When ye Wuque was thinking wildly, a clear female voice came in: "are you ok? Come out quickly. "

Ye Wuque squints his eyes and looks up. He finds that what he is talking to is a little beauty with his age. Ye Wuqian, who has lived in Luoyang village for nine years, has never seen such a beautiful girl,

so now, he is staring at him and is about to see him. But the little girl chuckled and poked him in the forehead with her finger. "What are you looking at? You idiot

Such intimate action, like two people as if they have not been friends for many years in general, ye Wuque instantly blushed. But the little girl, ignoring his shyness, took hold of his shoulder and began to introduce herself: "Hello, my name is arjuan. You can call me JUANJUAN in the future. My good friends call me that. what about you? What's your name? " With that, ah Juan is staring at Ye Wuwei with bright eyes. And ye Wuxiang was flushed with her eyes.

Had to stammer to say: "I my name is leaf without lack, you can call me without lack later." Ye Wuque just finished this sentence, ah Juan took his hand and went straight to a city not far away.

And those strong men who followed her did not dare to have any doubts about her actions. At the gate of the city, the soldiers who defend the city immediately salute ah Juan, who is also natural and generous, and exempts them from etiquette.

Ye Wuqi heard the group called miss arjuan. And until now, ye Wuqian didn't know that the identity of the little girl in front of him was not ordinary, but he didn't think much about it at the moment.

After all, it is a very reassuring thing to have a person of the same age to play with. But what makes Ye Wuqian feel strange is that there seems to be no living person in this city. Even the soldiers walking around the street are dull and blue.

"Strange, where is this?" Ye Wuwei pulls ah Juan's hand and asks in surprise.

But ah Juan did not care to explain: "here? This is my home, ghost city. " "What? Ghost city, where is this? Why have I never heard of it? " Ye Wumian took the opportunity to raise his head and looked around the place.

ah Juan was amused by his action: "OK, don't make a fuss. I'll take you to see a person now." After saying that, ah Juan took ye Wuque and went to the most Western Palace together.

However, ye Wuqian had a new interest in the palace.

How can this palace be built like a coffin?

What is even more surprising is that there are no soldiers guarding the gate of the palace. Are there any ordinary people living there?

Ye Wuqi has not had time to ask questions, ah Juan took his hand, straight into the palace.

But as soon as he entered the door, he felt a cold air invading his bones. "It's so cold, ah Juan. What's this place? It's so dark that I can't see anything clearly. " "Cold? Can you feel cold? Is it strange that you are mortal A Juan stares at ye Wuque up and down, and ye Wuque is in the heart of Maomao in her eyes.

Did you say something wrong? But the next second, a Juan on a pinch ye Wuque's arm, and with him kneeling to the ground.

"Elder sister, I brought him. You come out and have a look now. Don't scare him," Ye Wuqian found that arjuan was talking to the empty palace, and that strange feeling made his back cold.

"Ah Juan, who are you talking to? Don't scare me As soon as ye Wuque's voice fell, a woman dressed in blood red clothes suddenly stood in front of him.

Ye Wuqi was stunned there. "Yes, are you all right?" Ah Juan asked with concern.

But the leaf does not lack to delay for a long time, just hesitated to return a sentence. "L'm fine. "Elder sister told you not to frighten her. Why are you still like this?"

Ah Juan said to the woman with a tone of melancholy, but the woman suddenly swung her sleeves, and the lights in the whole palace were on.

"Your name is Ye Wuqian, aren't you? It looks like that. " The woman in red said this without a clue, and her blood red fingernails, but in the leaf without lack of face scraping.

Ye Wumian stares at her motionless, and those blue eyes, like magic, let Ye Wuqian forget where he is and what he is doing?

"Where are you from? Where are you going? " The woman in red asked.

And ye Wuke, like a puppet with a string, replied with dull eyes: "from Luoyang village, I don't know where to go." "Good, good!" The woman in red snapped her finger.

Ye Wuxiang also suddenly woke up. The woman in red, however, changed her face at this time, with extraordinary enthusiasm, as if the cold person just now was not her.

"No need, come on, don't kneel down, sit down quickly, and you, Xiaojuan, how can you kneel down for your sister? Get up quickly. " A Juan helplessly rolled a white eye.

It seems that his gentle sister is back. "Ah Juan, what's going on? How can she be gentle and cold at one time Ye Wuwei asked carefully, but ah Juan waved her hand helplessly: "my sister, she has a dual personality, but don't be afraid, as long as you follow me all the time, there will be nothing wrong."The voice has just dropped. The woman in red, called Ah Ying, brought a plate of fruit and put it in front of Ye Wuwei with great enthusiasm.

"Are you a mortal? That's great. I've never been to the world. Can you give me what it looks like With that, Ah Ying sat beside Ye Wuqian, holding her head in her hand and looking at him curiously.

Ye Wuqian was a familiar person since he was young, so he was not so rigid at this time. He picked up a pear and ate it. He talked about some interesting things happened in Luoyang village.

"Ha ha ha, it turns out that the world is so interesting. It seems that I have to go around." A Ying just finished this sentence, Xiaojuan covered her mouth: "you are crazy, sister, if this is heard by my brother, we will be punished again." Ah Juan's words seem to remind Ah Ying of something? For a moment his eyes darkened.

"Yes, my brother will punish us." After saying that, Ah Ying left the hall lost.

"Ah Juan, what's wrong with your sister? Wasn't it just fine? " Ye Wuqi asked with a puzzled face.

But ah Juan shook her head and refused to tell him half a minute. Ye Wuque sees a Juan is not willing to say more, also did not continue to ask.

At night ye Wuque just fell asleep when he heard someone knocking on his window.

Ye Wuwei carefully moved to the window to open a look, found that the outside is actually ah Juan.

"Promise me not to go out at night during this time here, will you? If you have anything you want to do, just shake the bell, and then I will come out to accompany you and protect you on the other hand. " Ye Wuque doesn't know why ah Juan wants to charge herself like this, but out of trust, ye Wuhou still nods seriously, indicating that he understands.

But after taking the silver bell in ah Juan's hand, ye Wuqi suddenly felt that this scene had been familiar with each other, and the huge sadness in his heart made him slightly red for a moment.

"Ah Juan, have we ever met somewhere?" Ye Wumian has no head or brain, so that a Juan who is preparing to leave, steps a meal, but she did not turn around.

"We've never met." After saying that, ah Juan left there, and ye Wuwei looked at the long night and could not fall asleep.

It seems that I have to live in this place for some time, but fortunately, ah Juan is still with me.

Put the bell on the head of the bed, ye Wuwu soon fell asleep at ease, and at the moment when he fell asleep.

There was a trace of black air coming out of the bell, and those black gas poured into Ye Wuqi's seven orifices like consciousness, but ye Wuque, who had been sleeping in the past, knew nothing about it.

Here, however, is another scene.

I saw a Juan sitting in front of a huge portrait, looking sad, "brother, what should I do? You can come back. "

If all the people in the three realms know that the Hades has disappeared for 300 years, the underworld will surely encounter chaos.

I think that by that time, even if I try my best, I can't keep my brother's land. Ah Juan sits there, bowing her head.

At the moment, the only way she can think of is to cultivate a puppet similar to her brother's appearance, and then let him cover people's eyes instead of her brother. Ah Juan hopes this method can last until her brother comes back.

Think of here, a Juan's eyes finally jumped out of a glimmer of hope, "ye Wuque, you are my ultimate goal."

Then, a Juan went to the front of the painting, gently pasted her face on it, leaving a few tears of missing.

"Brother, you must come back quickly. Ah Juan, I'm really tired and tired, and I miss you very much."

In the early morning of the next day, ye Wuque ran to the door of ah Juan's room and waited for her. As soon as she went out, she found that ye Wuque was a silly boy with several bright green fruits in his hand waiting for her.

"To ah Juan, this is what I just picked. It's delicious." Ah Juan seems to have returned to the naive little girl before, taking over the fruit of Ye Wuwu's hand. She nibbled gently, and the feeling from her mouth made her taste buds amazing.

"Strange, what kind of fruit is this? It's so delicious. Why didn't you find it before? " Ye Wuqi was embarrassed to scratch his head and said: "this is what I used to pick when I was in Luoyang village. It's delicious. My friends love to eat it. Just when I was wandering around, I found that you had this kind of fruit tree here, so I picked two of them and gave them to you to eat."

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