mess. Was that the work of ezionia?


Ye Wumian looked at the coffin. Most of the people who really hurt the priest were her, little apple.

Then the master of the orange, aeionia, went there again. Why can't you see him in the church after such a big accident? What's more, when the God of gambler comes back, how can I tell him about the little apple? What a headache.

Ye Wumian is very precious, took a breath of smoke, looked at a few poor cigarettes left in the withered cigarette box. This is the most painful problem in front of us. I really hope that when the gambler comes back, he will realize that he and the black wolf king will bring two packs of cigarettes to him and the black wolf king.

"But the gambler has been away for a long time, isn't it?" Ye Wuque looked at the burning cigarette and said to himself.

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