The leaf is not short of garrulous say, and a Juan But carelessly listen into the fan. "I really envy you so many good friends. From childhood to adulthood, only my brothers and sisters accompany me. But because they are much older than me, there is no common topic between us. Besides reading books and practicing, I have no fun in my daily life.

After finishing, she opened her eyes and looked at the sky in a daze.

Ye Wuque turns his head and looks at the little girl sleeping beside him. However, a kind of desire suddenly arises in his heart. He is eager to take her to escape here, escape this strange world, and then go to find a place suitable for two people to live.

There, there are peach blossom ten miles, there is wine fragrance...

just when ye Wuxiang is absorbed in the thought, there is a sudden explosion in the palace not far away.

"What's the matter? Ah Juan, get up quickly!" Ye Wumian quickly pulls up ah Juan and looks at him not far away.

Judging from the sound of the explosion, the place where the explosion occurred should be arjuan's palace. Without thinking about it, ye Wuque took ah Juan and ran to the place where the explosion happened.

"You can run slowly, you still have injuries on your back." Worried about ye Wuwu's body, ah Juan said in a voice.

But at the moment, ye Wuqian feels that the explosion is a thousand times more important than his body. After all, behind the explosion, someone must have deliberately killed ah Juan.

However, when they ran to the explosion site, they found that a large number of people had gathered there. As soon as they saw Ah Juan coming, they knelt down one after another: "Your Highness, you're here..."

but ah Juan didn't care about the etiquette and wanted to rush inside.

But at this time, the palace is burning a big fire. If ah Juan rushes in at this time, she will be injured and even die. "

Aware of this, ye Wuwei quickly grabbed ah Juan's waist and prevented her from running in madly.

"Ah Juan, are you crazy?" But ah Juan seems to be unable to hear his words, shouting to rush inside.

Because ah Juan knows that there is still a portrait of her brother, and that one is the only one left in the world.

Ah Juan didn't want to lose it, because it was the only thought of her brother.

Seeing the fire, the whole bear's face was burned down.

Ye Wuque couldn't see it any more, so he wet his clothes, held back the pain of tearing heart and lung from his back, and then covered his mouth and wanted to rush in.

Fortunately, a Juan grabbed him, and then they held each other tightly. Only then did she realize that although the painting was important, it was no more important than her brother's country.

If ye Wuqian died in the explosion, there would be no Kui puppet to replace his brother.

In a hurry, ah Juan's ability to judge right and wrong is still there. Otherwise, how can she afford to be the third highness of the nether world city.

But after the explosion, ah Juan has an inexplicable sense of alienation to ye Wuque. Ye Wuque doesn't know what she did wrong, which leads to ah Juan treating herself like this.

In the afternoon, ye Wumian sleeps in the room and stares at the roof of the room and looks at it again: "what should I do to get out of here?"

And now, in addition to prying out the news from ah Juan's mouth, what else can he do?

After thinking about it, ye Wuqian suddenly thought of those residents in the nether city.

Why can't you start with them? Maybe the more common the nether world, the weaker the IQ and low defense psychology?

Thinking of here, ye Wuqian sat up with a pat on his head.

He is really too smart, complacent, he quietly opened the door, and then left the house.

But what ye Wuque doesn't know is that a Juan has already sent someone to follow him secretly, so at this time, ah Juan knows everything about him.

"Report to your highness, Mr. Ye went out alone." "Oh? Did he bring anything with him Ah Juan is lying on the bed and asks with indifference.

At this time, ye Wuque is in a Juan's heart, just a little boy who doesn't know anything. So at present, she has only a little bit of vigilance towards ye Wuque.

"Report to your highness, Mr. Ye didn't bring anything." After listening to this sentence, ah Juan was relieved.

Since he didn't take anything with him, he must not have left secretly. Otherwise, on the road, how can he live without any road fare?

Thinking of this, a Juan waved back the man who watched ye wuflawless. Then she took out a black box, and then cut her finger and dropped blood on it.

At this moment, a magical scene happened. I saw that the lock of the box was opened by itself, but the pattern on the box seemed to have vitality, sucking ah Juan's blood clean.

It seems that it's time to plan ahead of time, ah Juan said to herself. After opening the box, it was just a small manual.

Open the manual, a Juan word by word will be inside the contents of the mind, and then very respectfully put back, continue to lock the box.And ye Wuque here, he almost asked all the people in the nether world, but no one knew the answer he wanted.

However, ye Wuque had to go back to his room dejectedly. At the door of the room, ye Wuque found ah Juan waiting there.

"Yes, what did you do? I've been waiting for you for a long time? " Looking at a few days did not take care of their own ah Juan, at this time smiling face Yingying standing at the door, ye Wuxiang heart of resentment instantly disappeared.

With a smile on her face, ye Wuqian took the cake in ah Juan's hand and asked happily, "what can I do for you? Ah Juan, do you miss me...

ah Juan nodded freely, saying that she did miss Ye Wuxiang recently. In this way, ye Wuqian instantly turned red, like a child who did something wrong. She lowered her head to open the door and said nothing,

"have a taste of the cake I made for you. Is it good?" Ah Juan lies on the table and asks cunningly, but ye Wuque doesn't dare to look at ah Juan's eyes directly at this time.

He picked up a piece of cake and swallowed it. But because he ate too fast, he choked for a moment.

Ah Juan found that there was something wrong with ye Wuque, so she quickly handed him a glass of water.

"Eat slowly, and no one grabs with you..." ye Wuque drinks several big saliva, just returned to normal.

Sitting at a small round table, two people stare at each other with big eyes, "what do you want to see me for?"

In the face of Ye Wuque's question, a Juan falters and haws not to say why, but because of the urgency of time, so now she has no way back to continue to wait.

Take a deep breath. After ajuan adjusts her state, she takes out the paper in her arms.

"Here, this is yours, you have a good look..." and ye Wuque did not go to school for a few days, so he could not recognize all the words on the paper.

Looking at ye Wuque's confused eyes, a Juan doesn't realize that he can't read.

"What's the matter? What's the problem?" A Juan side head asks a way, and leaf is not short in order to cover up his embarrassment, had to shake his head to show that he can understand.

"That's good. Take your time and have a rest early in the evening. I'll come to see you tomorrow." After that, ah Juan leaves, and ye Wuqian sits at the table with a piece of paper he doesn't know.

What should I do! Just now I've talked a lot in front of ah Juan. If tomorrow when ah Juan comes to find her and finds that she can't read at all, how embarrassing it would be!

At the thought of this, ye Wuque scratched his head sadly, but no one could help him at the moment. When the residents outside saw him, they just ignored him as if they were hiding from the plague.

Ye Wuque, after thinking for a long time, did not come up with any good method. In a hurry, he had to write out the words he knew first, and then compared the words on the paper, one by one Point to understand the meaning.

Can see for a long time, leaf without lack also did not see why, what is living habits? Why should I study living habits? Don't I have my own habits?

Really tired of seeing, ye Wuqian wants to go out for a walk and relax. Before he comes to the door, there is a sudden sound of footsteps.

"Who? Who's out there? " Ye Wuwei asked cautiously, and then outside, suddenly quiet down, as if everything just did not happen.

Ye Wuqian doesn't know if he heard it wrong, but the sound just now is very strange. For the sake of safety, ye Wuque is still in the bed and continues to study with that piece of paper.

At this time, outside the door, a woman dressed as a paper man was holding a plate of steamed bread with several red incense sticks in it. Her eyes were staring at her and her face was covered with red rouge.

Her whole body was no different from the paper. What was more terrible was that her face kept an extremely gloomy smile all the time.

And just now, the sound of her footsteps is her. At that time, as soon as she heard ye Wuque's cry, she immediately stopped and stood there staring at ye Wuque's door.

At the same time, he opened his mouth slightly and revealed several sharp fangs: "come out... I'll eat you..."

fortunately, ye Wuxiang didn't go out at that time. After waiting for a while, the paper man was a little impatient, but it seemed that as soon as the paper man approached the door, he would be hit by the electric current.

After two or three times, the paper man gave up Ye Wuwei, and then took the plate of steamed bread and slowly left there.

When the paper man left, she left a piece of paper scraps. Fortunately, there was no wind in the ghost city, so the pile of paper scraps was seen by a Juan early the next morning.

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