That night, Li Juan and ye Wuque were watching TV on the sofa.

Ye Ling in the side of the book, Li Juan quietly looking at the clever Ye Ling, she thought secretly: Ye Ling in the bottom of her heart really, really accept us?

At this time, ye Wuqian saw her in a daze and waved her hand in front of her. He said, "what's the matter? What are you thinking? Are you still obsessed with it? "

Li Juan shook her head and said, "nothing. Watch TV." Ye is still confused, but he doesn't ask more. In the evening, when Li Juan coaxed Ye Ling to sleep, ye Wumian asked her, "what happened just now"

after thinking about it, Li Juan decided to tell him: "husband, do you think Lingling really accepts us? After all, she grew up in an orphanage. I'm afraid she has a shadow in her heart

Ye Wuwei comforted him and said, "wife, you can rest assured. For such a long time, we are what kind of spirit, I believe she knows in her heart, besides, we can have such a father and mother, or many children are envious of it

Li Juan nodded, but still a little worried, she said: "husband, do you know? There are a lot of orphanage children. In fact, they all have parents, but they are abandoned because of some reasons of their parents. If one day, someone suddenly comes to claim the spirit and takes it away, what should we do? I really regard Lingling as my own daughter. "

He also frowned, but in order not to let Li Juan worry, he still comforted and said: "how can it be? Lingling grew up around us, and her feelings are placed on us. If one day, her parents really come to claim her, I believe she will not leave. "

Li Juan nodded. She also felt that ye Wuwu's words were reasonable and did not mention it again.

The next morning, Li Juan sent Ye Ling to school. When she saw that Ye Ling entered the school and could go to school like a normal child, she could not help feeling relieved.

On her way home, Li Juan suddenly thought: there are so many children in the orphanage. They can't learn like these children and have a good life, but the Dean has taken on so much responsibility.

She decided to discuss with Ye Wuqian and donate a sum of money to the orphanage. On Sunday, she took Ye Ling to visit the dean.

When ye Ling leaves school, Li Juan comes to pick her up. She sees Ye Ling looking at the marshmallow at the school gate and wants to eat it very much. She pointed to the marshmallow and asked Ye Ling, "Lingling, do you want to eat?"

Ye Ling heard her mother say so, and immediately nodded to show that she wanted to eat.

Ye Ling took her hand and went to buy a good marshmallow for Ye Ling, and they went home together.

On the way back, Li Juan tentatively asked Ye Ling, "Lingling, do you miss your time in the orphanage?" After hearing this, Ye Ling thought that her mother was going to send her back. She couldn't help crying. She cried and said, "Mom, don't send me back to the orphanage. Lingling will be good. Mom, don't send me back. "

Li Juan knew Ye Ling had misunderstood her meaning, so she quickly comforted her and said, "Lingling, don't cry. Mother didn't want to send you back. You are so good that your mother has no time to like you. How can she send you back? "

Ye Ling nodded and shrugged her nose. Li Juan laughed more happily when she was so cute.

She continued to chat with Ye Ling, and she said, "Lingling, you haven't answered the question of her mother just now!"

Ye Ling thought for a while and said, "Dean, they are all very good to me, but I still don't like it there. I think many children have been picked up and left. I envy them."

Li Juan felt that the orphanage was really pitiful. She told Ye Ling, "look, now your parents are taking you home. If there are other parents to pick you up in the future, will you go with them? "

Ye Ling immediately shook her head and Li Juan said, "no, Lingling likes her parents very much. I think you will always be my parents."

After listening to Li Juan is also very happy, she said with a smile: "don't worry, baby, we have always been."

Ye Ling nodded.

Li Juan cut the topic to the main topic, she asked Ye Ling: "Lingling, this Sunday, let's go to see the dean and see the children in the orphanage, OK?"

Ye Ling nodded and said, "OK."

Seeing her daughter so simply agreed, Li Juan did not say much. It's good to take Ye Ling directly. If you can, take your husband with you.

When I get home, I'll have dinner soon. Li Juan asked ye Wuque at the dinner table: "husband, do you want to go to the orphanage with us?"

Ye Wuwei asked in doubt: "what? What are you going to the orphanage for? "

Li Juan replied: "I think the children in the orphanage are really pathetic. I want to see them, bring them something, and visit the Dean by the way. Are you going with us? "

Ye Wuqian thought for a moment. He felt that Ye Ling was beside them. He really appreciated the dean. So he nodded and said, "OK, I'll go with you."

Later, they continued to talk about some trivial matters. Looking at the happy family of three, Li Juan felt really happy in her heart.Early Sunday morning, Ye Ling was ready to go. Li Juan saw her in such a hurry and jokingly asked her, "why is Lingling so excited? Want to go back to the orphanage? "

Ye Ling shook his head like a rattle. Ye Wuqi pushed Li Juan: "OK, don't scare the children."

After the joke, Li Juan and ye Wuqian went to the supermarket together. They bought a lot of daily necessities in the supermarket. By the time they selected them, they had already filled four shopping carts. And things are just a few.

Later, ye Wuque felt that this was not possible, so he called the housekeeper to buy some more for them and send them there.

When arriving at the orphanage, the Dean saw someone coming, and immediately came forward. Unexpectedly, it was Ye Wuqian and Li Juan, and Xiao Ye Ling was still behind.

When the Dean saw their family, he immediately came to meet them. The dean said with a smile, "Oh, how are you?"

Li Juan walked forward with a smile and said to the Dean, "Dean, let's take Ye Ling to see you. How have you been recently?"

The dean said with a smile: "good, good, I am very good, but you are a family of three, how are you now?"

Ye Wuwei replied: "we are very good now. We are all very happy. We both like Lingling very much."

The Dean nodded with satisfaction: "the child has been sensible since childhood, and we have always hoped that she can find a good family to take her away. Now you are living with her so happily, and we are also satisfied."

Then the Dean invited them to the house, and Ye Ling went to play with other children.

Ye Wuqi suddenly said to the president, "by the way, we helped the children in the orphanage to purchase some daily necessities. Now they are in the trunk of the car. Let's go and get them together. There are still others in the back, which will be delivered later. "

The Dean immediately said thanks: "thank you very much. You said you could come here and buy so many things. It's really troublesome for you."

Li Juan shook her head with a smile and said, "how can it be? We know that it's not easy for you. It doesn't matter. It was thanks to you taking care of the spirit

The Dean didn't say anything more, so he took people to get things.

When it was time for lunch, the children rushed over to eat. See Li Juan heart bursts of heartache, and the orphanage food is not much good. They were entertained with plain food. She can't imagine Ye Ling's life here.

After lunch, Ye Ling went out to play. The Dean also accompanied her to play, the dean and she chatted for a while: "Lingling, how are you now? Does the Dean want to have one? "

Ye Ling nodded and told him, "yes, I think the president is a good man, and Lingling likes good people. Mom and dad are good people, and I like them

The Dean laughed and took her on.

Later, the Dean suddenly found something, he could not help exclaiming, but he did not show anything, just in the process of playing with Ye Ling, he had been observing Ye Ling secretly.

He suddenly recalled how Ye Ling came to the orphanage at first, but he couldn't think of it. Later, he confirmed his own ideas.

When Li Juan and ye Wuqian were having a good dinner, the Dean suddenly said to them, "you two go to my room alone after eating. I'll talk to you about one thing. "

Li Juan turns her head and looks at Ye Wuqian, who is also very confused, but still very calm and does not show anything.

Looking at the president's expression is very serious, Li Juan nodded to the dean.

Ye Ling went to ask without knowing why: "the Dean wants to talk to his parents about secrets?"

The Dean touched her head with a smile and said to her, "yes, the Dean has a secret to tell mom and dad."

Ye Ling shook her small head and asked, "can the spirit listen to this secret?"

Li Juan patted Ye Ling's hand and said to her, "Lingling is good. If the secret is said, it is not a secret. The Dean has something to tell mom and dad. Children can't ask about adults! Such a child is not good. Does Lingling want to be a bad one? "

Ye Ling shook her head.

The Dean gave a satisfied smile and said to Ye Ling, "Lingling, after dinner, the children will take a walk. After the walk, they will brush their teeth and wash their faces and go to bed. Shall I give you a task

Ye Ling nodded and asked the president, "what task is it?"

The Dean told her with a smile: "the task is to help me supervise them. If you see anyone who is not good, who quarrels, who doesn't brush his teeth and wash his face on time or doesn't go to bed, you can remember them and tell me when you go. Is that all right? "

Ye Ling nodded and replied, "I will certainly finish it."

Li Juan also leaves no lack of a look at each other, they do not know what happened.

Li Juan's heart is a little inexplicable worry

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