"Of course it's your sister. If it's my sister, I'd already agreed to let Dr. Zhang treat her. I don't need to wait for your nod." Ye Wuqi quickly went back to the past and firmly stated that he was totally on Dr. Zhang's side.

"Don't rely on helping No.7 to test serum. You are kind to the guwu family. You are so unscrupulous. Since these days, I have taken good care of you. If you interfere in the private affairs of the guwu family again, I have to ask you to leave. " Ye Wuque stood on the side of Dr. Zhang, making July feel very shameless. She pointed to ye Wuque and threatened with anger.

After hearing this, ye Wuqian said with a funny voice: "I didn't have to ask you, but I was ready to go. The reason why I am still here is mainly because the seventh is not out of danger, and I am not at ease to leave like this. "

He remembered that at dinner before, on the dining table, he had mentioned that he wanted to leave. Was it not that she resolutely opposed that he had to stay here? How quickly, because he stood on the side of Dr. Zhang, became the enemy she wanted to drive away?

From this point of view, it is more and more proved that she is unreasonable.

"Since I have chosen to stay, I just want to see the seventh get better. If you are so unreasonable and ignore the life and death of the seventh, I will not sit back and ignore it." Before he wanted to go, she would not let him go. Now, he would tell her that even if she wanted him to go again, he would not go.

For the sake of No. 7, he decided to stay. If she had to stand on the side against treatment No. 7, he would have to choose to stand opposite to her.

"Ye Wuwu lacks you..." July because of excessive anger, pointing to Ye Wuqi's fingers trembled slightly.

"Actually At this time, Doctor Zhang, who was silent for a long time, said, "Mr. Ye, if Miss July insists on dismissing me and changing doctors, I agree."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Wuque just now and July bar, did not expect here Doctor Zhang changed, and also said such words, clearly is to dismantle his platform.

"You know that the problem now lies with her, not your fault. What can you do if you leave No. 7 alone? Are you afraid that after you leave, you will never see the seventh again? " Didn't he say the seventh was his benefactor? Now his benefactor's condition worsens, still lying in it waiting for him to cure!

He is also here to fight against July, for what? Just want to fight for a chance for him, to save the people he wants to save. But he was the first to make the deal.

"Mr. Ye, there are some things you don't know." Dr. Zhang hung his head and said, "Miss July, she is just biased against me. If other doctors were changed, it would not be such a result."

Dr. Zhang hesitated and gave the reason why he was willing to leave.

"Prejudice against you? Why is that? " After hearing this, ye Wuqian felt very surprised. Isn't this the personality problem of July itself?

But now think about it, it seems that it is really like this, before July and he get along, there is no problem in character. However, as soon as he faced Dr. Zhang in July, he changed his face and seemed to have a deep hatred for him.

But why? What is it?

"Because of me and miss seven..." Dr. Zhang frowned. As soon as he opened his mouth, the angry voice of July rang out.

"Shut up! If you talk nonsense again, I will never let you leave here alive. "

July's anger has obviously risen to the extreme. Ye Wuwei sees it in his eyes, and his doubts are more abundant.

"Even so, I will say. Miss No. 7 and I really love each other. I know that I have reached her high, but I am sincere to her, and she is also to me... " Dr. Zhang looked up at July with an attitude of death.

Even if he is really going to die here today, he will also say this, as an account to the seventh.

After hearing this, ye Wuqian's eyes were stunned. He didn't think that Doctor Zhang and No. 7 were lovers. No wonder he was so concerned about the condition of No. 7. No wonder July has such a big prejudice against him and has threatened to dismiss him several times.

"Zhang Hao! You asked for it July Mou son a squint, shoot out a ray of cold light, to the body side of the servant way, "catch him, close to the secret room!"

Words fall, July head also does not return to turn to leave.

"July, don't do that!" Ye Wuque shouts at the background of July, but if July doesn't smell, he doesn't even look back.

"It doesn't matter!" Zhang Hao looked at Ye Wuqi, with a indifferent smile on his face. "From the time I decided to be with No. 7, I knew that there would be a lot of resistance. But I don't regret, can be together with the seventh, every minute every second is happy. The only thing I'm worried about now is the condition of the 7th. I'm afraid that when I get angry in July, I'll give up the treatment of the 7th. So, Mr. Ye, please do this. We must make the 7th better... "

Zhang Hao's words have not finished, has been left and right by the servants drag left. Before he left, he looked at Ye Wuwei with pleading in his eyes. He ignored his own danger and only cared about the safety of his lover. He could not help such a person.Ye Wuqi soon came to the door of July. Unexpectedly, the door of July was not closed. As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard the phone call of July inside.

"Yes, the best doctor. Bring it as soon as possible. I'm afraid there is no time to wait on the seventh." July is full of worry.

Hang up the phone, she turned around and saw a man standing outside the door.

"What are you doing standing at my door? What do you want to eavesdrop on? Or peeking at what? " In the face of the leaf which just tore his face, July did not give a good face.

"I just wanted to talk to you, but I didn't expect you were so concerned about the safety of the seventh." Now that he has been found, there is no need for him to continue hiding at the door. Open the door and walk in.

Originally, he came here to talk with July, but he didn't really want to hide here to eavesdrop or watch.

"Nonsense, number seven is my sister. How can I not care about her safety? As for you... " July pointed to Ye Wuqian and said impolitely, "get out of here right away. Don't let me ask the servant to drive you away."

"So that's how you guwu family treat benefactor?" Ye Wuqi ignored the drive of July and went to sit on the sofa.

"You Ye Wuxiang, I warn you not to push forward. You are indeed kind to the guwu family, but during this period, I have taken good care of you, which is also a kind of repayment of your kindness. " She didn't feel that he owed him anything, or needed to pay him back.

"It turns out that the guwu family is like this!" Ye Wuque felt his chin and sighed, "when you need it, if you are a guest of honor, if you don't need it, you will drive it away directly, and leave the relationship clear."

"What else do you want? You say, as long as you can say it, I will give it to you. " July subdues the anger that rushes to the chest.

As for the portion he helped No.7 try out the serum, she gave him the face. He could take anything he wanted. She returned the favor to him on behalf of the guwu family today.

From now on, the guwu family and he will be clear, no longer owe each other. In short, as the eldest lady of the guwu family, she would never give him the opportunity to go out and destroy the reputation of the family.

"Is it true? As long as I can say it, can you do it? " Ye Wuque raised eyebrows and looked at her with suspicion.

"With the influence of our guwu family in this city, the Dragon Flower Festival is our right and left hand. What else can't we do?" July chuckled and seemed to think that he had asked the question superfluously.

"Good! Very good! " Ye Wuwei clapped and said. Sure enough, all the members of the guwu family valued fame very much. As long as he put forward something related to fame, they would not hesitate to agree.

"Then I want you to release Doctor Zhang immediately and let him go to treat No. 7." Since she was so cheerful, he was no longer polite, and immediately said his request.

"No way! I will never accept your request! " July suddenly turned black.

"Why? Didn't you just say that you can do it as long as I can bring it up? " She can't remember what she said just now.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't remember. He keeps it in mind for her, and she has no way to go back.

"Because your request is extremely unreasonable. It is beyond the scope of my ability. You are trying to force people into difficulties." July pointed to ye Wuque and said indignantly.

"Why? Dr. Zhang was arrested by you, not by others. It's a matter of one sentence for you to let him out. There is No. 7 disease, you want to find someone to treat anyway, so let Dr. Zhang treat what's wrong? Can you make sure that the person you are looking for knows more about the condition of No. 7 than Dr. Zhang, and that he can cure No. 7? "

What she said was that she was not willing to accept what she had said. He did not feel that she was in any dilemma. On the contrary, she was more like a haggard and unreasonable.

"You don't have to waste your time. In short, no matter what you say, Zhang Hao can't let him go. Even if he died on the 7th, he can't be treated." July cold eyes to see the leaves without missing, with cold and merciless words completely cut off the idea of leaves without lack.

After hearing this, ye Wuqian was shocked, and then came the infinite anger: "do you really want to be so determined? No. 7 is your sister. You would rather watch her die than Dr. Zhang save her. Is there a sister like you

Although previously thought that she and No. 7 compared, temperament appears indifferent, but more is reflected in her Lengyan. But now he saw her clearly, her cold completely comes from that heartless heart.

She should even ignore the life of her own sister, such a person is really terrible!

"If I were not her sister, she would not have been ill at all. She would have been dead since her association with Zhang." July received such accusations with a cold smile, and quickly returned to the past, "I was the first to find out the scandal between them. If I went to the elder to complain, she and the man surnamed Zhang would have died like the men and women I told you about."

"Do you mean or did you help them?" Ye Wuque was stunned for a moment, as if things were much more complicated than he imagined."You don't have to think so, but the rules of the guwu family can't be changed. All the women in the guwu family should be assigned marriage partners by their elders. They are not allowed to have intimate contact with any man in private, otherwise they will be punished with the crime of adultery." July left the mouth, the surface is still very cold, there is no temperature in the words.

"I've warned them to leave soon. In particular, I told him not to mention his association with number seven in front of outsiders. "

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