On the eve of the new year's Eve, the whole village gathered together to watch the new year's Eve, intending to be lively and lively.

But just halfway through the dinner, a wet girl walked into the crowd. She lowered her head and said in a sharp voice that did not belong to her: "Luoyang village, on the first morning of the first day, Luo's daughter-in-law, delivered to the door..."

Hearing this, the whole village fell into a great panic.

Here it is. It's time to come.

At this time, Master Zhang, who presided over the overall situation, stood up.

”Villagers, as long as it is a promise to Helang, it must be done. Since ancient times, none of the contracts between man and ghosts can be destroyed. So for the sake of the peace of the village, the daughter-in-law of the Luo family will have to carry her away early in the morning. " With that, Mr. Zhang, leaning on crutches, thumped the ground.

After all, it is a human life, and the daughter-in-law of the Luo family is a meritorious official of the whole Luoyang village. Not to mention that her husband died in the road building, that is, at present, the family's children are still crying for food. It's hard for anyone to feel good about it now.

"Folks, I don't have any culture, but I'm still a person who knows big and small things. I agree with him. But no one in Cuicui's family can take care of the children. She begged the big guy to treat them better in the future. Don't be cold and hungry. In this way, I will die in peace. " With that, the pretty widow Cuicui began to sob.

The folk custom of Luoyang village is very simple, and the feelings of the villagers are also very good. At present, Cuicui cried so pitifully that several simple aunts and aunts answered Cuicui's request. A group of people hugged and cried.

The life of the villagers in Luoyang village is too hard.

The next morning, Cuicui was carried to the river at the head of Luoyang village. Then, in front of all the villagers, he stripped off Cuicui's skin and put it on himself. "It's good, it's good to be one," she says. Hehehe ~ "

the villagers just dare to be angry and dare not to speak. They murmured in their hearts when the Wenqu star would come down to the earth, or the villagers would die.

Decades have passed.

The custom of Luoyang village is still going on. Although the population of the village is increasing, there are fewer and fewer beautiful widows.

"Wufeng, you are the most beautiful woman among the widows in my village. What can you do about marrying Helang this year? Alas Several old women at the head of the village got together and surrounded the five winds in the middle.

"Oh, Wufeng, your stomach..."

"Yes, aunt Yang, I'm three months pregnant." Finish saying five breeze bow head, coy smile.

"Oh, that's great. In this way, we can avoid the marriage of the five winds next year." Aunt Yang's face was happy, and she touched the stomach of five winds and murmured to herself. "Cuicui, Cuicui, my aunt will keep the five winds for you."

The sun was half set and smoke was rising from every household.

Wufeng carries a basket and goes home to cook. Just entered the house, is planning to have a drink of hydrolysis to quench thirst.

"Wuer, are you at home?"

"Oh, yes, yes."

Hear someone call oneself, five breeze ignore to drink water to go out.

But when Wufeng walked out of the house and looked left and right, he couldn't find the figure. "It's strange. I heard someone calling my nickname just now."

Five wind blink of an eye, must be next door children prank. Then did not think much, stroked his own big black braid, raised his feet into the door.

But when Wufeng cooks, he always feels that someone is on his back and his ears are breathing. The longer the time, the stronger the feeling. Five wind after dinner, has been pressed straight waist. She was dizzy and lying on the Kang, thinking that it might be OK to have a rest.

But after a while, she fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, the idols she worshipped at home glowed with gold.

See that light more and more bright, and finally converge into a point, slowly drift into the belly of five winds.

In her sleep, Wufeng is in the South China Sea, and a woman with pure and good looks hands her a swaddling baby. She took it and saw that it was a white and tender baby. For a moment, she was so maternal that she reached out to tease the baby. And a golden screen cover will two people in the center, until the transparent disappeared.

That night, all the chickens and dogs in Luoyang village knelt down on the ground, quietly singing in harmony, as if to greet something sacred.

"Five winds, five winds, you must hold on."

"Force, force, wind, you're going to give birth to the baby." The narrow room was full of women, all anxiously looking at Luo Wufeng, the dying woman on the Kang.

Bean big sweat from her face Susu down, pale face without a trace of blood. "My child, my child ~"

"Oh, the wind, the child is here. You see. " Aunt Yang was holding her newborn baby and happily pushed forward.

The child was also strange. He was born without crying. Instead, he blinked and looked around with black eyes. The midwife took off her swaddling clothes and was ready to pat her buttocks to make her cry. But when she turned around, she found that there was a birthmark on her right buttock. Looking at it carefully, she felt like a flower that she had never seen before.Coincidentally, the flowers outside the house also spread all over Luoyang village for a while. The fragrance of flowers is rich and permeates everyone's breath. People in the village tell each other that the five winds of the Luo family have given birth to Wenqu star. The turning point of Luoyang village is finally coming.

But at the same time, in another corner of Luoyang village. Haizi, who had disappeared for a long time, held a baby girl in his arms. After a long gaze, he took off the Yellow symbol hanging on the baby girl's neck. He cut his hand like he had made a decision, and fed the baby girl with blood. After eating a few drops of blood, her face actually showed a satisfied smile, and then her face began to change. Finally, her eyebrows and eyes were the same as that of Li Juan when she was a child.

Seeing this, Haizi knew that the plan had been half completed. He stood up and laughed at the deep valley with horror: "the stars of Wenqu have appeared. I have been waiting for the opportunity for many years. Finally, Jie Jie Jie ~"

in the blue sky, a golden light disappears after the flowers of Luoyang village bloom everywhere. But then came a monk in rags at the entrance of the village.

"Benefactor, can this baby boy just give birth to me Before anyone could talk to him, the monk strode into the room, held the child in his arms, put his finger on the Yintang, and muttered to himself.

"Tut, it's really a Wen Qu, good, excellent!"

The villagers were overjoyed when they saw this. They all came to the monk and asked about it.

"Master, can this child protect me from marrying Helang in Luojia village?"

"Of course, the location of Wenqu star is peaceful and healthy. But... "

"But what? Master, but it doesn't matter Seeing the monk's hesitation, the villagers were afraid of any change. After all, this married he Lang, but took half the life of Luoyang village.

"This song is for a man, in case he can't bear the fortune and lead to disaster. You need to do the following: first of all, this man has no lack of name, which means that there is no lack of five elements. In this way, whenever there is a disaster, he will be able to open the way with good fortune and avoid ghosts and evil spirits. Moreover, he must be surnamed ye. I can't say much about this reason. Second, after he is nine years old, he will leave here. When he is sent to the village, he needs to wear baijiayi and hold baijiafan in his hand. He can't go back for a hundred steps. Remember, remember. "

With these words, the monk did not stay much. Put down a Stone Tiger Pendant and left in a hurry.

Nine years passed in a flash.

"No need, what are you doing? I won't take you if you linger like this again."

"Oh, here it is." No lack of care to eat too much, hastily picked up two mouthfuls of rice and rushed to the door with a small cloth bag.

"Oh, no need, slow down." Looking at her son's back, Luo Wufeng has no choice but to smile. This child, disposition also don't know to follow who, always so how how wheezing.

Grasping the small cloth bag in his hand, ye Wuque secretly congratulates that the bait inside has not been found. I don't know why, Aung always keeps him away from the water. So this time, he discussed with Da Hu Xiaowei about going fishing. Ye Wuqian didn't even dare to mention it.

It's not that he's too fond of playing. It's just that my aunt's body has been very good all the time, but I don't know what's wrong with her in recent days. She's always coughing, so ye Wuxiang thinks about catching a fish for her to make up for her.

"No lack, you see the river at the entrance of the village" big tiger put down the things in his hand, pointed to the front and said happily.

And Xiaowei and ye Wuque are both close to the river for the first time, so they seem excited and curious.

The river is clear to the bottom, and the fish are also dazzling. Gurgling water, gusts of breeze. Originally a beautiful scene, but let ye Wuque feel a bit depressed for no reason, just like walking into a huge bowl, and she is the food to be slaughtered.

"Tiger, we'd better go back. There's something strange here."

"What's so strange? Ye Wuque, you're not afraid of water. Ha ha, ye Wuqian, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, is afraid of water. " The tiger felt that he had found the weakness of Ye Wuwei and only covered his stomach with laughter.

"Who is afraid of water? Don't talk nonsense. I just feel sick and want to have a rest." Ye Wuqian's innate pride does not allow anyone to laugh at him. Just as he was going to get over it and go into the water to catch the fish, the hot temperature suddenly came from his neck.

"Oh, it's burning me to death!"

Ye Wuque quickly opened the collar, just reached in and touched the hot pendant. He took it out and saw that he was almost scared to death.

What's the matter? The stone tiger's eyes, which were originally closed, were opened, and their eyes were like torches, just like living ones.

Although the stone tiger's change scared ye Wuque a big jump, but the temperature from the palm of his hand inexplicably let him feel at ease. But before he put the stone tiger into his clothes, the cry for help came from the river.

"Help me, ah, help"

Ye Wumian ran to the river to save people, but as soon as he looked up, he had nightmares in the future.

I saw a small white bearded old man riding on the tiger's shoulder, with a fishing rod in his hand, and pushed the hook into the tiger's mouth. Poor tiger, mouth has been a sharp hook hook hook several holes, blood babbling non-stop, like a river stream. Seeing that the tiger has been unable to support and is about to sink, ye Wuxiang is afraid of it. He shouts for help and picks up the stone by the river and throws it at the old man with white beard.But the child's strength is really small, and the tiger is far away. The stones thrown out don't hit him. Ye Wuqian screams in a hurry, and Xiaowei, who is timid, faints.

At this time, the old man with white beard became more and more arrogant. He looked at ye Wumian's eyes directly. Then Jie Jie laughed and twisted the tiger's head several times, ending his life.

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