Dr. Zhang is now the attending doctor of No. 7. He calls out these data to help No. 7.

It can be seen from the documents of this place that the efforts made by Dr. Zhang for this purpose are definitely not only those he saw, but also can be called "due diligence".

"Yes, but these materials are useless now. They can be thrown into the garbage can." Doctor Zhang gave a smile, with some self mockery.

"Why is it useless? Is it because it's not what you want? " Ye Wuque bowed down and picked up several pieces and looked at them. Although he does not know medicine, but from the above records, it is also very detailed, very rigorous.

Can't so much information come in handy? A question arose in his mind.

"Before, but not now. The information on these data can only be used in the early stage of Ms. 7's disease. However, after a month, with the increase of Miss 7's disease, the treatment plan needs to be improved constantly. Naturally, these data are not needed. " When Dr. Zhang said this, he had already gone to his desk and was searching for his treatment plan.

"But didn't you say that maybe the previous treatment could come in handy? Then these data may still be used. Would it be a pity to throw them into the garbage can like this? Keep it Ye Wuqi clenched the information in his hand and looked hard to find it. He couldn't bear to see it thrown in the garbage can like this.

So while he was reluctant to throw them into the garbage can, he also hoped to persuade Dr. Zhang to put these documents away as if they were for future use. There was no need to throw them into the garbage can like this.

"No need to keep it. These materials have been put into my mind, so even if it is really useful in the future, it can be used directly from my mind. You don't have to look at the information, you don't have to look around. " Doctor Zhang came to him with a smile on his face.

Ye Wuque was surprised by Dr. Zhang's words: "so much information, Doctor Zhang, do you remember all of them?" What kind of brain work is it going to take? If you want his brain, it's good to have one percent.

"In order not to use the medical data in the wrong way, it is necessary to use the medical data in the wrong way Dr. Zhang received the appreciation from ye Wuque's eyes and said with a smile, "in fact, it's nothing. As a doctor, it's my duty."

"You are absolutely a good doctor!" Ye Wuque sighed sincerely. He thought that Dr. Zhang had a good brain, so he could write down all the information, but he didn't expect that the reason why he wrote down was that it was related to his doctor's work.

From this point of view, he definitely worked hard and did his best to fulfill his duties.

"Mr. Ye, you flatter me." Since July, Ms. Ye has submitted to me almost every one of the cases that have been treated for several months. If it has to be implemented immediately, it will be done again. "

When Dr. Zhang said this, he sighed. It's needless to say the pain.

"Let me see." Ye Wuqian took over several plans in his hand and looked through them one by one. He found that the records were very detailed. From the first lesion on the 7th to the latest one, Dr. Zhang has made a detailed description of each case, and has come up with a treatment plan.

And the treatment plan is not a matter of carelessness, but he wrote it down after careful analysis, which can be seen from the above description. If she had carefully looked at these treatment plans in July, she would not have been so arbitrary, but she chose the most arbitrary method because she did not seriously look at them.

"These treatments all look good, but it's really hard for you to make a 100% commitment to Doctor Zhang." Ye Wuhua nodded and agreed with Dr. Zhang's difficulties, and his eyes were still on the treatment plan in his hand, "well, Doctor Zhang, you should answer me truthfully. If you are asked to treat No. 7 now, how sure are you? Answer truthfully. "

"This..." When Dr. Zhang was asked by this, he obviously hesitated. Ye Wuqian repeatedly stressed that he should answer the question truthfully. Then, he had to go over the question in his heart.

"To tell you the truth, from the very beginning, I was not 100% sure I could cure Miss seven. What's more, Miss No. 7's condition has obviously deteriorated. I can't say that I can completely cure Miss No. 7 by following my plan. " Dr. Zhang thought for a moment and sighed heavily.

"Miss July wants to drive me out of the guwu family. I know that. In fact, I also want to take off the heavy burden on my shoulders. I have thought for several times that as long as I resign, I will not have to face this problem again." Dr. Zhang revealed what he said in his heart. If he wanted to drive him away in July, why didn't he want to go? It's just that no decision has been made.

"Dr. Zhang, how can you think so? That's not what you said before After hearing this, ye Wuqian was shocked and said, "just now in the room of No. 7, you didn't say so. You hope to be able to cure No. 7 yourself."Not only that, he also hopes to help him persuade July, so that his treatment plan can be implemented. Otherwise, he would not follow Dr. Zhang to see his treatment plan.

How can he change his mind completely in the blink of an eye? It can't work!

"Of course, I want to cure Miss seven. Miss seven is kind to me. She is in critical condition. I can't leave. But if Miss July refuses to take my treatment, it will only be a delay for Miss 7. It would be better for me to resign and let the kuwu family invite another expert to treat Miss No. 7. " Doctor Zhang said in a hurry, but at the end of his speech, he became weak again.

It seems that July's attitude has really had a great impact on him. The treatment plan has been delayed again and again. His heart must be very depressed. Then he doubted that he was incompetent and wanted to resign.

"Dr. Zhang, if you say so, even you doubt your ability!" Ye Wuxiang wants to tell him that this is not what should be done.

But after listening to Doctor Zhang, he sighed: "maybe I really have no ability, or miss July will not have so many doubts about me."

"If you were really incompetent, how could the guwu family have hired you as a family doctor?" Seeing this, Dr. Zhang's dispirited heart has already shown. He must help Dr. Zhang to cheer up quickly.

No matter for No. 7 or for him, such a negative attitude is not good.

"Mr. Ye, in fact, this has always been my question." Dr. Zhang didn't get any consolation after hearing this. Instead, he fell into deeper self doubt. "When the guwu family suddenly sent me a letter saying that they wanted to hire a family doctor, I thought it was a mistake. With my medical qualifications, there are many people who are better than me. How could the guwu family abandon others and choose me? It was not until the kuwu family sent someone to invite me that I didn't know that the letter had been sent wrong. "

It is still ridiculous and inconceivable to think back to the time when he entered the guwu family. With his education and medical qualifications, he really can't think of any point that can attract the people of the guwu family to entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

"Since the letter is not sent wrong, it shows that the guwu family is sure of your strength. It absolutely believes that you can be a good family doctor of the guwu family, so we will hire you. In that case, you don't have to be suspicious of yourself Ye Wuqi said along with Doctor Zhang's words and tried to persuade and comfort him again.

"But this time As soon as Dr. Zhang mentioned this incident, he couldn't go on. He sighed heavily.

"This time, July's approach is a little extreme, but she is also too concerned about the 7th. I hope you can understand." When it comes to this matter, why is his heart contradictory?

From the standpoint, he is on the side of supporting Dr. Zhang, but from the psychological point of view, he fully understands the practice of No. 7, and can't bear to be too harsh on her.

"It's not that I can't understand, it's not that I can't understand. As a doctor, I have seen too many family members who are extremely ill because of their serious illness. But before I met people from ordinary families, I could criticize and educate them in my normal capacity as a doctor, but now I have changed to miss July... " Dr. Zhang couldn't go on talking about it.

In fact, needless to say, he has already made his meaning clear. If he had been a general family member, he would have been criticizing him, but he hesitated because he was the eldest lady of the guwu family.

"In fact, you can also criticize education." Ye Wuqi took his words and said, "since you have done wrong, you should point it out. If you don't say it, how can she correct it? Dr. Zhang, don't you even fear being expelled from the guwu family? Why are you afraid of being a lady in July This is obviously contradictory to his previous statement!

"I..." Dr. Zhang was asked, and after a while he faltered and said, "I said I could leave the guwu family because I could continue to be a doctor after I left. Even if no one else hired me as a family doctor, I would still be able to get by when I went back to my own hospital. But if I offend the people of the guwu family, my end will not be as simple as leaving the guwu family. I may lose my job as a doctor. "

When he said this, he suddenly frowned. He has been working as a doctor for most of his life, which is very important to him.

And it's a pity to lose your job, but what he said is only one of the reasons. If you offend the guwu family, you may lose your life at any time, but in fact, you have no job? But when I think of myself as a member of the guwu family, I feel that there are some things that can't be said directly.

Although he did not fully express the fierce relationship among them, but from his hesitant attitude, ye Wuqian has already seen it. He was also worried that the guwu family's influence in the city of s could not be underestimated. Even the family lynching was terrible, as can be seen from the story told me in July.

If you don't listen to the arrangement of the elders of the family, you will be regarded as a betrayer. You will not only be despised by the whole guwu family, but also be sent to the streets. In short, you will not let go until the moment of death.Even after death, they may not be able to be buried in a more beautiful place. It would be good to choose a burial place for them.

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