"It was still cloudy last night, but it never rained."

On the coast of city B, lemon stands in the sea breeze and looks at the other end of the sea deeply.

The newborn sun rises from the sea level, so that the whole sea surface is coated with a layer of gold. The salty sea breeze gently blows on lemon's melancholy face, but always can't blow away the acacia in her eyes.

"I'm afraid it's not the weather that worries sister lemon. Since her injury was healed, sister lemon has come to the seaside to see the weather before dawn every day. The weather can be seen everywhere, but the people on the other side of the sea can only wait here. "

Beside the lemon, the dog stood there with a smile. Today's dog is different from the past. He is wearing a black suit, standing upright, and naturally exudes a king's posture. There is no longer the appearance of the Black Wolf Gang's Secret sentry.

"You talk a lot." Lemon frowned slightly: "they have been there for so long, I have recovered from my injury, and there is no news. How can people not worry? "

"Indeed. But ye Ge, after all, is so powerful. Don't worry, sister lemon. As long as you have brother ye, there will be no accident. " The dog is smiling, but his eyes are secretly looking at the sky over the distant sea. It's strange to say that although the South African government has always been in a clear blockade of city a, since the second day of Ye GE's sneaking into city a, helicopters have been patrolling the sea in turn. It seems that the South African government has been using military force to control those who want to sneak into city a secretly People check.

A what's the secret in the city? City B, an illegal City, exists in the legal form tacitly accepted by the South African government. Is it related to the secrets of city a?

Thinking of a, I suddenly regret that I didn't go into Dogtown with them.

All of a sudden, behind the dog, there are three figures running quickly. The man in the middle is the golden hundred gun, the head of the seven gangs in the four districts.

Jin Bai gun ran to the dog. He nodded respectfully to the lemon, and then whispered some words nervously in the dog's ear.

"What are you talking about? The long disappeared Jingcun Okada appeared in the three districts under the jurisdiction of the Qingmu Association last night? And How could he leave city B with the backbone of the green wood society all night? " The dog said indignantly. At the thought of Okada, the dog's brow would not help wrinkling. The man looked down on him to the extent that he didn't even want to kill him! This name, the face that will always be calm, the dog will always remember. Thanks to his presence, the dog wants to become strong.

Is to one day, oneself can have the strength that gun compares in that head!

But the dog did not expect that, with the help of his own efforts and the prestige left by Ye Wuqian, he finally unified the seven gangs in the fourth district and became the second leader of the fourth district. As for the first leader, everyone can not forget that it belongs to ye Wuque's position. The dog finally had the prestige to attack Okada, but Jingcun Okada suddenly disappeared from the green wood society. When he heard the name again, he disappeared again.

Do you, never have that chance?!

"Why do you tell me such important news now? What did the spy do last night? " Roared the dog.

"Dog! We just got the information from the undercover this morning. Jingcun Okada's whereabouts are too secretive. The spies we arranged near the green wood club didn't find him last night Jin Bai gun was a little nervous. He lowered his voice and said, "dog, the green wood club is an empty shelf. If you want to attack the Green Wood Association and swallow up the third district, now is the best time!"

"You can do it as you see fit. If it's done well, the next three districts will be handed over to you, Jinbai gun." The dog waved and looked calm.

"Thank you, dog!" Jin Bai gun a burst of excitement, with people back.

"Dog, you are very powerful now. Even Jinbai gun is so afraid of you. Do I have to call you dog, too Said the lemon with a smile.

"Sister lemon, you make fun of me again. And lemon, you should know that it's not me that they are really afraid of. Don't look at the breeze I am now. When ye comes back, I will just run errands for ye Ge. These territory, the subordinates, are all ye Ge's In fact, the dog has one more thing to say.

"Even you belong to Ye Ge." I'm afraid this sentence, in the heart of lemon, is also a subtext.

All of a sudden, a black spot appeared on the sea level. Both of them were nervous. The dog picked up the telescope that had been prepared for a long time.

"It's a boat Lemon sister! It's Ye GE's cruise ship Cried the dog excitedly.

"Really? Do you see it clearly? Is it Ye Ge they? "

"But But Ye Ge, they are not on the boat. On the boat are a group of young people of various skin types, as well as old people? " The dog looked and looked at it, and said in a strange way.

Lemon originally excited mood, also slowly fell down.

Then, the dog saw the helicopter hovering in the sea and flew over the cruise ship. A man was suspended from the helicopter. The man took two bottles of red liquid and black liquid in the hands of an old man on the ship, and boarded the helicopter again. After that, the helicopter left the sea for the first time since then.The dog put down his telescope and thought of the two bottles? That is The secret of city a?


It's a good time for vampires to rest.

In the orange room, the black wolf king is still sleeping. The little apple lies quietly in the coffin, and has been asleep for a long time. The orange is lying on the coffin cover without moving. At a young age, he has learned how to make a living. A little girl doesn't pay much attention to the image.

Only the head of leaf without missing, like a chicken pecking rice, leaned against the door, barely a person who did not fall asleep. In the morning, the first ray of sunshine swept away the haze at night, and it was warm on Ye Wuqi's body. His sleepiness immediately covered his whole body, and he fell straight to the ground.

Fortunately, he didn't fall on the ground. Ye Wuqian's head hit the chest of the person standing in front of him. Ye Wuqian also became clearer. His head was against other people's chest. He thought it was the God of gambler who finally came back. Before he raised his head to look at it, he swore: "you old guy, you just show up now? He said, "did you find a place to hide and sleep?"

The other party did not return, ye Wuqian rubbed his eyes, mistily raised his head, and saw a slightly embarrassed and serious face of the priest. Next to the priest came the urchin, "ha ha Ha ha... " The sound of laughter.

"You are always unexpected." Said the minister coldly.

Ye Wuqian immediately came to the spirit, and his sleepiness disappeared without a trace. He immediately mobilized his whole body's powers, but found that the naughty boy standing on one side and laughing had grasped ye Wuque's arm! The next second, ye Wuqi feels that he has lost his gravity, and is thrown behind him by the urchin. The absolutely powerful force that can't break free is like throwing a doll.

"Boom" a huge sound, leaves without lack of force was severely knocked down a wall, rolling smoke roared up, in this quiet street diffuse.

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