But after returning home, the company has accumulated a pile of things, but under the helpless, ye Wuqian decided to leave for the company.

Ye Wuhou half leaned on the chair in the office, and opened his mailbox to check if there was any new mail.

When I saw the first letter in the unread email, ye Wuqian said "eh".

The sender of this email is not his friend, but a completely unfamiliar email. Ye Wuqi's mailbox does not know many people. In addition to partners in cooperation, only some of his subordinates know it. Why does this strange mailbox send mail to him now?

Is it a mistake? With such doubts, ye Wuqi opened it.

The email contains an attachment, which is a video. The leaf does not lack to wrinkle the brow, faintly some ominous premonition.

He downloaded the video and couldn't wait to drive.

The camera first shakes a few times, then stabilizes, but still a little shaky. It should be held by someone.

However, ye did not have much energy to study the lens, and the next picture made him have no time to consider such details.

In the video, there are several human beings who are tied to a tree or flee in panic. They are more or less scarred. The background of the video is a jungle, about the kind of place in the suburbs. What makes the leaves change color is the appearance of several strange creatures.

He recognized at a glance that they were all beasts!

Watching the video of those people who died in the hands of the beast, ye Wuqian clenched his hand and wished to kill those evil monsters under his hand. But he knew that impulse was useless, so he forced himself to calm down and continue to watch the video.

These beasts are not just killing people, to be exact, they are killing people. They are so powerful that they can easily tear up the human beings, but they just let them see a glimmer of hope, and then easily recapture them as if they were playing with toys.

Some of them were too weak. The spirit of the beast got tired of playing for a while, so he threw them aside and didn't know what to do.

This almost provocative action makes ye Wumian angry. He knew that the other party sent this video for no reason. I'm afraid it contains some key information.

Ye wuhui continues to watch the next part of the video. He noticed that one of them was particularly powerful, and his wisdom seemed to be superior to the others. Other beasts kill people wantonly and roar with excitement when they see blood. But this beast spirit is different. Its action looks lazy and seems to be a little boring.

Ye Wuxiang stares at it. He feels that the key is the beast spirit. Maybe the video is specially sent to him.

From the appearance, this powerful beast is quite majestic, with a pair of ferocious golden horns on its head, a shiny black fur, eyes as big as copper bells, and three white lines on its forehead. It is obvious that the beast has the shape of a beast, but his manner and action are like human beings. His walking is light, and he is not affected by his heavy body shape Here we are.

The Golden Horn beast came slowly to the tree. The man tied to the tree was only slightly injured, but it was basically in good condition. Seeing the beast approaching, he shivered involuntarily and looked like he wanted to retreat. However, there was a tree trunk behind him, so he had to watch the beast getting closer and closer to him.

Ye Wuqi stares at him tightly and doesn't know what he wants to do.

The man who was tied to the tree did not move any other beasts, which seemed to have a different identity. The spirit of Golden Horn circled him, raised his palm and patted it on the tree. The rope that tied the man immediately broke into several pieces and fell down. However, the man did not fall to the ground, but was held in the air by the Golden Horn beast.

The pupil shrinks. Judging from the energy fluctuation just now, this is a fourth level beast spirit!

No wonder it looks so smart!

The Golden Horn beast spirit looked at him for a moment, looked at the thin cold sweat on his head, and hummed: "waste."

After that, the Golden Horn beast spirit threw the human away, and the man fell to the ground ten meters away like a shell, without saying a word, and his life or death was uncertain.

Then the Golden Horn beast looked in the direction of the camera. The corner of his mouth twisted upward and made an expression that looked like a smile. With disdain in his eyes, he said, "you human beings are so fragile. It's said that this man's identity is quite different. Can't you die with one slap?"

Its language is ironic. There was a glimmer of anger in Ye Wuqi's eyes, but there was no other reaction.

The next step should be the key content. What does the beast want to do by sending this video to him.

"I hear you're a great power?" Golden Horn beast looked at the camera with interest and seemed to want to know what kind of reaction the people who saw this video would have, "although I don't know how strong you are, it is said that the people under your command say you are very strong."

The camera is shaking even more. Ye Wuque frowns and guesses who is helping the animal spirit shoot this video."Since you are so good, do you want to save these people?" The Golden Horn beast spirit looked back and said, "don't you people care about your compatriots? If you don't come, I'll leave them here one by one. "

"Remember, you only have one hour. If you are late, you can wait to see the body. Oh, and you can only come alone. If I find out that you have brought someone else with you, don't blame me for being rude. "

As the voice of the beast falls, the camera shakes violently.

"Well, you are useless now Just wait and see if the one in your mouth will come. If not, you will know what will happen to you

When the camera fell to the ground, ye Wuqian could see the face of the man kicked away by the Golden Horn beast spirit. Although he was lying on the ground with blood on his head, he could also see that his facial features were indeed one of his subordinates.

This group of orcs is about to rob a group of ordinary people, trying to attract the powers. In order to save his life, he said his name.

Although Ye Wuxiang is very unhappy with this behavior, he can't do it if he can watch these ordinary people without powers die in the hands of these beasts.

The priority is to find the place If it's far from here, it's bad.

The Golden Horn beast spirit doesn't say their location in the video. Although it can be seen from the video that it is in the wild, ye Wuqian can't go to the wild to find it a little bit. In that case, when he finds a place, it may be over in a day.

When ye Wuque was in distress, another email came. Ye Wumian quickly points it open. This email is very simple. The content is only a photo with a signboard on it.

Ye Wuqian checks the name of the road written on the road sign, and the search shows that a road is not far away from ye Wuqian's company But it's about a twenty minute drive.

It has been about half an hour since the first email was sent!

Ye Wuque immediately stood up from his chair and rushed out of the office. He went to the basement and drove his car out. He didn't even use the driver. He drove directly onto the road. The speed was up to 120 and he was speeding through the endless flow of the road.

He ran through several red lights, left the police car behind, and rushed all the way to the road. The side of the road is a large jungle, leaves no lack of left and right to see, did not find a passage, so the car stopped on the side of the road, one hand on the guardrail directly jumped off the road.

The road is about three meters high from the ground, and leaves are on the ground with both feet, even shaking.

The Golden Horn beast seems to have a high IQ, but it is just a monster. It is impossible to know the road name of human beings and do not describe their location clearly. However, those human beings are being abused and killed by them. Few of them are intact. The person who was originally responsible for photography and communication was also kicked to the ground by the Golden Horn beast spirit. He just sent another email to ask, but he finished There was no response.

As expected, monsters are monsters. No matter how intelligent they are, they can't be like real human beings.

Ye Wuxiang thought with annoyance, but he didn't dare to slow down his pace and ran in the jungle to find the place where the beasts were.

If he can't find them, it's just killing a few more people for the beast spirit, and then catching the next group of people. But for those people, it's a real disaster. They are all ordinary people, but they are caught by these cruel spirits to play and kill at will.

Ye Wuxiang has a calm face. The fourth-order beasts are not as simple and crude as those low-level ones. At least they know how to do these things in the wild instead of making trouble in the downtown area. Otherwise, they will be found by the police. Even if ordinary bullets can't hurt them, the heavy fire weapons are not small trouble for the beasts.

From the time limit of that hour is getting closer and closer, ye Wuxiang's face is getting worse and worse, and the speed under his feet speeds up again. If it was not for the complex terrain of the jungle, he would have found a place by driving in his car. What's the use of wandering around here?


Ye Wuqi heard the voice coming from the front. His eyes lit up and rushed in that direction.

The vision became more and more bright, and when ye Wumian passed through the last forest and entered the vision of the beast, his face became angry.

There was no one standing in front of him. All of them fell to the ground in disorder. Ye Wuwei observed that some of them had a weak breath. He did not rush forward immediately, but looked at the Golden Horn beast spirit with anger: "don't you say that if I don't come to kill them again?"

The Golden Horn beast spirit did not hurry to say: "Oh, I think the time is almost up. I thought you were timid and didn't dare to come, so I started ahead of time."

"My name is si. Remember that name and you will die under me."

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