"The decision made by elder martial brother is of course excellent." No monk turned around and left the room, and Taoist priest Qingyun saw that the matter had come to an end, so he said nothing more.

"By the way, younger martial brother, I'll ask the cook to make you your favorite vegetarian food in the evening." Taking back his solemn expression, Taoist priest Qingyun walked in front of him and waved his hand with a smile.

"The elder martial brother still remembers." No monk finally showed a smile.

And the next second, he pinched his finger slightly, even though there would be a big event in the Taoist temple tonight.

So quietly, no monk quietly spread a layer of colorless and tasteless powder on his way.

This powder has an unknown effect. It is said that a long time ago, a flower which does not belong to the underworld was opened on the other side of the flower, and this black flower became the bag of his concubine at that time.

The king of the underworld was very fond of his concubine, and he was basically responsive to her demands, so for a while, that concubine was very popular.

In this way, all the concubine's concubine's behavior was not used to by all his concubines.

So they gathered together and tried to make the so-called concubine suffer a little.

During the absence of Hades, one of the representatives of those concubines, Yueru, designed to let his concubine come to the river alone, and pushed her into the river when she didn't notice.

The concubine of Hades is just a weak woman who has no strength to bind a chicken. Therefore, in the fast flowing river, she struggles hard, but still can not escape the fate of being drowned.

Because of the particularity of the river, his concubine disappeared in a short time, and her whole body's blood, at the moment after her death, dyed the black flower she wore on her chest completely red

after the king came back, he found that his favorite woman had been poisoned. In a fit of anger, he pushed all his concubines to the river She was buried with her.

This incident was once well known in the underworld. Because of his special love, he never touched a woman again in the next few hundred years. It has to be said that the tyrannical Pluto is still worthy of admiration in this respect.

And the black flower that Hades wears on love body, also disappeared in that farce, some people say, that flower represents, bad luck. But at the same time, the huge energy contained in that flower is beyond our reach. After all, there is one tenth of the power of Hades.

If someone gets that flower, it means that he has got part of the ability of Hades. This huge temptation is yearning for all the people in the three realms.

Now no monk, the pot of powder in his hand is the legendary black flower of doom.

An ordinary monk has such a valuable thing. It can be seen that he has no need to be a monk. It is absolutely extraordinary.

After turning the whole courtyard, the monk turned and walked into the room where he lived. After closing the door gently, no monk took off the outer cassock.

Then no monk spread it on the bed, then took out a snow-white goose feather fan, put it on it, and swept it gently. Soon, a dark black fog came out from above.

Monk Wu seems to have been used to this phenomenon for a long time, so he just took out the wooden fish, sat cross legged on the ground, and began to read the Buddhist scriptures in the easternmost direction. As he moved on, the Buddha light on his cassock gradually appeared. He was very pleased to see this scene.

It seems that his elder martial brother managed this little Taoist temple quite successfully, so even the little demons and monsters around him are so pure and natural.

Unlike those formidable monsters on the top of their own mountains, it takes some effort to clean them up.

After finishing dressing, no monk opened the door and went out, and ran into the piano player mentioned before.

After nodding and smiling, they passed each other. During this period, they did not say a word more, but in their eyes, there was a flash of essence.

Just at this time, Taoist priest Qingyun came over and ran into the scene. After frowning slightly, Taoist priest Qingyun pulled away the monk.

Before the monk left, he turned his head and looked at the zither player.

Two people's eyes are opposite, there is not a trace of emotion, but do not know why, they have a trace of hostility to each other.

"Younger martial brother, what are you looking at? How can you be so attentive? " Taoist priest Qingyun quietly blocked the sight of the monk, but unconsciously, he was still a little flustered, hoping that things would not be too bad.

"It's OK. That zither player is a little strange. You should be careful, elder martial brother." Without the monk's instructions, he left there one step at a time.

And Taoist priest Qingyun looked at his back for a long time, "after so many years, have you not let go?"

After the helpless sigh, Qingyun Taoist priest threw his robe and followed him.

After dinner, ye Wuhai wakes up again.The Taoist priest Qingyun and monk Wuwu who received the news rushed to study Ye Wuqian for a while.

"Why am I here? I'm looking for my aunt Ye Wuqi is afraid of the strange environment and yells to go back as soon as he wakes up.

After shaking his head, Qingyun Taoist priest held ye Wuque in his arms.

"That's a dream you had, and that dream exists to mold you. So now it's time for you to wake up! " Taoist priest Qingyun still has pity on Ye Wuqian. After all, anyone who wakes up can't accept this fact.

"You're lying! How is that possible? I'm going to find my grandmother! Go away Ye Wuque's mood is close to collapse, and no monk can't see it any more, so he comes to point ye Wuque's acupoint.

The poor leaf does not lack at this time can only sit on the bed, the slightest movement is unable to move.

Although Taoist priest Qingyun doesn't agree with the practice of no monk, at present, there is only one way.

After touching his beard, Qingyun Taoist priest lowered his body and tried to be parallel with Ye Wuwei's line of sight.

At this time, the leaf is close to the edge of collapse.

"I don't believe it. I want my grandmother!" Ye Wuque is in the heart, countless times shouting this sentence. But the facts were already in front of him, and he couldn't help believing it.

"My child, life and death depend on life and fortune, so you should be indifferent to all these things." Qingyun Taoist priest's words, let ye Wuque almost despair in the eyes, pan not a trace of waves.

There is no need for the monk to stand aside and look on coldly at what happened at this time.

But ye Wuque's heartbroken expression at this time makes everyone have a trace of sympathy for him.

But now the matter has become a foregone conclusion, ye Wuqian has to accept this reality in any case. However, should he really shoulder such a heavy burden when he is only nine years old?

Taoist priest Qingyun has no way to know, but since heaven has chosen Ye Wuqian, it proves that he has certain strength.

Holding up ye Wumian's face, Taoist priest Qingyun looked at it carefully for the first time. Whether the fate of this young face is determined by heaven or man can conquer heaven depends on ye Wumian's later creation.

At this time, just from the face, Taoist priest Qingyun suddenly found that the chosen savior had a face of great wealth and great wealth. Strange, this shouldn't be ah, as the Savior, there should be a big look, because only in this way can we break through all kinds of disasters.

Shaking his head gently, Taoist priest Qingyun is more and more suspicious of his master's choice. Is it the child in front of him who will save people in the war 30 years later?

For a while, Taoist priest Qingyun couldn't figure it out. But since it was his master's choice, Taoist priest Qingyun could only believe it unconditionally and obey his instructions. He would exercise this strange bone child and let him learn some knowledge of Taoism. Fortunately, he would fight the hell with Hades in the coming war.

But judging from the current situation, ye Wuqian is afraid that he has no heart to learn. Therefore, Taoist priest Qingyun must think of a way to let ye Wuque forget his pain for a while and face a new tomorrow. But what should he do now?

In desperation, Taoist priest Qingyun turned his eyes to monk Wuwu, who just looked back at him and made a gesture to remove the heart. Taoist priest Qingyun did not agree with this practice. After all, the heart is the most important organ for a person.

If you remove the heart, you can make people forget the pain for a while, which is too expensive for ye Wuxiang.

After thinking about it, Taoist priest Qingyun suddenly remembered a secret method he had seen in the book. It is said that if you can put crocodile tears and phoenix feathers together, paste melting Rune paper, and put them in the moonlight, and read the Buddhist Scriptures for three hours.

You will get an ancient potion, which can make people forget the pain for a while. Its effective time is ten years. Taoist priest Qingyun pinches his fingers and thinks that the time is just right. So after ye Wuqian has a rest, he takes the monk and goes to the library.

For a long time no one stepped into the library, at this time has fallen a layer of ashes.

"Master, don't you want to clean up frequently? How did you make the library like this Monk needn't feel speechless about the scene he saw. He thought his elder martial brother had made progress, but he didn't expect that after so many years, he still had the same temperament.

"I have a lot of things on my side, so I gave the logistics to mulberry. I didn't expect that this little fat man was lazy all day." Rubbing hands, Taoist priest Qingyun said with some embarrassment.

No need monk white his one eye, to his this kind of excuse already see strange.

"What floor are you talking about?" The monk did not need to take a look at the old and dilapidated stairs. He was afraid that he would fall down as soon as he stepped on it.

Taoist priest Qingyun naturally saw his thoughts and said with an embarrassed smile: "on the first floor, there are some modern books on the second floor. I specially asked people to take them back from the market!"

With that, Taoist priest Qingyun also took a deep look at the monk.

The monk does not need to know his elder brother's virtue clearly.After two people joked, no monk suddenly frowned.

"No! People from the underworld have broken in! " If you pinch your fingers, you don't need a monk to know what happened.

But Taoist priest Qingyun is still searching for the ancient books there, "don't look for it. Let's go and guard Ye Wuqian as soon as possible."

Taoist priest Qingyun didn't react to him. He didn't need a monk to pull him. Several dodged to the door of Ye Wuqian's wing room.

"Shh, there is a sound inside..." no monk climbed on the door and listened carefully to the sound in the room.

Strangely, there was no sound in the room. No monk felt that this situation was a bit like the tranquility before a storm.

As if in the dark, there is an invisible hand holding the whole Taoist temple. It seems that if one of them does not pay attention, it will kill all the people, and this fatal danger makes the unnecessary monk have one more heart.

Taoist priest Qingyun didn't know what happened. Looking at his younger brother's cautious every move, he immediately understood the seriousness of the matter. However, what he could do now was to follow his younger brother step by step. At the same time, he hoped that he could join hands with his younger martial brother to find out the mastermind behind him. But soon, Taoist priest Qingyun had this idea It was destroyed

because there was a fierce scream from ye Wumian's room. Taoist priest Qingyun was so anxious that he pushed the door open.

There was no need for the monk to stop him. He saw several dark bats flying across the opposite side. Taoist priest Qingyun couldn't avoid it. He was hit in the head by a huge bat king. The accident happened in an instant. Fortunately, monk Wu was so quick that he cut off the head of the bat king and didn't let Taoist priest Qingyun get bat poison.

Taoist priest Qingyun was terrified, but when he reacted, the first thing he thought of was that ye Wumian was lying on the bed. He ran to see ye Wuwei, who had been lying on the bed, but disappeared at this time.

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