"Xiao Kuan, come here!" Night without missing see small wide, and then small broadband to the deep woods, while walking said "small width, what are we here for?" Xiaokuan answers "looking for medicine, what's wrong?" Night without lack heard the tone of Xiaokuan, more angry, "Xiaokuan, do you know that you are looking for medicine? Ah? What are you doing here? Ah? That's what you're doing? Ah? Are you sure you're not here for a vacation? You don't know the beast spirits of the northern underworld! What if you die? " Xiaokuan's face doesn't matter. "Isn't there any cold snow and ice rose? What are you afraid of? " "What am I afraid of? Cold snow ice rose on these two, and can only save one person, you say I do? Ah? " Xiao Kuan listens, from the boredom in front to the moving behind. Then Xiaokuan hugs the night and says, "good brother, it's hard to have the same happiness in the future." Night without lack hear small wide this sentence is very moved "good! Share weal and woe together

On his moving strength, a majestic voice "Hello! Humble people, what are you doing? Wait until I take the initiative to eat you? Or do you want to go into my stomach together? "

Night without lack hears the voice of this beast spirit to turn to turn head, see is a hide the ground King Kong, and then say with exasperation "go to your uncle's! Let's fight one by one. You can kill me in three moves. I'll let you eat it. If you can't kill me, I don't want the herbs in your cave. How about your spirit crystal? "

"It depends on your ability to do that! Do you know that beast Spirit Crystal is the life of our beast spirit

"Then you can see if I have the ability." With a fireball in the night, he retreated two meters away! Human, it seems that you have two sons! It's a good play, then After that, he ran to the back of yewuque to kill him with one hand. However, yewuque used the switch to turn to the back of Dundi Vajra, and then a chapter was shot. Dundi Vajra vomited blood, the second clapped it, and the third move, night Wuque, was right in the middle of his eyebrow and took the beast Spirit Crystal!

Xiaokuan looked stunned. "Wow, you've done a good job. I'm not as good as you. It's really psychic! But what are you doing with this beast Spirit Crystal? "

"You don't know! This kind of native animal spirit crystal is a great tonic. It can not only replenish physical strength, but also spiritual power. It can also replenish your vitality. If you eat it at a critical time, it can protect your life! "

"Ah? So amazing? I can tell you, this is a big baby, but we have to save our lives together at the critical moment

"Are you stupid? At most, it can only save us from a disaster. Everything else is floating clouds, OK? Also, it's for critical moments. You have to treasure it, OK? Can't you use it

"Yes, you can rest assured! I have a way to keep it! Can't you believe me? "

Night without lack of cold face nodded: "really a little trust you, but you can rest assured, I still believe in my brother! Let's go and find the medicine to cure juan'er! Come on

"Come on

But it didn't last long. As soon as they were halfway there, they jumped out of an injured unicorn. They wanted to go and have a look. Who knows that Cheng Yaojin jumped out on the way.

"Stupid man! What are you doing here? I don't allow you to touch my son. "

"We are here to cure your son, unicorn. If you don't want to die, go away!" he said

This sentence angered the unicorn

"stupid human beings, my son is not ready for your stupid human beings to cure, you get out of here! I don't want to see you

Ye wubu winked at Xiaokuan, and his eyes seemed to say: Xiaokuan, go to attack the unicorn head-on, and I will go over from the side to cure his son.

Xiao Kuan: OK, no shortage. I will finish the task!

Xiao Kuan roared, "unicorn, you arrogant, narcissistic, come and hit me! Come and hit me! No fight, no fight, no fight! Slightly, slightly! Hurry up

The unicorn was completely enraged by Xiao Kuan and said, "stupid human, do you still want to live? If you want to live, take your classmate away, or you will die without a burial place

"I don't, I don't! If you have the ability to beat me! If you hit me, you win! I'm going to win! A little bit! Dregs Xiaokuan continued to sell swords.

finally, the unicorn was so impatient that he used a light ball to kill him. But how could Xiaokuan die so easily?

"Stupid man, don't be too wild! I don't want to see blood, but if you want to see blood, I will help you! If you want to die, I will help you! " Said Unicorn began to launch a variety of attacks on Xiaokuan, but Xiaokuan easily escaped!

"Beast spirit, how did you get beaten like this? If you eat this beast Spirit Crystal, it will be OK! come on. Eat it At the same time, he took out the beast Spirit Crystal and comforted the little unicorn. Finally, the little Unicorn absolutely believed that the night was perfect and absorbed the beast Spirit Crystal! In the end, his wound healed at the speed visible to the naked eye, and he was promoted three levels!"In fact, the injury was caused by the speedwind tiger. Today, I went to the pond to drink water, and I ran into a speedwind tiger. After seeing me, the speedwind tiger wanted to occupy the real pond, but I went to fight for it, and finally got a body injury back!" The little unicorn is very grateful that he has healed his wounds, and he has been promoted three levels in a row!

"My friend is fighting with your father. I hope you can help me? Little unicorn? "

"Of course! Let's go

Night without lack and small Unicorn just walk to the big unicorn, feel the murderous spirit.

The little Unicorn quickly called out, "father, those are the two people who saved my life, but my father, I don't want you to kill my Savior, so please be kind to me!"

That big unicorn is also very embarrassed! When he heard that he had saved his son's life, he was even more embarrassed! Thank you for saving my son! Thank you

"It's OK. I want to know a place, where is the residence of the swift wind tiger? Can you give me some guidance? "

"Of course not! Just go straight north along this road and you'll be there! Thank you for saving my son! Thank you

"Well, we're going to leave now! Thank you

"Well, I'll call my name if you want to! Goodbye


"Speedwind tiger, come out to me!"

"Oh! Two more people who are not afraid of death? I'm going to see who's so brave! "

"You come out!"

"Wow! Two human beings! I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time. I still miss it a little! "

"Did you hurt the unicorn today?"

"So what? What if not? "

"Take it, then."

Finish saying night without lack of a palm wind to chop in the past, this makes the quick wind tiger to retreat again and again.

Finally, the quick wind tiger begged for mercy. "Please, please forgive me! Give me a break Then when Xiaokuan is ecstatic, the speed wind tiger quickly bites his throat, and then the night without lack of a water ball will speed wind tiger killed!

Night without a lack of small width can not do! He quickly took out two ice roses, let Xiaokuan absorb them, and finally saved Xiaokuan!

As soon as Xiao Kuan was rescued, a girl's voice stopped saying, "who are you? Why are you here? "

Night without lack of a head, just with this woman four eyes opposite! Night without lack of just cold looking at this woman, but this woman is really spring heart sprouting, looking at night without lack!

"You, you, how can you be so handsome?" The woman just said it, she was shy!

The night is full of confusion? What did you say

"No, no No, nothing! What's your name? My name is Lingling. How about you

Night without missing a meaningful look at the spirit, cold spit out three words "night without lack!"

"Hello beauty, my name is Xiaokuan, Xiaokuan's small, Xiaokuan's wide, oh! Can you make a friend? "

"Of course! I am a pharmacist! And you? "

Night without lack of a pharmacist heard these words excited, "we two are out to experience, because the level is low, so come out to experience."

"Oh! I see! Are you not hungry now

No lack of night has not opened his mouth, Xiaokuan opened his mouth in advance, "hungry are almost starving, why not hungry?"

Lingling was very enthusiastic and said, "my home is nearby. Why don't you live in my house tonight?"

Xiao Kuan scratched his head. "How could that be fun?"

"It's OK. It's OK. I don't have parents. Because they're gone, I'm the only one left at home. I'm very lonely. So it's my honor for you to come to my house."

"All right! Just! I'm afraid it's not good for you if we two big men live in it The night is open at last! It doesn't matter, but his voice turns around!

Lingling family

"Lingling, since you are a pharmacist, do you have any medicine for infertility

"Yes, yes, but it can only be for my boyfriend, so I can't give it to you! Or I'll die! "

"All right, then."

"I went to cook!"

The living room

"tonight I will make a confession to Lingling and try to get the grass"

"can you do it?"

"Did you see the eyes of Lingling, OK?"

In the evening,

"Lingling, come out with me!"

"I'm out. What are you doing?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" The night is full of love.

"Of course

"Lingling! Would you like to be my girl friend?

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