The sky is slightly bright, a certain street in the western city seems to have a bomb explosion, diffuse scattered smoke, containing some blood smell.

In the smoke and dust, a crooked figure stood there, looking extremely weak, but revealed a pair of perseverance that refused to give in. This person is Ye Wuwei.

"Well, are you really going to die?" Ye Wuwei, who stood up again, made the priest a little surprised. He looked at the figure in the dust and locked his brow. The urchin was even more surprised. He remembered that he had already taken ye Wuque's body seriously and used three moves.

What kind of concept is this? Even those zombies whose bodies are as hard as steel need to be waved lightly in front of him. The last time the urchin was serious was when he was in city B, he and the priest chased the black wolf king together, but even that time, he was just one move and removed the black wolf king's left hand. At this time, ye Wuqian has been in his hands by three moves.

Ye Wuxiang felt that his internal organs were bleeding, but he still did not give up. He extremely mobilized his powers. Several huge stones quickly hit the naughty boy in the smoke, such as a small meteorite falling from the sky.

"Still?" The urchin looked at the stones that hit him with patience, and quickly waved his fist. The seemingly weak and thin fist, with each blow, was really like a bomb thrown out. With the smoke of gunpowder, the huge stones were smashed one by one under the urchin's fist.

"Just lie down. I said I would let you go, so I will let you go. I just want to take Edward Jennie. Other things, others, later. " The voice of the priest, in the smoke and dust quietly ring.

In the smoke and dust, ye Wuque's figure loomed and appeared from time to time. He could not see the expression on his face, but his crooked figure still stood stubbornly at the door, as if he had not heard the preacher's persuasion at all.

"You fellow The naughty boy said in a low voice, but in the blink of an eye, the urchin disappeared from the original place. He appeared in front of Ye Wuque's body with the speed of sound.

When the urchin appeared in front of Ye Wuwei, he was really scared when he saw that face clearly. The man who was beaten by himself had little room to fight back, and even killed him with two more punches, he still had a strange smile on his face.

He looked at his eyes, which seemed to reveal infinite confidence and strength. But for ye Wuqian's crooked and unable to stand upright, the urchin would have thought that his three fists had not had any effect on him.

But what about his strange smile? Is this the expression of a dying man? Is this an expression on one's face when one, no, two opponents he can't defeat?

At the moment when the urchin looked at Ye Wuqian's strange smile, he couldn't believe it, but he hesitated. The share to vent their own heart resentment, stubborn killing intention, actually in front of the leaves without lack of some hesitation? Is this your own emotion when facing a weak person?

At such a moment, the urchin appears to be extremely fickle. He grabs the collar of Ye Wuqian's chest with an exasperated hand. Even though he is only 1.56 meters in appearance, he still lifts the 1.8 meter leaf Wuque into the air, like a weightless doll. And ye Wuwei himself, also seems to have no resistance.

The urchin frowned and looked at the face of Ye Wuwu, who made him irritable, pretended to disdain and said, "hello. Recognize the reality, you are now facing two of us, not only me! Although I don't know why, the wolf king is still sleeping. But even if he's awake, you and he can't beat me and the priest. But my Lord and my minister

Then, the urchin lowered his voice and whispered to Ye Wuqi, saying, "Oh, you don't hold on any longer. Although I know that everyone says I'm a murderer, the people I touch with my hands are almost impossible to survive. But in fact, sometimes I don't want to kill people so much. Some people have survived from my palm. The black wolf king is one of them. He is not the object that the priest and I have to hang. So I only take off his hand. This is just some explanation we need to leave when we meet the black wolf king as the Masonic leader. But you, you and us, and the Freemasonry, have no grievances or enmities. I really don't want to make your body any less

"Really, the minister hasn't done it yet. Compared with me, his hand has never left a living person. You don't have to force him to do the same, then you want to survive is impossible! You just lie down

Suddenly, the urchin's right hand clenched into a fist. Looking at Ye Wuqian's face, he showed some nervous desire. He then said: "in order to make you more determined, I decided to increase some strength this time. You are the first opponent who makes me so excited in these two years! Don't die. I'm looking forward to a good fight with you in the future. Then You can die in my hands again

"Bang!" With the naughty boy's fist settled down, a wave of Qi ran out from behind Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuque hangs on the left hand of the urchin. The right fist of the urchin hits ye Wuque firmly on his abdomen. Just this blow seems to bend ye Wuque's back. With the severe pain of that blow spreading all over the body, ye Wuque violently opens his eyes, opens his mouth and spits out liquid mixed with blood and saliva on the ground. Ye Wuque wants to shout, but also I couldn't make a sound. It seemed that the blow had blasted his soul away from his body."Yes, that's what you should do to me." The naughty boy let go of his left hand, and ye Wuxiang fell to the ground. He immediately rolled up like a caterpillar, and even the sharp pain brought by the fist even ye Wuxiang couldn't bear to shiver slightly. His eyes and mouth were dry, but for a moment, his eyes were covered with wet blood, and blood constantly vomited out of his mouth.

"Lie down on the ground, and I'm looking forward to your strength." The naughty boy showed a young man's sunny expression to ye Wuque. He could not see that he was a murderer. Then the urchin turned to the priest and said, "yes, pastor, let's go in."

The priest looked at all this coldly, never taking a hand, and there was no expression on his face from the beginning to the end.

Step by step, he walked towards the room, and suddenly stopped as he walked across the leafless and curled body. The urchin beside him was a little surprised, but the next second, the urchin saw the scene that he could not believe.

Ye Wuqi is still curling up on the ground. The expression on his face is still in agony. Even his mouth is still vomiting blood. But ye Wuqi's right hand grabs the priest's ankle!

"Let go." There was no expression on the priest's face, but the urchin who knew the priest well knew that it was the expression of the priest's anger. This guy, why don't you listen? It's really irritating the priest, but you're really dead end!

"Let go! You madman The urchin turned around and kicked Ye Wuxiang's stomach. The huge force kicked the weak ye Wuque up. However, ye Wuqian's right hand still seized the priest, and no one flew out. "Puff" hit the ground again.

In spite of this, the leaves are still not let go.

"Bang!" The urchin is a foot again, the same scene appears again.



The urchin couldn't believe it and looked at Ye Wuqian's curled body. When he fell down again, his whole face ran straight into the sharp stone mouth on the ground. The blood broke out from his face and almost could not see his original face. But even so, ye Wuqi's whole blood face still raised his head. His eyes seemed to be shining in the dark red blood. His vaguely visible mouth seemed to be still smiling strangely?

Although Ye Wuqian is not a really powerful opponent for them, he feels that he is more like a devil from hell than himself. In particular, the pupils of his bloody face were so bright that people could not look directly at him.

"I told you to let go." The minister lowered his voice, but his voice trembled with force.

"I will not Let go Yes, I said I will not Put You In the past... " Ye Wuqi's bloodstained face looked at the priest and the urchin with a strange smile.

"Then you die!" The priest growled in a low voice!

Almost at the same time, a cloud of gray fog broke out on the priest's body. The fog, like extremely hot steam, emitted from the priest's body and impacted everything around him. Under the high temperature, even the stones around him were corroded and dissolved.

The urchin had already been frightened to hide to one side, looking at the picture that the priest's surroundings were dissolved by the gray hot fog, it seemed that the whole world would disappear under the fog!

"The confluence of ashes"! The minister is serious now The naughty boy yelled at Ye Wuwei in a hurry: "let go, madman! You don't let go! It's going to die

Under the extremely high temperature, ye Wuxiang still did not let go. He clung to the priest's ankle. The blood on his face turned into a sticky and very hot solution under the high temperature, which scorched the whole face of Ye Wuxiang. The dense white smoke distilled from his face.

The naked hand holding the priest's ankle was slowly corroded in the high temperature, and the meat on the fingertips was slowly melting. Even the traces of white bones could be seen! But ye Wuxiang still did not let go. He grabbed the priest's foot and even scratched a bloodstain on the priest's ankle!

Even so, ye Wuxiang's face still grinned strangely, burning rotten flesh and sticky red solution. I'm afraid Ye Wuxiang at this time is more like a zombie than any zombie in a city.

The face of the devil, the essence of the eyes never dissipated, and even more shining with the whole body's heat. The boundless self-confidence in it seems that he is the master of the world!

"I am Absolutely It won't die Yes The leaves are intact.

At this time, in ye Wuque's golden eyes, more than a dozen fatal flying cards shot at the priest's speed from behind.

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