"It's OK. Let's find a place to sit down. I just want to ask you something!" Ye Wuke scratched his head and asked shyly.

But Li Juan or a face of indifference refused him, "no, I have left in advance!"

With that, Li Juan left Tiantian and me and left without looking back.

"Ah, ye Wuwu, what's the matter with you?" Ye Wuque just Leng God, sweet on the ancient spirit of the strange jump in front of him.

Looking at her careless, bright young appearance, and just acquiesced to her, there is a big difference, think of here, ye Wuqian on his eyes of this girl, more curious.

This sweet, in the end is what origin, can let the natural apathy Li Juan, to her concern has added.

She reached out and touched her nose. Ye Wuqi, like a good friend, told her to pay attention to safety recently, and never let the so-called beast spirit be taken advantage of again.

"Who dares to bully me? I have practiced. Besides, you and Juan are so powerful. If anyone dares to bully me, you will surely teach them a lesson! " Sweet put a few fighting postures, and she said so, ye Wuque suddenly remembered a phone call received in the office before.

"You go to your business first, I have something to go out, and I'll be back in a minute." With that, ye walked quickly to the company's underground parking lot, took out the car key in his pocket and left.

On the way to the suburbs, ye Wuqian suddenly remembered an unusual phenomenon before.

Since Li Juan and ye Wuque met again, he always felt that there was a secret in this. Now, there is a certain connection between the call for help and their eavesdropping?

The more he thought about it, the more upset he felt. He patted the steering wheel. To tell the truth, he hated himself very much. His mind was in a mess. He knew nothing about anything. He was like a worthless fool.

But after stopping at the side of the road, ye Wumian smoked a cigarette and forced himself to calm down.

is now in order to protect Li Juan and investigate the truth.

And ye Wuque is still a little flustered at this time. After all, this kind of thing has certain danger.

"Ding Lingling..."

the mobile phone suddenly rings, and the urgent phone ring, scared ye wumi.

"Hello, brother Wuke, where are you? Why don't you come here?" The person on the other end of the phone, the tone is some anxious urge way.

"I'll be there in a minute. You'll stabilize those people first." Hang up the phone, ye Wuqian stepped on the gas pedal, and the car ran out like an arrow from the string.

Ten minutes later, ye Wuqian finally arrived at the place where he had agreed with them. As soon as he got off the car, a large group of people surrounded Ye Wuwei, and the first one was an ugly man with a scar on his face.

"Oh, isn't this famous Ye Wuxiang? Why did you come here empty handed today and say something good? " One of them was a little wretched man who hit the shoulder of the lower leaf with his knife handle. But after the slight pain, the leaf does not lack a hand blade to cut off his right hand.

"Do you dare to talk to me like that?" Ye Wuque looked at him without eyes.

And the group of people around ye Wumian, according to what he had just done, probably judged his real strength. For a moment, they retreated one after another.

"Why, didn't you just be very rude?" On the phone to Ye Wuqian, the person who asked for help rushed into the crowd. As soon as he saw ye Wuque, he cried and began to complain bitterly to ye Wuque and hold his thighs.

”Brother Wumian, these animals are so bad that they block me on the road every day. If they hadn't followed me today, I would not have fallen into their hands. " The man bared his teeth and cried to ye Wuque. In fact, ye Wuque didn't know this man at all. But in order to investigate the truth of the matter, ye Wuque chose to plot against him. At the same time, ye Wuque also understood what he meant. It seems that these people are not good at coming.

He patted the man on the shoulder, and ye Wuqian indicated that he should step back to one side. After all, he would fight later, but he would have no eyes.

"Brother Wuke, you should pay attention. They have guns in their hands." The man carefully reminded ye Wuque that ye Wuque is not afraid of any weapons at all. After all, his personal foundation has been unbreakable under the horse riding steps he has practiced every day.

"It's OK. Don't rush up to help me later. Just take a chance to leave!" Ye Wuqian indicated to the man what to do next, but he was not a man who was greedy for life and death at all. As soon as ye Wuqian finished this sentence, he rolled up his sleeves and planned to fight fiercely,

"don't be impatient. Don't be impulsive. Our elder brother invited you here today, not to fight." At this time, the ugly man with scar, the leader, saw the situation clearly.

In fact, he also understood that with Ye Wuqian's combat effectiveness, they were not ye's opponents at all.

"Oh, in that case, what about your sincerity?" Leisurely walked to one side, ye Wuqian found the theme and sat on it.The first scar ugly man, at this time, not only did not feel disgusted with Ye Wuxiang's arrogant behavior, but humbly poured a cup of tea for ye Wuque.

"Brother Wuque, be careful of cheating!" The man sitting on the side indicated Ye Wuwei with his eyes. Be careful that the tea is poisonous.

But ye Wuxiang knew in his heart that since they dared to lead him here, they would not take his life by such a mean.

Sure enough, after ye Wuqian drank the tea, the ugly faced man with scar as the head immediately changed his attitude.

"Well done, worthy of our boss's eye!" Immediately, he took the lead to drum up his hands, and ye Wuque didn't like this way of expressing appreciation.

"Don't talk nonsense. Let your boss come out! "The sandalwood beside the table was shocked.

Li Juan is surrounded by dangers. Ye Wuwei is not in the mood to bargain with them now.

"Come on, don't grind haw like a girl!" Ye Wuwei deliberately amplified his voice and called to the black Maybach nearby.

And his voice really has an effect.

I saw the door open and a pair of beautiful legs in black leather tights showed up.

Then, ye Wuque was the beauty in front of her eyes, to be mercilessly surprised.

"Oh, that's good. I didn't expect your boss to be a real girl!" After taking back his eyes, ye Wuqian sits in place, some jokingly says.

"What are you talking about? I'll kill you!" After the words, another one who is too much for himself kicks at the leaf without missing a foot.

But this time, before ye Wumian started, their beauty boss threw out a whip.

"Ah A burst of screams sounded, listening to the leaves without lack of straight goose bumps.

"How do you talk to brother Wumian? A lot of them are the people you bring out?" The beautiful woman's a cold hum, scared that called a lot of scars, ugly face man legs stomach straight shivering.

"Sister Su, I will teach him a lesson when I go back. Don't be angry!" He felt the cold sweat on his face and knelt on the ground to plead for his brother.

To tell you the truth, a large number of leaves are not missing, or quite on. If a man forgets these things, he is not far away from death.

"If there is no need for this, I will spare you!" The beauty takes off the sunglasses and throws a wink at the leaf.

Ah, this woman is really able to come, silent will kick the ball to Ye Wuwei.

After clearing his throat, ye Wuqian motioned to the man to come out and say a word. And the man, at this time, has been fascinated by the woman.

There is no way but ye Wuxiang to solve this matter.

"Don't be so pushy next time. Haven't you heard of a gun shooting a bird?" With that, ye Wuqian turned his head and no longer looked at them.

But after Su Jie solved the problem, she twisted her graceful body.

"No lack of brother ~" her a flattering call, almost let ye Wuque flash waist.

Quietly took her hand from his arm, ye Wuwei straightened up his body and began to negotiate with each other.

"If you have anything to say, I don't like to beat around the Bush, and I have something to do with my family. I really don't want to spend time with you today." Ye Wuque said all his thoughts with a cold face.

But now the situation is very clear, this woman wants to ask ye Wuwu to do something.

Sure enough, after he said this, the woman named sister Su immediately put away her smile.

"Brother wushao is straightforward. In this case, I will not give up After a pause, she motioned to her men to take a box out of the car.

Judging from the texture of the box, it is estimated that it is also a classic bulletproof and waterproof material.

"What is this?" After studying a few eyes, the leaf does not lack some doubts to ask a way.

And the woman called sister Su first smiles, and then takes out a small chip from her ring and puts it into the keyhole of the box.

"What is this?" Looking at the black CD-ROM in the box, ye Wuqi is at a loss.

Is there something hidden in this that is related to yourself?

After careful consideration, ye Wuqian denied his idea.

Before that, he was a poor loser. There was no black history to be used by others.

And although he has money and status now, he has never done anything again.

The man on one side looked at the CD, and then looked at Ye Wuqian. It seemed that he did not have any valuable suggestions.

"Brother Wumian, don't worry. You will know when we open it and have a look at it." The woman who called sister Su covered her mouth and laughed a few times. Then she told her men to bring a laptop.

And before she put the CD in, there were only two of them left on the scene.

When she put on the CD, she deliberately presented her breast in front of Ye Wuwei.

Fortunately, he has a lovely wife in his family, otherwise ye Wuwei will not be able to control it.Soon, the video from the CD came out.

But at this time, the woman called sister Su pressed the pause button.

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