"Beast spirit, that's the only long-lived existence in our world. After all, the average life span of our powers and humans is only 30 years old..." before Xiaokuan finished his words, ye Wuqian was shocked by his 30-year-old mouth.

Thirty? How many years do you have to live?

At the thought of facing death, ye Wuqian is very uncomfortable.

"How old am I then?" Ye Wuwei asked in a hurry. After all, it's about how long you can live.

Is talking about the small wide, was Ye Wuqian such a interruption, immediately stunned God.

"Brother Wumian, aren't you? How can you even forget your age... "Xiao Kuan touched the forehead of the leaf with some worry.

"It's strange that the temperature is normal. The doctor said that as long as you keep your body temperature normal, you will not have any sequelae from your injury. But now you can't even remember your age! I have to go to the doctor With that, Xiao Kuan ran out of the ward in a hurry, leaving ye Wuque alone in disorder.

How could the child be so stupid? Ye Wuwu sighed.

"Doctor, you go to help my brother see, he is very good, how lost his memory!" Xiaokuan grabbed the attending doctor's coat and even dragged him to ward 311.

"Slow down, slow down!" The panicked doctor can only keep his image while shouting.

And those little nurses who passed by were familiar with this situation.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my brother? How can you forget your age? " Xiao Kuan kept on asking, but the doctor was so tired that he could only ask him to shut up.

"Don't you see me checking up? What's that noise about? " The doctor's reprimand made Xiao Kuan scratch his head awkwardly, but fortunately, he finally listened to the doctor's words and there were no more problems.

From the very beginning, ye Wuwei was examined by doctors.

"There is no big problem with the patient's body, and your amnesia may be related to blood. Therefore, we need to carry out blood analysis. Please go to the laboratory department later!" The doctor gave a quick diagnosis, and then made a list to arrange the itinerary of the laboratory for them.

"OK, OK, thank you, doctor!" Xiaokuan rushed forward and sent the doctor back to the diagnosis room.

"Brother Wuque, after dinner, we'll go to have a blood test." Xiao Kuan sits by the bed and looks at Ye Wuqian with a kind of sympathy for the weak.

And ye Wuque was bored to see, and a hand knife was cut in the past.

"Don't look at me like that, or I can't help killing you!" Accustomed to the conquest of Ye Wuque, at this time simply can't stand the small wide look at his eyes.

Suddenly take back his eyes, Xiaokuan no longer dare to have eye contact with ye Wuque.

"Well, you don't have to be afraid. There will be people coming from the company later, so you can continue to tell me about the beast spirit!" Ye Wuqian kneaded his eyebrows and indicated that Xiao Kuan could go on.

After the storm, Xiao Kuan was afraid of his elder brother.

So along with his words, he began to be careful.

"OK... OK, because of their longevity, orcs have a strict hierarchy. The older they are, the higher their rank is. There are only five second-order beasts you saw in the world before, brother Wuque... "Xiaokuanzai carefully recalled the things about animal spirits in his mind, and ye Wuque was also very interested in the beast spirits in Xiaokuan's mouth.

According to elder sister Su, there will be animal pills in every beast spirit, so how can the company that founded a butcher beast spirit company have no inventory.

Thinking of this, ye Wuque saw a lot of colorful animal pills.

And ye Wuwu lacks himself. It is because of these animal pills that he has such a powerful energy.

"What about the animal spirits? How many? " In the mind flashed a black printed face of Ye Wuwu, involuntarily asked this question.

Xiao Kuan shook his head slightly. In fact, he didn't know whether the only first-class beast in the world existed or not.

After all, no one has ever seen him, and no beast knows his existence.

"Don't know or not?" Ye asked.

"I don't know. I'm not sure if there is one or none." Xiao Kuan is also very interested in animal spirits, so he will "the legal representative of our animal slaughtering company is you. Usually, there will be a large number of animal spirits harassing and maiming human beings. Some people can't stand it, so they will seek help from our animal slaughtering company. Of course, our help is also based on money..." after Xiao Kuan's explanation Ye felt that he had already understood the different world.

"The strong are respected, the weak are bullied!" Speaking of this, ye Wuqian is a bit depressed. Although he has experienced some unspeakable things and people before him, now, it is a group of butchers led by him.And they slaughtered animals not for the sake of eliminating the tyranny, but for the sake of profit.

This is how much pessimistic world, only employment relations, no iron and blood tenderness.

"Well, don't talk about it. I think I'll be alone later." Ye Wuqian, who is in a low mood, doesn't want to know anything about the animal slaughtering company.

, wait, if I am the legal representative of the company, then how do I say the company has the final say?! Ye Wuqi's eyes, condensed a group of fire, and Xiaokuan nodded to confirm his statement, then left the ward.

In this case, do you have a chance to change the world?

Can those poor humans no longer be killed by beasts and squeezed by powers.

Ye Wuqi felt that in his chest, there was an idea ready to come out.

But because the time is not yet ripe, he can only put it on hold.

"Brother Wuque, who do you think is coming?" Xiao Kuan rushes into the ward, and those who follow him are a group of fresh faces.

"Is this?" Ye Wuxu slowly opened his eyes, but he did not have the next step.

"Big brother!" A group of people burst in.

”Shh, please don't make any noise. The doctor said that he needs to take a rest Sure enough, Xiao Kuan still had a certain leading position in that group.

"Well, everyone is here. Let's find a place to sit." Ye Wuque is not polite. The first thing he wants to do now is to cover up the past with amnesia, which he has come from another world.

"Well, I have one thing to say. I hope you don't have any personal feelings after listening to it!" Ye Wuque cleared his throat and then motioned for Xiao Kuan to sit in front of him.

And Xiaokuan seems to know what ye Wuque wants to do, so in the face of his instructions, Xiaokuan obeys one by one.

"As we all know, some days ago, I had an accident and I just woke up yesterday. And the doctor's diagnosis is also very clear, but today I have indirect amnesia, which no one expected... "Ye Wumian said, observing the facial expressions of all the people around me.

Sure enough, ye Wuqian's amnesia was known to all, and people's hearts were different.

"So, from now on, Xiao Kuan will be my personal assistant, and you should prepare well when you go back today, because in a week's time, I plan to go back to the company to hold a board meeting. At that time, I hope all of you can attend. "If there is no lack of leaves, it is like a stone thrown into the calm lake.

"But Mr. Ye, I am your personal assistant." A weak man wearing glasses, timidly expressed his views to the leaf.

But the leaf does not lack just aimed at him, he immediately lowered his head, did not dare to have any objection again.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, the board meeting in a week will be held normally. Well, what else can I do for you Ye Wuque asked, and the whole ward people, as if they were afraid of him, only dare to nod and say yes.

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