"Jiang Chen? Why did he suddenly think of sending sweet flowers? Does he like sweetness After all, Li's love belongs to her own. After all, she has her own friends who are not happy with her.

Thinking of this, Li Juan suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Oh, by the way, what do you think of Jiang Chen? Is there any big problem in all aspects of character? "

From Li Juan's words, ye Wuqian naturally recognized her meaning.

This silly woman, what kind of idea do you want.

"Not bad. What's the matter?" Ye asked. But Li Juan hears ye Wuque to answer so, the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

As long as Jiang Chen's character is good, he can rest assured that he will be sweet.

"Don't you think Jiang Chen and Tian Tian are a good match?" Li Juan's voice, is unable to suppress the joy.

At this moment, in Li Juan's heart, what she wants to do most is to marry Tiantian out.

After all, she has been with her for so long, and there should be a man to love her.

"It's a bit of a husband and wife to hear that." The leaf does not lack the pet to follow Li Juan to say. And at this moment, the strange feeling of sweet before ye Wuqi has disappeared completely.

It seems that before, it was really my own thinking.

"Right, right, then I'm going to set them up." Li Juan covered her mouth and kept giggling, and her mind at this moment, has been looking forward to Tiantian and Jiang Chen's wedding.

"OK, as long as you are happy, I will cooperate with you in whatever you do!" Ye Wuqian's doting on Li Juan has no way to describe it in words. However, since what happened before, ye Wuque has been thinking about amusing Li Juan all the time.

Now, there are only two pursuits in front of Ye Wuwei.

Kill the first level beast spirit, gather all the animal spirit pills, and then control time and space, and take Li Juan to the next world.

Let Li Juan no longer be depressed because of the birth problem. Ye Wuqian wants to make his favorite woman become the happiest person in the world.

After hanging up the phone, ye Wuque called Xiaokuan.

As soon as Xiaokuan appeared, he asked for a long vacation.

You're back on your honeymoon, aren't you? How can I ask for leave again? " Ye Wuqian is not familiar with Xiaokuan.

It seems that since he got married, he has no longer loved his work. And in his mind, always think of his little wife at home.

Had known this, the leaf does not want to introduce that enchanting beauty to small wide.

"It's not that my wife is pregnant. I just want to ask for a long leave and accompany her well." Xiao Kuan scratched his head and said something unpleasant.

Ye Wuqi looked at his appearance of happiness, and he was also a little relieved.

It turns out that looking at the people around you is happy, but also a way to make yourself feel happy.

"You can be a boy. It's only a long time before my sister-in-law is pregnant. In this case, well, I'll give you a year's time. When your big fat boy is born, you can come back and help me... "Before ye Wuque's words are finished, Xiaokuan is flattered and widens his eyes, and then stares at ye Wuque and thanks him constantly.

"Thank you, brother. Thank you!" Xiao Kuan's silly appearance, amused the leaves without missing a grin.

But when he turned his mind, ye Wuwu thought of his purpose of calling Xiao Kuan.

"Oh, by the way, before you leave, can you do one last thing for brother?" Ye Wuque's request, Xiaokuan has always been obedient.

So this time, he did not hesitate at all, he agreed to ye Wumian.

"What do you mean to help? Brother Wu Kui, you are so polite." Xiao Kuan repeatedly waved his hands, and could not accept Ye Wuwei's polite attitude.

And ye Wuqian also realized that his words were too polite. As soon as the words turned, he said his purpose directly.

"This time, I want you to help me to inquire about the first-class beast spirit Yi. Since the last war, he has disappeared..." Ye Wuqian revealed his plan completely.

But in the face of the cooperation for many years, the trust between them still exists.

"First class beast spirit? What are you looking for, brother? Didn't you get hurt by him last time? " On Xiaokuan's face, there was a trace of worry.

And ye Wuqian also understands Xiaokuan's mentality. After all, as his good brother, worrying about his safety is a normal thing.

"You can ask for me first. We'll talk about the details later." Ye Wuqi still conceals what he wants to leave here.

After all, he really does not belong to this age of the jungle.

And his purpose is to find a peaceful time for him and Li Juan to live.

"All right, but I can't act rashly this time." After hesitating for half a day, Xiao Kuan finally nodded and agreed. In the second before leaving, Xiaokuan suddenly turned around and hugged the leaf."I don't know why, I always feel that we will never see each other again. Brother Wu, we will always be the best brothers!" Xiao Ye laughs.

"How can it be? Have you seen too many sci-fi movies recently, so you have the wrong sixth sense just now? It's OK!" After soothing two small words in a soft voice, ye Wuqian opened the document in his hand and began to process it. No matter how attentive he is, he always feels a dull pain in his heart.

"Strange, what's wrong with me?" Ye Wuqi didn't tell Xiaokuan about this phenomenon, but Xiaokuan stood in place and suddenly took out a clap stand.

"Brother Wuque, I still want to take two more photos with you. You can help me!" Xiao Kuan knows that ye Wuque doesn't know how to take photos, so at this time, he just takes a try.

Sure enough, ye Wuwei hesitated for a while, then readily agreed to his request.

The two brothers hugged each other and took several pictures in succession.

And when everything is finished, ye Wuqian again instructs Xiaokuan to help him find relevant information.

Although Ye Wuqian is very powerful, he is not as capable as Xiaokuan in collecting intelligence.

After dealing with all this, ye Wuqian returns home.

As soon as she enters the door, ye Wuqian finds Ye Ling staying in the living room, and her mood is not very good at this time.

"What's the matter? How can you look so ugly? " Looking at Ye Ling's pale face and black lips, ye Wuqi felt her pulse with some worry.

It's strange that the child's breath is so disordered, as if he had just experienced a fierce fight in his body.

"What's the matter? Who did you fight with just now Ye Wuque frowned, and he was more curious about the mysterious power in Ye Ling's body.

"I don't know..." for the first time, Ye Ling saw Ye Wuqi's look so serious, so for a moment, she was stunned, just shaking her head and saying that she didn't know anything.

Ye Wuqi temporarily blocked all the Qi of Ye Ling with his internal power.

And the next thing to do is to let Ye Ling soak in ice water for seven days and seven nights.

Perhaps only in this way can Ye Ling recover his life from the yama.

"Ling'er, don't be afraid. Dad is by your side." Aware of his gaffe just now, ye Wuqian readjusts his mood and comforts Ye Ling with a soft voice.

Ye Ling is no longer so afraid of Ye Wuxiang at this time. After nodding gently, Ye Ling stands up from the ground.

Ye Wuqi quickly helped her swaying body.

It's strange how this child has become like this for no reason? Looking at the tightly closed door of the bathroom, ye Wuque walks around in a hurry outside.

As soon as the nanny comes out, ye Wuwei walks over to ask in a hurry.

"What's up? Is ling'er OK? " Ye Wuxiang couldn't control his concern.

And the nanny just shook her head puzzled, in fact, she is not very clear, why the young lady of her family will become that way after school.

Ye Wuque saw the nanny without knowing, and he would no longer ask her.

Turning around, ye Wuque dials Li Juan's phone: "Hello, wife, come back and have a look. Ling'er doesn't know what happened, and she's burning all over..."

before ye Wuque's words are finished, Li Juan hangs up in a hurry and drives home.

On the way, Li Juan even ran several red lights.

"What's the matter? What about linger As soon as she entered the door, Li Juan held the leaf and asked.

And ye Wuque is also affected by the anxiety and worry in Li Juan's eyes. It seems that Li Juan really loves Ye Ling.

After returning to God, ye Wuqian immediately takes Li Juan to the bathroom upstairs.

"It's not convenient for me to go in. You can go in alone and see her." As soon as he arrived at the door, he stopped.

And Li Juan also immediately into the bathroom, looking at the dying Ye Ling in the bathtub.

Li Juan felt that her whole heart was like being held by an invisible big hand.

It was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

"Ling'er, what's wrong with you? Don't scare your mother Li Juan regardless of the image of shouting, and Ye Ling in the bathtub but heard her voice at the moment, slowly opened his eyes.

"Mom..." Ye Ling's feeble voice made her heart break when she heard Li Juan's ear.

Holding Ye Ling's hand, Li Juan trembled and said, "ling'er, what's wrong with you? How could this be the case? Is someone bullying you? You tell mom, I'll take revenge for you Li Juan has always been an emotional person.

So at the moment, she wanted to cut the villain who had hurt her daughter.

But ye Ling's safety is the most important thing for her.

"What's wrong Through the bathroom door, Li Juan asked eagerly.

However, ye Wuque outside the door immediately told Li Juan what he had just grasped.After listening to the words of Ye Wuque, Li Juan suddenly flashed the red pill that she had hidden in the cabinet before.

She turned her head fiercely, and Li Juan crept gently in Ye Ling's ear, and then asked, "ling'er, did you eat what mom put in the cabinet...

in Li Juan's voice, she was shaking. After all, the red pill was a poison.

And it's also used to deal with first-order beasts.

"What? How can mom save you? " Li Juan hugged her head tightly and sobbed in a low voice.

And ye Wuqian outside the door heard this and immediately understood what was going on.

"Wife, don't worry, there will always be a way." After appeasing Li Juan, ye Wuque takes out the phone and calls Jiang Chen in the past.

"Help me to find out. What will happen if the red seal pill is eaten by a primary power Hang up the phone, ye Wuxiang is always a little flustered.

After all, this highly targeted poison was mistakenly taken by Ye Ling, which may kill Ye Ling.

But Jiang Chen on the phone is dating Tiantian.

"What's the matter? How can you look so ugly all of a sudden Drinking the sweetness of coffee, it seems to see something wrong with Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen didn't want to let Tian Tian worry about it, so he lied and said it was OK.

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