Xiao Kuan has received the news for a long time. His good friends and superiors ye Wuque and Li Juan will return to H city today, and he has a very important thing that makes him have to abandon his official business and come all the way to pick up ye Wuque.

Ye Wumian, a black windbreaker, is not outstanding in appearance. He pulls the suitcase and is accompanied by a small and exquisite beauty. Such a combination makes passers-by in the airport unable to help but focus on them for a few seconds.

Xiaokuan is busy with business with her mobile phone. Several girls are whispering. As soon as Xiaokuan looks up, he sees ye Wuque's powerful smile and Li Juan, who is smiling and waving to him.

Their two smiles and Xiaokuan's dignified face are in positive proportion. Ye Wuqian feels a little bad at a glance. Xiaokuan seldom shows such an expression. Even when it is very dangerous, ye Wuque quickly walks to Xiaokuan and asks, "is something wrong with the company?"

Ye Wuque thinks that the only thing that can make Xiaokuan show this expression is the company's business. Sure enough, when ye Wuqian said this, Xiaokuan cautiously nodded his head, then looked around cautiously, and finally said to ye Wuque, "come to my house." Li Juan, who was a little late and came to Xiaokuan's side, only heard this sentence.

In addition to Ye Wuqian and himself, no one can enter Xiaokuan's home, not even his girlfriend Li Juan. Ye Wuqian is also aware of the seriousness of the matter. Otherwise, Xiaokuan will not bring people to his home to talk.

Xiao Kuan looked at Ye Wuwei with a serious face and said, "I suspect that there is a spy in our company."

Li Juan looked at Xiaokuan with a shocked face, and then looked at ye Wuwu, who frowned: "how can I say this?"

Xiao Kuan took a sip of tea and opened his mouth slowly.

On the second day after you left H City, the company's computer was intruded. The reason for the invasion was to see the purpose of your departure and the place you were going to arrive. I didn't take it seriously until the next day, when I found that someone tried to invade your file. At that time, I felt a little bad. Your file was confidential, and the subordinates knew it, too No one is so bold as to know your origin, and let me confirm that there is a spy. That night, I went to your office to get some things. As a result, I saw your computer turned on. Then I saw a dark figure flash past your window. I thought not to scare the snake, so I was waiting for you to come back.

Ye Wuqi took a deep breath: "it seems that we have to rearrange our interior, Xiao Kuan, you have been working hard these days."

Xiao Kuan shook his head. To tell the truth, he had to thank Ye Wuqian for giving him a chance to rise. If it wasn't for ye Wuqian, I'm afraid he doesn't know if he's still here.

Seeing ye Wuqi away, Xiaokuan breathed a breath. Now it's time to deal with the business he had left for a day. Thinking of this, Xiaokuan couldn't help pressing his thumb on his temple. Tut, he had a headache.

Walking on the road, Li Juan looks at ye Wuque anxiously. Without Li Juan's opening her mouth, ye Wuque knows what she wants to say and pats Li Juan on the shoulder comfortingly, which is equivalent to saying don't worry to Li Juan in invisible language. Now he wants to go to the company to have a good exploration.

Ye Wuqi and Li Juan walked into the company. Some people who were closer to him were surprised and asked him to say hello. They said casually and politely: how can I come back without telling me, so that I can pick up the plane.

When he heard these words, ye Wuqian gave a sneer in his heart, but he showed a harmless smile on the surface. He knew how much sincerity there was, and how many people had no heart and no guts. When he started this company, many people didn't think highly of him. In the end, it was not one after another to turn to him. This is the way the world is The strong are the king. If you have no ability, you are nothing.

However, as the vice president of this company, Yang Wei did not appear, which makes ye Wuque a little suspicious.

Yang Wei was recommended by Ye Wuqian's father. Although Ye Wuqian didn't believe Yang Wei very much, he was recommended by his father after all, and there was really a lack of a person who could manage the company at that time, so he let him in. Originally, ye Wuqian also wanted to fire Yang Wei and push Xiaokuan to the position of vice president. Xiaokuan said that he was very good. The position of vice president was too hypocritical. He did not If it is suitable, there is no lack of leaves.

Li Juan of course also found that Yang Wei was not there, and whispered to Ye Wuqi: "is this a self defeating attack?"

Ye Wuhuang winked at her and said with a meaningful smile: "maybe."

Two hours after ye Wuqian entered the company, Yang Wei finally came late. Ye Wuque said to Yang Wei with a smile, "brother Wei, long time no see. Thank you for helping me with the company recently."

Yang Wei's face immediately piled up a smile, as if this can make him appear more amiable: "this you are polite, Mr. Ye, I can do my part for this company is also my ability."

Yang Wei's ferocious face flashed by. He didn't forget that when ye Wuqian wanted to pull him down, a little hairhead who had just come out dared to do the same to him. At least, he was Ye Wuqian's elder. He would like to see whether ye Wuqian fell first or whether he was discovered first. However, he was seen by Xiaokuan that night, and Xiaokuan must have told ye Wuqian today It looks like he's going to start early.

Of course, ye Wuqi saw the murderous look on Yang Wei's face. It seems that Yang Wei still can't forget his decision at that time. Recently, he was also interested in his position. This time, I'm afraid even his father can't say anything for him. Anyway, he has long wanted to get rid of him. Sooner or later, he will let the whole company be his people.Ye Wuque waved to Yang Wei and motioned him to step down. Yang Wei nodded. As soon as Yang Wei left, ye Wuque pulled Li Juan into his arms. Li Juan leaned back and sat on ye Wuque's leg. He drew a circle on ye Wuque's chest with his fingers: "Wuque, you suspect Yang Wei's dead old man."

Ye Wuxiang hit a ring finger: "bingo, worthy of being my ye Wuque's woman."

"What are you going to do ”Br >

I'm afraid that the old man will not be able to catch up with the old man's tacit understanding, and then he will not be able to catch up with the old man's plan

Li Juan squinted at her peach blossom eyes: "do you mean pretending to be natural and then pretending to be dead"

Ye Wuqian showed a arrogant smile: "yes, the old guy checked my files like this, he certainly didn't know what my powers were, he didn't dare to act rashly, but now he has to move. He will certainly disrupt the plan, and we are only reaping profits."

As expected, ye Wuque and Li Juan felt a little wrong when they returned home in the early morning of that night. Although Li Juan was a power, she had no power. However, her sense of smell was more sensitive than that of ordinary people. She smelled a trace of gunpowder: "Wuque, I seem to smell the smell of gunpowder."

Ye Wuqian thought for a while and said, "Yang Wei, that old guy's ability seems to be able to make gunpowder. What we need to do now is to be trapped."

"On July 29th, an explosion happened in a district of H city. A villa was destroyed in a flash, but no human remains were found in the villa..."

When Xiaokuan saw the news on TV, his eyes were magnified several times. How could it be that he had just finished talking with ye Wuque yesterday and started to act today. Is it because he knew the spy and then told ye Wuque that he had to act in advance!

Xiaokuan, who doesn't even turn off the TV, rushes out of the door and doesn't even turn on the car. He rushes to the place where ye Wumian lives. In the past, he finds only a piece of ruins left. Xiaokuan opens his eyes wide. He doesn't believe that the omnipotent ye Wuque Foundation friend in his mind is gone. Ye Wuque must have some plans. He didn't tell him, and the report also said it No bones were found.

On the day after ye Wuxiang disappeared, there were people clamoring to choose a new boss. Xiao Kuan had to deal with their job hopping from time to time when he was sad. Yang Wei had already held a meeting when ye Wuqian disappeared, and all the famous people of the company gathered together.

Yang Wei says that the boss has disappeared. If he wants to choose a new boss to preside over the road, he is the only choice. Xiaokuan means that ye Wuqian's skeleton has not been found and may not be dead. At this time, the company is divided into two groups, one is to support Yang Weicheng's new boss, the other is to stand on Xiaokuan's side and continue to look for ye Wuque.

Yang Wei looks at himself in the bathroom mirror with a ferocious smile. Soon, he will be the boss. Ye Wuqi is defeated by him in the end. Of course, he can't find the skeleton. His explosive injury is not a joke.

And at this moment, ye Wuque and Li Juan are discussing countermeasures in a secret road.

"In the next two days, I will personally go to meet Yang Wei at his home. The day we disappear has already exposed his fox tail."

Li Juan nodded: "well You have to be careful. "

Yang Wei sleeps on the bed, feels the beauty's special massage, suddenly a man's voice rings: "has been may be comfortable."

Yang Wei is excited. He pushes the beautiful woman away. He looks around nervously. He seems to have heard ye Wuque's voice, but ye Wuque is dead. He saw ye Wuque's house explode. He doesn't believe that there is any power that can escape his injury. It's because he didn't sleep well recently, so tired! Yang Wei shook his head vigorously to make himself sober. He said to the beauty who was pushed to the ground: "you go out first, I'll sleep."

Yang Wei vaguely heard the sound of water drops. He wanted to turn over and continue to sleep, but he found that he couldn't move. Wait a minute, the sound of the water drops suddenly opened his eyes, but he saw the face of Ye Wuwei enlarged in front of him. Yang Wei felt his heart stopped for a few seconds. He didn't believe in ghosts. That is to say, he was alive in front of him, that is, he had been known.

Yang Wei quickly calmed down: "are you ye Wuqian, or do you look like him"

Ye Wuque showed a habitual smile: "I am myself, and I know you are curious about how I escaped because of my powers."

Yang Wei sees a black hole in ye Wuque's hand. Yang Wei opens his eyes and looks unbelievable. He never thought that ye Wumian's power is teleportation.

"No way!" Yang Ganwei doesn't know where the black hole will disappear.

When ye Wuque goes to Yang Wei, he has already told Li Juan to explain to Xiao Kuan. Ye Wuque and Li Juan meet smoothly. Xiao Kuan raises his fist with a smile, and ye Wuque also hits him with a smile.

Ye Wuqi didn't expect that there would be such a tumor in his company. Fortunately, with the help of Li Juan and Xiao Kuan, he successfully removed the tumor. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

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